Secretary of Defense Ash Carter: Russia Weakens US Hegemony in the Middle East

"Thank you, Mr. Carter, for executing our exact orders."
“Thank you, Mr. Carter, for executing our exact orders.”

…by Jonas E. Alexis


Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has recently complicated the so-called Panama Papers by calling Russia once again the “No. 1 strategic threat” in the Middle East.[1] Carter also thinks that the U.S. military should “help synchronize resources globally for daily operations around the world.”[2]

Read Carter’s statement again. He wants “daily operations around the world.” As such, the Department of Defense plans to spend at least “$35 billion into Cyber Command over the next five years.”[3]

Vladimir Putin has obviously challenged the “daily operations” in Syria and has shown NWO agents like Carter that Russia is sick and tired of their diabolical claptrap. What Carter is implicitly saying is that under the command of the Israeli regime,[4] the U.S. has spent billions upon billions of dollars in order to remove Assad from power. But as of 2016, Assad is still the commander of chief in Syria.

This means that Carter and Washington used tax dollars in vain! Billions upon billions of dollars ended up floating in what seems to be a political toilet. Carter, of course, has good reasons to be mad and sad because Putin is largely responsible for this. Putin, according to Carter, is evil because he is making the New World Order agenda look really bad. As Professor Gerry Sussman of Portland State University explains, Russia

“serves as a unifying force to build a kind of a new Cold-War consensus to give some semblance of direction to American foreign policy where there really isn’t any. The US has actually lost quite a bit of power over the years in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, and I think it’s just a way of creating an old boogeyman in the person of President [Vladimir] Putin and in Russia itself”[5]

Russia, Sussman moves on to say, obviously poses “a threat to American global interests…to its hegemony around the world.”[6]

Carter, because he is morally blind, cannot see that perpetual wars in the Middle East are already responsible for millions upon millions of deaths and suffering. Perpetual wars in the region, as noted military historian and retired career officer in the Armor Branch of the United States Army Andrew J. Bacevich has recently argued, began with failure, and there is no conclusive study showing that America is safer because of perpetual wars.[7] Because he takes his cues from the Israeli regime,[8] Carter cannot see that more wars produce more animosity toward the United States.[9]

And because Carter is a wicked man who has been thoroughly brainwashed by the New World Order agenda, he does not have time to start doing personal reflection and realizing that that “a mere 10 percent of money the world spends on its militaries every year would be enough to end global poverty and hunger in 15 years.”[10]

All Carter is able to see at this present moment is global domination on a daily basis and at the expense of everyone else, including decent Americans who are doing their best make ends meet. If a country or any entity challenges that New World Order premise, then that country ought to be branded an enemy of the United States.

As Kevin Barrett would have put it, where do they find those reptilians and lizards?

[1] “Pentagon chief seeks reforms, calls Russia ‘No. 1 strategic threat,’” Russia Today, April 6, 2016.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

[4] “‘Israel wanted Assad gone since start of Syria civil war,’” Jerusalem Post, September 17, 2013; “Israel wants Syria’s Assad “gone,’” PBS News, September 17, 2013;

[5] “Pentagon chief seeks reforms, calls Russia ‘No. 1 strategic threat,’” Russia Today, April 6, 2016.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Andrew J. Bacevich, America’s War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History (New York: Random House, 2016).

[8] For a recent development on some of those issues, see Grant F. Smith, Big Israel: How Israel’s Lobby Moves America (Washington: Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, Inc., 2016).

[9] For a study on this, see for example John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (New York: Farrar & Straus, 2007).

[10] “Ten Percent of Global Military Budget Would End World Poverty and Hunger,” Sputnik News, April 5, 2016.


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