Michigan: Nazi Militia Vandalizes Jewish Cemetery to Celebrate Trump’s Final Campaign Rally


“Make no mistake, this heinous act was committed on the eve of the 2020 election to send an intimidating message to the president’s opponents, and particularly, Jewish voters. But it has failed”

Watch what happens when Trump backers realize a Jew was at one of their rally’s, the secret deleted scene from Borat:

Daily Beast: Headstones at a Jewish cemetery in Grand Rapids were reportedly vandalized with pro-Trump messages just hours before the president’s rally in the Michigan city.

“We are appalled and outraged by the desecration of Ahavas Israel cemetery in Grand Rapids, a year after the city’s reform synagogue was vandalized with antisemitic imager, and on the day Donald Trump is slated to close his campaign with a rally in Grand Rapids,” the Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus said in a statement.

“Make no mistake, this heinous act was committed on the eve of the 2020 election to send an intimidating message to the president’s opponents, and particularly Jewish voters.”

Photos posted to social media by the group showed several gravestones defaced with large red letters spelling out “Trump” and “MAGA.” The Anti-Defamation League in Michigan said it was “appalled” and vowed to investigate the desecration with community members and authorities.



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  1. Did anyone see the act of desecration or are these Head Lines just Allegations? Swastikas at strategic moments painted on Jewish Cemeteries world wide are quite a common occurrence. These incidents are always reported as Pro Nazi activity. No actual proof of those allegations is ever forthcoming. Most people visiting Jewish Cemeteries on Legitimate Explicable Business are Jewish.

    One question followed by a series of facts.

  2. Again , just for clarification in disregard of the time we may be in, this could certainly be considered anti-Israeli, or anti-judaism, or simply depraved indecency and vandalism against the markers of our dead, but semitism is a term used to define language.
    And btw, Trump has trumpers from the orthodox sect of judaism. The militant sect of catholicism and the judicial sect of catholicism, and even the taliban.
    He did all this by miscontruing the actual meanings of things and words. I stand opposed to apprehension and misconstruing accepted meanings. The easiest path for confusion to take hold.

  3. Utterly pathetic. Dastardly. What can you say?

    I really hope this was not orchestrated from above and was done by a handful of idiots independently but in any event I’m sure they’re getting their inspiration from the MAGA mindset emanating from the WH. I saw a new phrase on twitter today: “White ISIS” – likely a good description. The other phrase was “Scaravan” – meaning a long line of white ISIS heavily armed pickups spangled with MAGA flags and regalia.

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