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Tag: Zelensky

NATO Divide Growing, US & EU May Drastically Reduce Ukraine Aid...

The present military balance on the Ukrainian battlefield overwhelmingly favors Russia which carried out a partial mobilization of military reservists last year.

Ukraine Used Chemical Weapons Near Ugledar

The explosive detonated and two Russian troops exposed to the attack suffered lung burns, the officer said, adding that both men had the telltale symptoms of poisoning, including vomiting and irritation of mucous membranes.

Ukraine Was Not Built To Last

The present disaster in Ukraine incepted in the Washington-sponsored Maidan coup of February 2014. Among other things it was a "revenge intervention" designed to punish Russia for being so bold as to thwart the neocon regime change adventure in Syria.

UKRAINE WAR: Is Russia Destroying Zelensky’s Reserves Near Volchanks?

Recently, the Ukrainian command has been actively increasing the concentration of forces and means of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the northeast of...

Russian Minister Medvedev: If US Deploys ‘Peacekeepers’ to Ukraine, We Will...

Russia will consider so-called NATO peacekeepers as legitimate targets if they get deployed in Ukraine on the front line, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry...

Scope Of International Contest Will Result In Doubt

This is crucial. Japan’s prime minister Fumio Kishida unexpectedly visits Kyiv while China’s dictator, Xi, is in Moscow. It would appear that the scope...

Nuke Scare: Russian General Threatens Use of Doomsday Torpedo to...

A weapon like Poseidon might theoretically be launched from a port or a naval base, but mounting it on a submarine makes it harder to find and neutralize.

USA: Ukraine’s Ammunition Use Unsustainable

Two unnamed US officials told the Times that the Pentagon has raised the issue of Ukraine’s ammunition use in Bakhmut after a few days of non-stop firing. Ukraine’s war effort is entirely reliant on support from the US, as the Pentagon has shipped millions of artillery shells to the country.

Is Ukraine Falling Apart Under Putin’s Attacks?

is it time for Ukraine to fall back, regroup, give themselves a couple of days to build up ammunition, and then dig in and try and hold the line again?

Moscow opens Criminal Case Against ICC Prosecutor Khan

On the cover image the International Criminal Court Karim Ahmad Khan met President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky a few days before the arrest warrant...

Douglas McGregor: US cannot afford war with Russia

A former colonel in the US Army, and now a well-known military expert, Douglas McGregor spoke about the course of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. He made harsh statements in a conversation with the famous American TV presenter Tucker Carlson.

2nd Kinzhal Attack Hits NATO’s Western Command Center 80 meters Underground,...

The village of Kolbasna has an enormous X-soviet ammunitions warehouse that the Ukros are desperate to acquire. One of the goals of the RF is to establish a land corridor to Transnistria. The Ukrainian forces/Azov battalion pretext for the invasion will be a fake invasion by Russian troops in Priednestrovie. Currently the RF is jamming all communications in the region.

Russia Downing US drones saves thousands of lives

As we all know now, on March 14, a United States Air Force MQ-9 “Reaper” drone (presumably the latest Block 5 variant) was downed approximately 70 km off the coast of the Crimean Peninsula in southern Russia.

The weight of Russian manpower is crushing Ukrainians

"When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers...we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations."

The ASHKENAZI Origins of HITLER. A Journalistic Scoop becomes a Fake-News...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO All Italian articles linked in the one can be read in English with simultaneous...

Russia Downs US Drone Running Target Acquistion for HIMARS

American drones have been directly involved in combat operations using ‘international waters’…which is NOT a legal protection for attacks on Russian territory….not hardly.

Russia Finally Admits to Destroying NATO’s Deep Underground Command Bunker in...

The head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy, German Galushchenko, separately admitted that the missile attack damaged at least three thermal power plants.

Russian Navy to upgrade vessels with Kalibr cruise missiles

In total, there will be 80 attack missiles on the vessel — a record number for the Russian surface fleet, according to the naval expert.

New Russian Hypersonic Air To Air Missile Deployed in Ukraine Makes...

The new Russian R-37M air-to-air missile has shown the highest combat effectiveness during its use as part of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, an informed source told Sputnik.

Putin just changed EVERYTHING with this move and NATO can’t do...

Ukraine is on the ropes, no matter what Ukraine or NATO does.

