Tag: World
Israeli firm dubbed ‘Team Jorge’ ‘meddled in more than 30 elections...
An Israeli firm sought to influence more than 30 elections around the world for clients by hacking, sabotage and spreading disinformation, according to an undercover media investigation published Wednesday.
Why Hersh’s Nord Stream Bombshell May Become Legal Nightmare for Team...
“Many people – including myself – determined at the time that blowing up the pipeline was a US/NATO operation that was being falsely blamed on Russia,” Hans Mahncke, a US investigative journalist and lawyer, told Sputnik.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, not Alexander Dugin, is “Putin’s brain” (Updated)
It is really entertaining when puppets and news media start saying that Alexander Dugin is “Putin’s brain.”
Why the COVID Jab Should Be Banned for Pregnant Women
A CDC-sponsored study that was widely used to support the claim that the shot is safe during pregnancy misreported the data. The actual miscarriage rate in that paper was 82%
The Decline And Fall Of The Western Empire
It took a long time for the old Roman Empire to collapse. The seeds of its demise blossomed slowly, but the historically astute among the Romans saw the destructive nation-eating plants growing when they first began to appear, but no one would believe them. And when the end came, it came quickly—almost overnight.
CIA Director Admits US Lied About Iran’s Nuclear Program
“Our best intelligence judgment is that the Iranians have not resumed the weaponization effort that they had underway up until 20."
Russia Fired on Israeli Jets Over Syria in May ‘One-Off’
Russia has long complained about Israeli attacks on Syria, but this marks the first time they’ve actually fired on them over it.
Who Really Makes US Foreign Policy? Who Benefits and Who Loses?
Unsurprisingly, perhaps nowhere has the deleterious effect of their money been more felt than in US policy toward Iran, with the Saudis, Israelis, and Emiratis dumping literally billions of dollars into attacks on a country the United States should have normalized relations with decades ago.
John J. Mearsheimer on the Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine...
The crisis is largely the result of the West’s efforts to turn Ukraine into a Western bulwark on Russia’s border. Russian leaders viewed that outcome as an existential threat that had to be thwarted.
Russia’s central bank cuts interest rates to prewar level
The rate had been as high as 20% in the wake of the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine and the resulting sanctions by the U.S., European Union and other nations that restrict dealings with Russian banks, individuals and companies.
The story of when Israel attacked America, and the US government...
Tel Aviv had told the US it would be a limited war, in which it would not pursue the seizure of areas such as the Syrian Golan Heights or Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. However, Israel was poised to do just that.
The Economic Sanctions against Russia Are Destructive and Counterproductive: We Must...
The economic war declared by the West against Russia has had the effect of convincing the minority of Russians who were not yet convinced that the Russian government has been right all these years when it warned about the threat posed by US foreign policy and Western countries under its influence.
Corporate Media Deploys the Big Guns on Ukraine
The time has come to acknowledge that the marked increase in East-West tensions over the past two years originally stemmed from the Western-sponsored coup d’état in Kiev on Feb. 22, 2014, and Russia’s reaction in annexing Crimea.
Say Hello to Russian Gold and Chinese Petroyuan
The Eurasian system will be based on “a new international currency,” most probably with the yuan as reference.
How Russia Will Counterpunch U.S./EU Declaration of War
Slowly but surely, we are already on the way to the emergence of a sizeable Global South bloc immune to American financial warfare.
Is Putin Considering Using Nukes on NATO?
What Putin is suggesting is that in the last analysis, if military defeat beckons for Russia, and his own dispossession of power and political if not actual death are to follow, he may use the ultimate weapon in Russia’s arsenal to prevent it.
Why the Khazarian Mafia Fears Vladimir Putin
If you don’t think that the Khazarians aren’t in cahoots with the media to destroy Putin and indeed Russia, then think again.
Putin, Permanently Keep Your Warriors on Ukraine Border
Ideologues continue to be mistaken when they perpetuate the lie that Russia seeks to “invade” Ukraine. It’s like saying that the United States seeks to invade California.
Always Remember Israel for the Bombing of the USS Liberty
The 67-minute attack would prove to be the bloodiest assault on a U.S. ship since World War II.
Personal Freedom Dies in 2021
When it comes to abortion, people have the right to speak their minds saying that it is their body. But when it comes to taking the vaccine, your freedom is actually being taken away.
Putting a Face on the Khazarian Mafia
Heinrich Heine saw James Rothschild as “a powerful destroyer of patrician privilege, and the founder of a new democracy."
FBI’s Mafia-Style Justice: To Fight Crime, FBI Sponsors 15 Crimes a...
"Over 30 pages relating to Saudi Arabia in the report were blacked out."
The Rise of a Technological New World Order
"We all know that Pinterest users don't really crave actual breathing social contact – they prefer to sit alone, waiting for death, in a room that smells of guinea pig bedding, pinning endless photos of Audrey Hepburn to a virtual scrapbook."
Ann Coulter: “Trump would have killed us”
The next step for Coulter is to apologize to those who plunked down the money to buy In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!
Reflections on the Deep State and the Khazarian Cabal
Trump continues to declare that the Iraq War was “stupid,” but Trump will not tell us that it was the Israelis and the Neocons in America who actually forced Bush to destroy Iraq.
Los Angeles: Major Chemtrail Attack, Is this how they’re planning...
Is This How They Plan To Take Us All Out?
Two Years Later: The Skripal Case is Weirder than Ever
While navigating through today’s propaganda-heavy world of misinformation, spin and outright creative writing which appears to have replaced conventional journalism, it is most important that two qualities are active in the mind of any truth-seeker.
Lebanon goes to Security Council over Israel violations of airspace
Lebanon has condemned incessant Israeli violations of its airspace and filed a complaint at the UN Security Council over serious and numerous breaches of the Lebanese sovereignty and UNSC Resolution 1701.
Lessons on How Turks Fight and How Russians Fight Them
Everything, including artillery fire, infantry movements, launch of drones, rockets and refugees, even losses of territory and men, is planned by three Turks – President Tayyip Recep Erdogan