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The role of the ministry of national security of Azerbaijan in...

Yalchyn Makhmudov who was very close to Eldar Makhmudov and Sheikh SohrabAliyev, leader of Sumgait Wahhabi extremists were arrested by the Interior ministry of Azerbaijan for supporting and organizing extremists and supplying forces to Isis.

Guardian: Isis second in command killed in US raid in Syria,...

  David Smith in Washington and Spencer Ackerman in New York The Islamic State group’s second-in-command has been killed in a US raid in Syria, defence...

March 23rd: Purim-Esther as Concubine and Acolyte of Ishtar

... and 22nd March Brussels Bombing ...

NEO – Is ISIS a Scam?

Gordon Duff - Recent revelations inside Iraq have exposed ISIS. They don’t exist, simple as that, not across Iraq, not in Mosul, not in control of any oil regions, not in any way remotely resembling what the world has been told.

Tractatus Terroismo Philosophicus

To beat terrorism is to depart from Jerusalem and return to Athens

CIA ignored rise of ISIS since 2013, Syrian rebel ‘spy chief’...

The Free Syrian Army’s ‘spy chief’ told Le Monde his agents had been gathering intelligence from within Islamic State’s ranks since its emergence, but...

ISIS is not ISIS, a Jim and Gordie 3’fer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyuj4oCqzIs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaPwhaMS7nk

Sunnis’ religious beliefs prevents them from extremism and working with ISIS

A researcher at the American Carnegie Institute stated that religion has no role in Moroccan citizens rending towards Isis.

ISIS and Turkey exchange150 militants

A few hours ago, Turkish media disclosed that 150 Qatari-backed ISIS detainees will be released from Turkish prisons in a secret prisoner exchange under Qatari auspices.

The snake nurtured in UAE’s bosom, stings its master: ISIS declares...

According to well-informed sources the main reason for the airport closure was the ISIS sleeping cells being apprehended while trying to plant several bombs inside the Abu Dhabi airport.

Barzani Media: Iraqi militia leader derides US forces, saying his men...

Iraq’s top Shiite militia commander says that his men are superior to the Americans in retaking Islamic State (ISIS) territory and warfare technics against the group.

ISIS terrorists earn hundreds of millions of dollars in drug trade...

The annual profit of the Islamic State terrorist group from drug trafficking reaches several hundreds of millions of dollars, the head of Russia’s federal drug control service said in an interview with TASS on Friday.

Germany Back in the Poison Gas Business, with ISIS this time

Jim W. Dean - The key weaponizing ingredient is a bonder that sticks to the inside of your lungs so you can't cough it out, and it kills you. The companies selling this stuff know what a critical agent this is and cannot pretend it is a commonly used one.

Names and Details of 22,000 ISIS Recruits Given to UK Sky...

A memory stick containing tens of thousands of documents, including 22,000 names and contact details of Daesh militants has been handed to western media in what's been described as an unprecedented haul of information on the terrorist group.

US forces captured head of Isis chemical weapons program in Iraq...

US special forces captured the head of the Islamic State militant group’s effort to develop chemical weapons in a raid last month in northern...

Group Asadullah, the new killer of the Kurdish nation

In a Tweet on his personal page, an analyst and expert on affairs of Turkey, revealed the true identity of Asadullah group that has recently showed up in the Kurdish regions of Turkey.

Embarrassed: Erdogan Sends ISIS Leader to Libya for Being Poor Houseguest

Informed intelligence sources have disclosed that ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has moved from Turkey to Libya to escape the hunt operation of the Baghdad Intelligence Sharing Center after he was traced down and allegedly targeted a number of times in Iraq and the Syria.

The Godfather of terror: anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) cooperate...

According to well-informed security sources, today morning Iraqi Federal Police foiled a suicide attack by a group of MKO terrorists who attempt to target a gathering of prominent Sunni clerics.

Secret ISIS Underground City Discovered in Iraq

Although 70 tunnels have been uncovered, Kurdish and Iraqi forces remain concerned that more secret layers may have been constructed in other parts of...

20,000 ISIS Uniforms seized by Spanish Police

Up to 20,000 military uniforms hidden inside aid packages as second hand clothes have been uncovered after Spanish authorities busted a large scale smuggling...

Cliff Kincaid Is a New World Order Agent, Lies About Vladimir...

