Largest Study on Home Coronavirus Antibody Testing Has First Findings


100,000 people across England have tested themselves for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at home as part of a major research programme.

100,000 people across England self-tested (finger prick) and findings show that just under 6% of the population had antibodies to COVID-19. Antibody presence in a sample would indicate that that person has indeed contracted COVID-19 at some point.  While the article has not yet been peer-reviewed, numbers tend to stand alone when looking at a subset of a population.  

As in the U.S. workers in health care and care homes were the most likely to be infected and the minority populations were 2 to 3 times more likely to have had COVID-19. Antibodies were found in 96% of those who had a confirmed previous infection with those who had the more severe symptoms had higher numbers of antibodies….Carol 



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  1. Anti-bodies specific to
    COVID-19, or Corona Virus, in general ?
    The findings without a peer review, aren’t worth much.
    That the statistics presented to public view are corrupted by Government manipulation for the purpose of inflating the threat of contracting the virus.
    These are documented fact, and the order to use fraudulent means to manipulate the stats, by falsifying documents is recorded on video of Trump’s statement ordering the changes.
    UK mirrors the methods used in US, on reporting statistics, and the ridiculous practices US Government’s spycare alphabet agencies have determined to slow the spread the virus using the most ineffective, and harmful means, and against all known medical practices worldwide.
    It follows that UK research, testing, and statistics are equally corrupted in exactly the same manner.
    So, what do these statistics tell us goyim ?

    • Jim Allen, Scientific methods are universal in how they are used. UK research and American research would follow the scientific rules to bring out true/accurate results. What I take away from this information is that many people have had coronavirus, but did not know they were sick with it. This goes along with the fact that we get spreading of this virus from people who do not know they are carrying coronavirus. This is a major issue in why we continue to see more cases and deaths. As in the U.S., healthcare workers and people of color bear more of a burden of getting COVID-19. At the forefront would be the fact that both groups are frontline workers with people who are ill, quite possibly with coronavirus, but also because of jobs they hold that place them in a position to contract coronavirus. Overall the pattern for coronavirus cases are the same in both countries and if other countries also did such a study, we would see that coronavirus acts the same across the countries, thus the cause for pandemic proportions.

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