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Yearly Archives: 2017

Israeli soldiers filmed harassing schoolchildren in occupied Hebron (VIDEO)

  Footage shot in Hebron in occupied Palestinian territory shows Israeli soldiers routinely harassing teachers and schoolchildren on a number of occasions. Rights activists say...

‘Reporters Without Scruples’ fails to derail conference on White Helmets Terrorists

Jim W. Dean - VT's own investigations have long proven that the "White Helmets" are one in the same as ISIS and al Qaeda, with many of their members long time terrorist operatives funded by western spy agencies.

Nuclear-capable Russian Tu-95 bombers in 1st-ever Pacific patrol from Indonesia (VIDEO)

A pair of Russian Tu-95MS strategic bombers has flown a maiden patrol mission over the South Pacific from a military base in Indonesia. Crew...

Syria: Reuters Reports of ISIS fighters left in secret deal

Reuters is reporting what was suspected all along and reported here on VT over and over. Thousands of ISIS fighters left Syria in secret deal...

Korea: American Citizen’s Faulty Assumptions, Financial Stability and World Peace

I woke up early this morning and ran into a person who I perceive must be a Republican at 7-Eleven when I stopped and...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 08, 2017

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VA to Step Up Treatments for TBI and PTSD

The VA has been treating soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) for some time

Trump apes Balfour

Here's what an Early Day Motion, tabled by several prominent British MPs in the House of Commons, says about Trump's statement on Jerusalem. "That this...

Trump’s tax policies will exacerbate US homeless crisis: Economist

The tax policies of US President Donald Trump’s administration will accelerate the homeless crisis in the United States, says an economist in California, amid...

Forget Russia, Israel Actual Foreign Power Collaborating With Team Trump

A flagrant collusion between Trump's team and the government of Israel, aimed at undermining both US government policy and international law, has been uncovered by Mueller's investigation.

NEO – The US and Global Artificial Intelligence Arms Race

Jim W. Dean - AI is a defense contractor's dream come true, as it opens up massive opportunities for both offensive and defensive applications. The poor taxpayer gets whacked coming and going.

Groper in Chief: Trump, Show Us the Receipts if Summer Zervos Is Lying

A room service receipt for a lone club sandwich could prove Donald Trump a liar and Summer Zervos a sex crime victim. Zervos has said...

Bill Clinton to Netanyahu: “Who the BLEEP does he think he is?”

...by Jonas E. Alexis Netanyahu was never revered by any US president in recent memory. Sure, they smiled, laughed, and even joked in public with...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 07, 2017

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Pearl Harbor Day false flag alert! War party about to stage “provocation” in Mideast,...

Trump just handed over the Holy City to Antichrist on the Eve of Pearl Harbor Day. HUGE false flag on the way!

Finding Simpler Ways to Diagnosis Disease

Electronic 'Nose' Offers Rapid Epilepsy Diagnosis Pauline Anderson   December 06, 2017 WASHINGTON, DC — An electronic "nose" that measures various compounds in exhaled breath reliably distinguishes...

Palestinians Abdicate Cause with Failed Leaders

How do Palestinians ever expect to win when they stick to incompetent failed dictators?

Keep Tweeting Mr President!

My respectful congratulations to the President on his retweeting of the Jayda Fransen videos. He certainly stirred up a hornet’s nest, but he’s no...

Ex-CIA Robert David Steele: “Privatizing Covert Operations The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional Unethical Idea of...

"If this asinine, unconstitutional, unethical idea survives the week, the President will not recover."

Terrorism and Islam: Correlation is not causation

Since the time immemorial, it has been an article of faith of every Muslim that suicide is ‘Haram’ (prohibited) in Islam. There is a...

There is no al Qaeda in Afghanistan

Ms. Karen DeYoung, Associate Editor The Washington Post 1150 15th Street NW Washington, DC 20071 Dear Ms. DeYoung: The article recently published by The Washington Post, “Top al-Qaeda Leader...

Saleh’s death means a fresh hell beckons for Yemen

Yemen’s ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was killed early this morning in a reported rocket attack, will be remembered by history as one of...

Detained Saudi princes, tycoons agree to cash settlements

Jim W. Dean - The Saudi State cash register begins to ring, as the princes and past top government officials buy their way out of jail.

Ukraine: UN needs to continue food aide and support Eastern Ukraine.

I suspect they, the "coupmeisters" are continuing to attempt to steal Eastern Ukraine by starving the villages and towns people. Eastern Ukraine is where...
isis as israel strikes against Secular Syria

Who is ISIS today? Israel for oil

From yesterday's Southfront, "As ISIS self-proclaimed caliphate collapsed in Syria, the Israeli military intensified their strikes on forces and facilities belonging to the Syrian...
near space slight

Quest Complete: The Planet Is OURS

People did not even question whether we would keep our planet before master builder and the white, green aliens were unknown until now. The Core...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 06, 2017

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Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia

Former adviser to US President Donald Trump Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the US...

Kushner brags about fighting Iran in pro-Israeli event

Jim W. Dean - The talk in the Intel community now is whether Jared Kushner and two other Orthodox Jews representing Trump in the Palestinian talks is an espionage penetration into the White House, where through Kushner, Bibi has access to all the US classified material on the peace process.

Is Netanyahu still a psychopath and pathological liar?

...by Jonas E. Alexis   If you don’t think that Netanyahu needs medical or psychiatric attention, think again. He has recently asserted: “Obviously, there are some differences...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 05, 2017

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Will Trump set the Mideast on fire to avoid treason charges?

This is what Mike Flynn lied to Congress about. It's called treason. No need to even bother with the Logan Act. 

SDF spokesman defector: US armed Kurdish terror groups to fight Daesh and SAA

Jim W. Dean - We have a front row seat now to learn what the US coalition was really doing In Syria, while the lives of so many were being destroyed,

Prize Wepler Fondation la Poste 2017

The 20 year anniversary celebration on November 13, 2017 of the literary prize Wepler Fondation la Poste was a great event.

Oliver Stone: Vladimir Putin Is Rational

...by Jonas E. Alexis   Anyone who has watched Vladimir Putin’s speeches, dialogues and interactions over the past six years or so must admit that he...
Open Source Everything

Open Source Everything!

It is about time to open the world to new possibilities of Sovereignty and Security. Sovereignty means Individualism and Freedom. It's simple. American Ideals in...

US Intel chief promised SDF corridor to the Mediterranean Sea

Jim W. Dean - Once the ISIS war is really wound down I believe we see a shift into a political and terror war in Syria where only the means to get what outside parties want will change

Ex-Yemeni leader Saleh killed after selling out to Saudis

The sudden demise of sold-out Saleh suggests that the future of the Middle East belongs to those who stand on principle, keep their word, and refuse to betray their friends – rather than Machievellian manipulators and unprincipled orangutans.

Breaking: Yemen’s ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh killed in Sana fighting

Jim W. Dean - How someone at his level could be caught out on the street in an urban combat zone, where snipers would have a shot at him, is one hell of a security failure.