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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the Serbian media

We are seeing pressure being exerted on the Balkan countries and Serbia to have them join the anti-Russia sanctions, which cover almost all economic, cultural, humanitarian, political and other activities.

Madeleine Albright: A war refugee who created countless war refugees

Albright’s legacy is not completely dominated by her lack of remorse on the killing of Iraqi babies and infants. She has a river of Yugoslav-Serbian blood on her hands too.

NATO bombing of Serbia: Tragedy in three acts

It is a travesty of international justice that the 1999 bombing remains unrecognized by the perpetrators and unpunished.

Road to Ukraine War Started with 1999’s Kosovo War

So many who have spent the past month moralizing about the sanctity of borders, sovereignty of countries, and how unacceptable it was for great powers to “bully” smaller neighbors, thinking of Russia and Ukraine, paused on Thursday to sing praises to a woman that championed all of those things back in 1999. Except since it was NATO doing them to Yugoslavia

Serbia: President Vuvic Chastises NATO for Accusations Against Russia after their...

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has denounced the West’s accusations against Russia, remembering that 19 NATO countries unlawfully bombed Serbia in 1999.

‘Quinte’ Countries to Push Serbia into NATO/EU with Threats, Bribes and...

The President of Serbia met in Belgrade with the ambassadors of five NATO countries.

US/Soros Building Two Biowarfare Labs in Serbia

The operation to destroy the Russian influence among the Serbian people is being carried out through the politicians of the Republic of China, who bring two Soros laboratories that China allegedly gives to Serbia as a gift.

Understanding Ukraine Crisis From Last Free Enclave in Europe – Outside...

Why would Moscow agree to the very real possibility of nuclear missiles deployed at its borders, which could reach it in 7-8 minutes?