TRUTH JIHAD: Kevin Barrett interviews Peter Myers on fake news, George Soros, and the New World Order

Truth Jihad Radio asks did newly-elected Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz eject George Soros's foundations from the country?


Peter Myers interviewed by Kevin Barrett, VT Editor

Did newly-elected Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz eject George Soros’s foundations from the country? And is Kurz a 9/11 truther who was “red pilled” by watching Loose Change? Those claims were made last month in a story headlined “Youngest World Leader Bans George Soros’s Foundations From Austria” published by a dubious site called But the claims are false. It’s fake news.

Does that mean we should trust PolitiFact, the site that debunked the story? Not really. PolitiFact recently “debunked” an obviously satirical story on Bowie Bergdahl wandering out of his court martial.… .

In a media world full of fake news peddling knaves like YourNewsWire and “debunker” fools like PolitiFact, how can we tell what’s real from what’s fake?

  1. Rule number one: Read carefully (don’t just skim) with your Common Sense Circuit on and your BS Detector operating.
  2. Rule number two: If it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t.
  3. Rule number three: Avoid disinfo-peddling sites like YourNewsWire, and be wary of sites that target an audience of unsophisticated rubes, like Fox and Breitbart.
  4. Rule number four: Find good sources, such as alternative journalists who are well-versed in their material, don’t talk down to their audience, and know how to do research…people like today’s guest, Peter Myers.

Peter’s website,, is a terrific resource for reality-based New World Order skeptics.


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