Stop the Steal: 50 Million Hit the Streets to Stop the US/Nazi Coup Against Imran Khan


[ Editor’s Note: The world was tipped upside down today, with two things to watch for now. How is Biden going to spin it that the US just wants to get rid of an unpopular dictator. Second, how is the US’ in the bag corporate media going to pretend it did not see the largest political rallies in modern times, and what brought them out.

These people are going to be on fire after today, from the buzz they will get from having pulled this off, standing up to the regime change West that was hoping to inflict a coup on Pakistan, with their own internal sellouts that teamed up with Western Intel and military entities (with respectful compensation) to throw over their own country and become its slave masters under their far away (NATO) patrons.

This was a signature day for democracies everywhere in that this is how it is done, hitting the streets in huge numbers. Congratulations to all loyal Pakistanis. You earned it today … Jim W. Dean ]







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  1. “Hope îs candeled” as Gandalf said in Return of the Khan (sorry .. the King)
    The psychopats will ignore the will of the people as usual and double up their agenda. They like bloodshed and chaos.
    My prayers are for the people of Pakistan. May The Creator light your path.
    I stand with Pakistan.

    A guy from dying Europe.

  2. WOW…..!!!!!!! I guess this an example of: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time. But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time….!!!! Congratulations to each and every one of those who hit the streets. You are saving Pakistan from becoming a puppet state of evil empire.

  3. Thank you Mr. Gordon Duff for the coverage. That retard in WH has to pay for this pretty soon!!!!!!

  4. This reminds me the year 2002 when US tried a coup Maidan’s style with snipers shooting to protesters meeting front government building in Venezuela, against 1999’s democratically elected in free elections president Chavez that achieve ousted for 4-5 days to Chavez until he had returned to presidency again.

    • Chavez’s UN speech calling Baby Bush the devil is the only time that building was used in a productive manner. I wonder how he would describe the stink emanating from Biden.

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