Dept. of Justice sits Grand Jury on Trump Theft of Classified Documents

In Vanity Fair, author/political correspondent Bess Levin writes the following: "Trump's Little Classified Documents Scandal Is Getting the Grand Jury Treatment"


…via Glenn Kirschner, with Justice Matters, from Vanity Fair

[ Editor’s Note: Color me surprised. With all that is going on, including at the DoJ, I would have bet the real investigation into the other Trump Steal of the White House documents would have died on the vine.

Looking at it now, it is not a laborious case to look into. Trump selected material that he planned to take, and had it moved to his private quarters, a violation in itself, unknown to me, as I had thought their leaving the premises to anywhere other than the National Archives would trigger the statute.

The White House staff who boxed everything up should have no trouble remembering who told them to do so and what to select. They may have given testimony to the January 6 Committee, who sent it to the DoJ.

What happened to the documents when they got to Mara Largo is chapter two of the story. What does surprise me is that the DoJ never raided the place to get what was still there, if some had already been ‘distributed,’ if you get my drift.

Trump continues to be the ‘gift that keeps on giving,’ in terms of appearing to be a one man crime wave… Jim W. Dean ]

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First Aired May 13, 2022

As a former career prosecutor who spent countless hours in grand juries in Washington, DC, I can attest to the fact that a grand jury appearance has a way of focusing a witness’s mind.

This video explores the possible, indeed likely, scenarios resulting in the theft of federal documents and records represented by the transfer of 15 boxes of documents from the White House to Donald Trump’s Florida retirement home at Mar-a-Lago, and why this grand jury investigation poses a serious threat to Trump.

Link to Bess Levin’s Vanity Fair article is here.


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  1. Dear “Pressitute” you and Carisio.
    In Italy and dating back to the early 90s there is the “Bigotti case”. He was a doctor who perfected himself in the USA, where he stayed for years before deciding to return to Italy. And for his perfection he ended up at the Policnico Gemelli which is a hospital directly dependent on the “papacy” and its executors.
    He anatomist pathologist discovers that dozens of patients had died from wrong diagnoses and wrong treatments. He was naïve and told his superiors about it. And his troubles began. But he was stubborn and believed he was in reason. So he stole dozens of platelets and flew from his former US colleagues who confirmed his theses.
    Returning to Italy, he found himself accused of being a thief. The trial, up to the last degrees, ruled that it is not a thief who appropriates things not his own for the sole purpose of defending himself. Do you think that the Customary Anglo-Saxon US law does not contemplate such a case? This is without talking about the “Pressitute”.
    I know you will delete but know that I know who you work for.

  2. We’ve been told for over a year now that the “wheels of justice” turn slooooowly… In actuality, Merrick Garland has been sitting on his hands waiting for the next shoe to drop. He went out of his way in 2021 to reaffirm the official 9/11 BS narrative, which tells me he knows what’s really up with that false-flag attack and is just biding his time until the next horrible false-flag event forces the USA into a catastrophic war with Russia. He is, after all, a descendant of refugees from the Pale of Settlement, just like Victoria “f-uck the EU” Nuland and Antony “rockstar” Blinken.

    • You mean they are all in the pockets of Trump who’s in the pockets of Likud as in its just a big rigged system for Israel’s benefit ?

    • Netanyahu bragged back in 1990 that this would happen. Here we are, $30 trillion in debt, the dollar about to implode, and there is simply no way out of it… except WWIII.

  3. The closest anyone in the WH ever got to being prosecuted was Agnew…with Nixxon fleeing before he could be charged. Ever since, no one in the WH has ever gotten even close to being prosecuted. They learned their lesson, that such a precedent could come around to them as well. If anything ever happens to Tramp, I will be shocked. Our so-called Justice system is as real as the USSC, as in not. This is just a show for the masses anyhow, they are all complicit, just as the military was complicit in 9/11. All of these FF that have been foisted upon us are known to those in those hallowed (hollowed) halls of justice, bought and paid for by the usual suspects. Anyone that believes different only proves Casey right.

    • I’m still betting that Trump will skate through all of this with his demented smile and every hair in place. This is not the time to convict a President. It is more likely after the coming partition of the US into Reds and Blues. Then, all bets are off.

    • You could be right, but Trump is a dream test case because if a one man crime wave can get in the slot, do his damage, make a fortune, do everything he could to steal an election, and walk away from it all, then we need to press the reset button and start over. The problem with that as the two sides will still be the same standoff, where control can swing on just a one vote like we have seen with Manchin, even inside a party itself. People who are that swing vote have more power than a Supreme Court on this one issue battles.

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