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Tag: herd immunity

‘Finally’ The Lancet Acknowledges Natural Immunity Superior to mRNA COVID Vaccines

All links to Gospa News articles have been added aftermath for relevance to the topics covered by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. - originally published on The Defender Immunity...

No Natural Immunity? Federal government releases coronavirus reports that destroy right...

RawStory: The federal government on Friday quietly released two reports that together destroy many right wing conspiracy theories and talking points on the coronavirus and the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Let’s Stop Talking About Herd Immunity

Can We Finally Stop Talking About “Natural” COVID-19 Herd Immunity? Please?

Herd Protection is Ethical Way to Stop COVID-19 Pandemic

Never before have we reached herd immunity via natural infection with a novel virus, and COVID-19 is a novel virus.

Trump to Pursue Herd Immunity Through COVID-Laced Breakfast Cereal

“If every child in America ate a bowl of CoronaFlakes every morning,” the President tweeted yesterday, “we could achieve herd immunity in less than two weeks..."

Natural ‘Herd Immunity’ for Coronavirus? Not Going to Happen!

Emerging cases of Covid-19 reinfection suggest herd immunity could be wishful thinking.

Can There Be ‘Herd Immunity” Without a Vaccine?

Herd immunity is reached when the majority of a given population -- 70 to 90% -- becomes immune to an infectious disease, either because they have become infected and recovered, or through vaccination.