Russian Hypersonic Missiles Wipe Out US/NATO Secret Command in Kiev, Dozens...

Insiders reported heavy losses among the officers, including American ones. It seems that the “shadow General Staff” of the proxy-NATO got a lot.

Why the Armed Forces of Ukraine are leaving Artemivsk

Military expert Viktor Litovkin, in turn, expressed the opinion that the order for the retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Artemovsk could indeed mean the withdrawal of troops and their subsequent regrouping.

Col. MacGregor: Ukraine has been DESTROYED and there’s nothing left

Ukrainian president Zelensky just admitted that American troops will be needed to keep Ukraine from total collapse.

NATO’s Increased Arms Supplies to Kiev Regime Don’t Lead to Ukraine’s...

Russian Defense Ministry Sergey Shoigu has said that NATO's increased arms supplies to the Kiev regime won't bring Ukraine success on the battlefield.

Russian Military Destroys Submariners’ Base in Nikolaev City

A base of Ukrainian submariners in the city of Nikolaev, where UK military instructors had been preparing drones for attacks on Russia’s military ships, has been destroyed by the Russian military, a member of local resistance in Nikolaev has told Sputnik.

Top Biden officials address pro-war rally led by Ukrainian Nazi supporters

USAID’s Samantha Power joined EU and US officials who rallied at the Lincoln Memorial at a pro-war demonstration organized by a clique of Ukrainian activists that have described themselves as “true Banderites” and “Right Sektor’s Washington DC branch.”

Bakhmut Ukraine Retreats; Outnumbered 10-1 Artillery

Imagine you are in the Ukraine war, and you are being outnumbered by 10-1. Wouldn't you throw in the towel and surrender? 

Khazarian Mafia at War: The Jewish Oligarch Who Planned the Terror...

The organizer of the terrorist incident near the two states’ shared border moved to Kiev in 2017 and has a long association with far-right violence.

How Russia managed to survive Western sanctions

Russia’s economy is “showing some resilience,” according to Kirby, who added, however, that it’s not clear whether this “can be sustained for the long haul.”

Russian forces eliminating Ukrainian saboteurs that violated border

Russian forces are conducting an operation against a group of Ukrainian saboteurs that intruded across the border into Bryansk region, the Federal Security Service (FSB) said on Thursday.

Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s Formal Complaint to UN over Persecution and Religious...

On the cover image the metropolitan Onufriy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church  The Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) has lodged a formal complaint with UN Secretary-General...

US Plans to Carry Out False-Flag Op in Ukraine Using Toxic...

“We regard this information as the intention of the United States itself and its accomplices to carry out a provocation in Ukraine using toxic chemicals,” Lt. Gen. Kirillov said.

The War in Ukraine: What Happens Afterwards?

The players in this latest grand global tragedy including Biden, Zelensky, Johnson, Truss, Sunak, Macron, Scholz and of course, Putin, deserve no praise whatsoever. They have made the world a much more dangerous place.

How Russia learned to stop worrying about US-led oil sanctions by...

The measure could also prove to be more disruptive for Western European nations, which relied on Russia for about 40% of their refined product imports. Perhaps most importantly, Russian diesel made up for a deficit in their own production.

NATO Is a Suicide Pill for the World. Pray That Russia...

NATO is already now in a direct war with Russia and Russia has every right to strike targets in NATO countries like Germany and Poland that are acting as logistical centers in the supply of munitions to Ukraine.

Why the Ukraine War Spells Doom For U.S. Hegemony and the...

The West has miscalculated the impact of the Ukraine war because it failed to understand the emergence of the multipolar global economy and how their economic sanctions have no longer the coercive power they once had.

Ukraine War Anniversary: UN and China Work for Peace, Devilish Zelensky...

On the cover image Ukraine president and a Russian peacekeeper at the checkpoint near the entrance to the town of Bender Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe...

Ukrainians Are Fake Nazis, Goyim Slaves of Zionist Extremism

The name is really more than honorary for the brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – such a name during the years of World War II was worn by the 1st mountain infantry division of the Wehrmacht. It was an elite unit, just like the Division Großdeutschland.

Guardian: Russia Winning Unless NATO Invades

The war with Ukraine will be over unless the EU finds a way in weeks to speed up the provision of ammunition to Ukraine, Josep Borrell, the EU foreign affairs chief, warned on the final day of the Munich security conference.