After one year of war in Ukraine, Russia has not collapsed in the dramatic way that the United States and its European NATO allies were confidently predicting.
U.S. President Joe Biden in visits to Ukraine and Poland this week hailed the “unity” of NATO and the transatlantic alliance.
The reality is the Western transatlantic alliance is showing signs of fragmenting because of the immense strain on Europe’s economy due to European governments following Washington’s hostile policy towards Russia.
Street protests across Europe are growing against NATO and governing elites seen to be servile to American policy. This is not just about the war in Ukraine. The whole Western capitalist order is shaking at its foundation, largely because of American hegemonic ambitions. The Ukraine war is merely a manifestation of underlying geopolitics.
Contrary to Western great expectations, the Russian economy is holding up strongly and its military operations in Ukraine seem to be gaining the upper hand. This is in spite of the U.S.-led NATO bloc “throwing everything they can” at Russia to defeat it, from endless supplies of weaponry to support the Kiev regime, to endless rounds of economic sanctions in an attempt to collapse the Russian economy.
Glenn Diesen is a Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway. He is an expert in international politics and Russian foreign relations.
Diesen explains that Russia has long been preparing for confrontation with the United States and its European allies. Ever since the U.S.-backed coup in Kiev in 2014 and the Western betrayal of the 2014 and 2015 Minsk peace agreements, Moscow quietly realized that it would have to reinforce its economy to withstand the anticipated Western showdown.
That explains why Russia is not breaking from Western sanctions or from the ferocious military hostility that the U.S. and its NATO have unleashed via Ukraine.
Diesen contends that the strategic confrontation embarked on by Washington against Russia (and China) will rebound by fragmenting the Western transatlantic alliance. We are already witnessing mounting public anger across the European Union against governments who have “committed economic suicide” by siding with Washington and alienating Russia as a reliable trading partner, in particular for affordable and abundant energy resources.
Washington’s Cold War mindset of “us and them”, zero-sum, perpetual conflict, and so on, is going to be its ultimate downfall as it crashes the transatlantic relationship on the altar of hegemonic ambition and imperial dominance.
The European governments have recklessly and foolishly bought into Washington’s agenda for pursuing Western hegemony. In doing so, European elites are destroying their own national economies and provoking growing public discontent and protests. European states and the European Union itself are in danger of collapsing from economic ruination, not Russia. This, in turn, is fomenting popular anger towards Washington and undermining the supposed bedrock of Western unity.
The West has miscalculated the impact of the Ukraine war because it failed to understand the emergence of the multipolar global economy and how their economic sanctions have no longer the coercive power they once had.
Russia is not backing down because it doesn’t have to. That cannot be said for the U.S. and its European allies who are increasingly looking at a weakened geopolitical position.

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the book, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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>>You must realize that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the power of the German people, which they want to crush forever, whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest…this war is England’s war. Its aim is the destruction of Germany<>” ….our Jewish interest demand the destruction of Germany. The German people are a danger to us…!” Zionist V.Shabotinski >>This war now decided against Germany is a holy war. It must be waged against Germany to its end, to its destruction.<<(Samuel Untermayer, President of the "International Jewish Federation to combat Hitlerite Oppression of Jewish," official Jewish declaration of war, August 1933)„Die NATO wurden geschaffen, um die Russen draussen und die Amerikaner drinnen und die Deutschen unten zu halten“ Lord Hastings 1.otan Group Corp. GeneralSekr. 1952 ["and this is still valid by 666% today"]