New World Order agents have deliberately subordinated truth to their appetite. Sadly, Cliff Kincaid fits that description.

YPG Has Javelin Missiles, See One Used on ISIS

Editor's note:  The Javelin is not a TOW missile, not hardly.  This is a very advanced weapon, nearly impossible to defend against, one of...

RFK Jr: ISIS Created By Washington Over Syria Pipeline Refusal

Washington military planners decided to remove Bashar al-Assad from power using seasoned jihadist fighters because the Syrian president refused to back the Qatari project...

Journalists Jailed in Turkey, Report Army Collaborating with ISIS

Can Dundar, the editor-in-chief of opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet Syria: Turkey, yes to ground operation but not alone   (ANSAmed) - ISTANBUL - The Turkish army and ISIS...

Demirtas: Turkey’s ruling party is extension of ISIS

Selahettin Demirtas, co-chair of Turkey’s pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP. ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Selahettin Demirtas, co-chair of Turkey’s pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), bitterly...

Has a major nuclear confrontation between Russia and NATO been thwarted?

Preston James - Sophisticated efforts to use proxy mercenaries sheep-dipped as ISIS appear to be failing because they have been exposed. VT has played a key role in this exposure. Can we all sleep a little better tonight?

B-1 bombers removed from ISIS campaign in Iraq & Syria

The US Air Force has removed its B-1B Lancer bombers from the bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria, sending them back to the US...

5,000 ISIS militants trained in Syria & Iraq walk free in...

Between 3,000 and 5,000 so-called ‘foreign fighters’ – EU citizens trained in Islamic state terror camps - have returned to Europe and pose a...

US Carries Out Strikes in Libya After Uncovering ISIS Attack Plans

US Defense Department spokesperson Peter Cook said that Washington conducted airstrikes in Libya against terrorists' training camp and Daesh leader Noureddine Chouchane after US...

‘We have proof’ Turkey backs ISIS & other terrorists – Kurdish...

Turkey favors Syrian jihadist groups that emerged from Al-Qaeda, a top Kurdish commander has told Russian media. He claims that Ankara, along with Saudi...

Misdirection: Iran will not tolerate Kurdish independence, ‘ISIS and Israel benefit...

Gordon Duff - Barzani, who exercises full dictatorial powers, has chosen to stand with Erdogan against the Kurdish people, who mostly reside in Turkey, Syria, Iran and many in Iraq.

Erdogan uses ISIS to suppress Kurds, West stays silent – Turkish...

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been using ISIS to advance his Middle East policy and suppress the Kurds, and Ankara’s elite maintains vibrant economic...

US Caught Evacuating ISIS Leaders in Iraq

Senior Iraqi security sources lashed out at the US and its regional allies for supporting Takfiri terrorists in Iraq, and said that Washington is the main cause of ISIL's survival in his country.

TRUTH JIHAD: False flag paradigm shift?

Are we reaching the tipping point on false flags? And what the bleep is wrong with Erdogan? Let's ask Eric Walberg!

US envoy says airdrops saved Kobani, urging Kurds to stay united...

Jim W. Dean - This is fine example of a Congressional dog and phony show. Special Envoy McGurk several times has the US take credit for what the Syrian-Russian coalition has done in terms of beating back ISIL, while the US has time and again claimed it was hurting the process.

ISIS, Turkish Leadership Holding Secret Contacts – Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says his country has information on secret contacts between Turkey and the leadership of the so-called “Islamic State” terrorist...

Turkey transit route of ISIS to 3rd countries

Russian citizens detained in Turkey on suspicion of terror-linked activities are usually deported to third countries, thus escaping prosecution, says Russia’s ambassador to Ankara....

Why Are They Lying, the Kurdish Oil Partnership with ISIS

Jim and Gordon - We will try to keep these morning Sitreps (situation reports) coming, with the map work included. That is how we routinely do a lot of our Skype briefings for a variety of official and unofficial audiences.

What happens next in Aleppo will shape Europe’s future

Jim W. Dean - Dear Ms. Natalie, there were no provisions agreed to in Geneva that the Syrian coalition would stop their anti-terrorism campaign. Since it started Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and US TOW missiles have continued to flow into Syria.

Dual Policy towards Al-Qaeda and ISIS is Extremely Counterproductive

    By Sajjad Shaukat for VT As regards terrorism, Machiavelli advises the rulers to have a lion-like image outwardly, and act upon the traits of goat...