[“Thanks 4this article, however there is an important ERROR sold to us worldwide, installed by the FREEMASONS-NATIONAL-ZIONISM-BLUE-WHITE propaganda , that the Russians an the Germans and the Europeans and all NORTH-Americans a.s.o are the BAD GUYS and looking for WAR…NO the Folks, ThePeople, the betrayed, deceived (nasa) misinformed, via MIL.RE-EDUCATED (Eisenhower-Program) CIVILISTS never ever are looking and looked for destruction, planned GENOZID, never did..please read: and the Germans are labeled as >>Stranded Foreigner of an Occupied Country<>D>> DE>> DELAWARE as COMPANIES, working hand in hand with the IRS and Dep.of the Treasury, having on all seven Continents their US-MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CORP. installed and doing the ADMIN SERVICES WORK and these so called GOVs, like UNITED STATES INC. of America, or FEDERAL REPUBLIK of A-Z. claiming themselves to be the sovereign STATE. NO, they are WARRIORS, organized by the FREEMASONS-BANKSTERS ZIONISM…”]
ii)[“So behind of that are the 3+1 private commercial ALLIES, selling that as: GB-US-CHINA versus RUSSIA FEDERATION CORP. ….But that’s important to write all day long: the otan Group is a private commercial Org Corp, called NATO. BLUE WHITE…and the UNO = a private commercial Org.Corp. as well, with the PRODUCTS EUROPE™ and NWO™ supported by private commercial MIL.CORP. INDUSTRIES, selling this as sovereign Army, MILITARY, to protect what?? No the Constitutions, or HumanRights….noap, ONLY TERMS of CONDITIONS made by the sworn MASONS in their BAR-ASSOCIATION Corp, City of LONDON which belongs to the CITY of ROME which belongs to the BLACK NOBILITY represented by the private commercial ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH via the JESUITBROTHERS and related satanic MASONS-CLUBS, with its PRESIDENT of, called PAPAM…which controls via the ROMAN CANON LAW the ToCs of the ROYAL ADMIRALTY LAND&SEA with the MARITIME LAW and the active MARTIAL LAW, all together sold as TRADE-WAR, which is nothing else than the old PROGRAM, to install the 4th Jisraelian Babylonian One-World-EMPIRE, of the ZIONISM, ILLUMINATI under the CEPTER of ISIS-AmunRa en EL Ba’al…”]
iii)[“Its all about PRIVATE COMMERCE by BIIIG FAMILIES up to the High Nobility Houses and has NOTHING to do with ThePeople, Folks, :Mann, :Woman, called Humans, but for them their PRODUCTS SERVI=SLAVE=Person; PERSON= BONDS…. It’s a simple BELIEVE-WAR, POLYTEHISM versus MONOTHEISM = ZIONISM versus CHRISTIANITY. Read >>Hooton-Kaufman; Coudenhove.Kalergi; Morgenthau PLANS, the DEPOPULATION PLAN the UN2001Replacement Migration Plan and the Agendas<>4thIND REVOLUTION<>GreatReSet<<, to get rid of ALLLLLLLL DEBTS, as DEBITORS PLUS us, the People on this Planet, as their one and only KREDITORS, to declare CAPITAL-LOSS on SEA, to plunder as PIRATS than our COLLATERAL-ACCOUNTS, created by our Names, NAMES, ID-Numbers. And for this, they neeeeeed urgently the OPEN WAR, to make their PROFITS and eliminating the West-European People, especially the Germans. ..”]
iiii)[“ Read the jisraelian-babylonian Talmud, the Tanach and Thora, these are their devilish Roadbooks, since this IDEOLOGY and the FREE-MASONS, based on KING NIMROD X, have take over since app. 8000 Years first Europe than the rest of the world, based on the old Roman Empire, which JURISDICTION is stil active. That’s it. So, please use always the right Forms and TITLES, so the CONTRACTORS are shown up, WHO are involved in their TRADE-WAR against our free will and without asking us, IF these illegal NGO-CORPORATIONS with their ILO-EMPLOYEES as Man or Woman, as fictional PERSONS with TITLES and COSTUMES are allowed to run their sworn CAPITAL-CRIMES for PROFIT and POWER and POSSESION of all 5 Elements, without our permissions, they DO NOT have, on all Continents in written documented Forms and private signatures with blue wet ink and red fingerprint. They don’t have. We do NOT have sovereign ADMINS and GOVERNMENTS they ALL are PRIVATE COMERCIAL FIRMS with ugly deadly TERMS of CONDITIONS. No more no less. We are their VICTIMS, as CREDITORS they are the satanic DEBTORES, scarifying us to their LORDS, called ISIS, AmunRa, El Ba’al.“] Izs our turn 180° and responsiblity to say NO!!! ALL HANDS off their ssatanic dirty foulish DECKS.. NO ENERGY-WIND in their PIRAT-SAILS !!
On February 24, Ukrainians dragged a wrecked tank of the RF Armed Forces to the Russian embassy on Berlin’s Unter den Liden street in the hope of humiliating Russia and its army. But Bandera’s trick turned into a disgrace for its organizers.
On February 25, a string of Germans reached the tank, all of them carrying red flowers, and soon a wall of red roses and carnations grew around the tank.
The yellow-blue flag of Petliura was torn off by the participants of the action from the top of the tank.
“We need to talk to each other. We are not enemies. We are not against Ukraine and not against Russians. We are friends, we have been building these relationships for 30 years”; “I am here because I want to protest what is happening in Germany” – these are the words of ordinary Germans who see that the States are pushing Europe into a new war with Russia, hoping to sit out across the Atlantic as before.
Recall that yesterday a rally “For Peace” was held at the Brandenburg Gate, thousands of Germans opposed the supply of weapons to Ukraine.
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