Special Note: As a Palestinian-American committed to the One State Solution for all of its people, I take a very strong exception to Senator Schumer’s claim Palestine is his.
In his shameful appeasement at the recent AIPAC convention where Zionists and non-Zionist politicians are ordered to recite their pledge of allegiance to Israel and line up to “kiss ass” always under constant fear from AIPAC to lose their jobs, Senator Schumer an Israeli First and foremost, presented himself as Israeli who believed that the Torah is a “Real Estate Book and Deed” granted by G-d and not as most scholars agree is written by scholars and Rabbis certainly not Moses.

He denounced Arabs and Palestinians as people in self-denial, who do not believe in the Torah and who do not believe that G-d gave the land of Palestine to the Israelis and Zionism. He stood up and declared that the conflict with Israel is the Arabs and Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel as a “Jewish State” as state where he counted himself as member and citizen of the state. Talk about dual loyalty?
Senator Chuck Schumer an Israeli First never an American First concluding the essence of the conflict in that the Arabs and Muslims refusal to believe in the Torah “Of course, we say it’s our land, the Torah says it, but they don’t believe in the Torah. So that’s the reason there is no peace.
They invent reasons, but they do not believe in a Jewish state and that is why we, in America must stand strong with Israel through the thick and thin.” Did he say as US senator that “we say it is our land” for sure he was not refereeing to his land as the US, but Israel.

I am not a religious scholars and do not pretend to be one, though many years ago while living in Geneva I bought and read the 5 Books of Moses. But that was long ago, and memory tends to fail me at my age. So I did some research and interestingly enough I looked up the Torah to understand what Senator Schumer has to say.
Elon Gilad an Israeli scholars wrote back in 22 October 2014 and writing in Haaretz under the title “Who Wrote the Torah? Concluding “for thousands of years’ people believed that the five books of the Pentateuch were written by Moses, but it couldn’t have been, academic say.’
Gilad base his conclusion on “four characteristics recurring in the Torah. (1) The language used in different sections differs widely. (2) Varying ideology. (3) Contradictions in the narrative, (4) The text is strangely repetitive in part, for no obvious reason, indicating that two versions of a single story were included.”
Here is where I or we have a problem. Do we believe that G-d wrote the book and delivered it to Moses in the full text or simply made it simple to Moses by giving him the Ten Commandments which nowhere the “promised land” was mentioned, even if there were a “promise” does Schumer and his elks are deemed beneficiaries of such promise.
If the Torah was not written by Moses or by G-d why should be believe what Senator Schumer wants to believe that G-d or Moses acting as “real estate agents” and having done a full title search concluded that Senator Schumer is entitled to the land of Palestine at the exclusion of all those who inhabited the land over tens of thousands of years. In other words Senator Schumer believes in ethnic cleansing not different from the one exercised in Germany.

Yes, Senator Schumer we do not believe in the promise land, nor do we believe that G-d or Moses granted you or Bibi Netanyahu or Avigdor Lieberman the land of Palestine, and it is not true that the Arabs and Palestinian failings to recognize Israeli as a Jewish State is the reason for the conflict. It seems your selective memory is not helping you.
You and your likes within the American Zionist movement have selective memories certainly selective and shameful morality, hypocrisy and unconscionable behavior. You chose to forget the forced exiled of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland in order for Secular Zionists to establish your colonial settler state. You chose to forget the destructions of over 550 villages and the desecrations of mosques and churches and cemeteries. You chose to forget the ethnic cleansing of tens of thousands of Palestinians from Jerusalem and the constant house demolitions under so many pretenses and the outright theft of properties by your “people” and the over 550 humiliating “security checkpoints” subjecting millions of Palestinians to shameful humiliations on a daily basis. You chose to forget the targeted killings and the assault by your “people” on places of worships both Christians and Muslims and the burning and uprooting’s of hundreds of thousands of olive trees and the poisoning of water wells by your “Hill Top Jews”.
No, Senator Schumer we do believe in the Torah as a Holy Book for the Jews but not a Real Estate Book for Zionists like you, and we do believe and recognize “Jewish values” as enshrined in the Ten Commandments but we do not believe in your racist Zionism certainly we do not believe that you are entitled to the land of Palestine. No Mr. Schumer Palestine is not your Fucking Land.
“Listen to my song WE EXIST and remember Palestine was NEVER a land without a people. It was always a land with people. Just saying so does NOT make it true! TIME TO START SHOWING RESPECT FOR OTHERS and STOP STEALING their stuff and dignity pretending it does NOT count. IT DOES!
USA is in a free fall from grace because it steps all over people. It has to stop! Racism! Hate! Stealing from indigenous peoples for greed and power in the name of GOD is wrong! Change starts from you, from home…. change your thinking, your actions and stand with your fellow man…. BUILD BRIDGES to our future! NOT Walls! Stand for our collective future! BE SOMETHING SPECIAL!” Signed Johnny Punish (Facebook March 19, 2018)

Sami Jamil Jadallah is a US Army Veteran (66-68) is a graduate of Indiana University and holder of a BA, MPA ( School of Public and Environmental Affairs and Jurist Doctor and is an international legal and business professional with more than 40 years in the construction business (KSA), Management Consulting and Business Development (Swiss), Hospitality, Aviation and Conservation (Morocco). Was the first to establish an internationally recognized conservation (Houbara) foundation in Morocco and North Africa. Currently Sami is managing a conservation and wildlife foundation with 100 employees in Morocco. Sami is a recipient of the “Leadership Award” from the US Sixth Army NCO Academy and recognized student leadership while at Indiana University. Sami was a co-founder of the United Palestinian Appeal and served on its board for over 12 years. He lives in Fairfax, VA. Sami is an advocate of the OneState for All of its People as a solution to the Israeli/Zionist conflict with the Palestinians. Sami has 4 bothers who served in the US military 2 Marines and 2 Army.
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How convient, that the murder of Jesus was done by the same “people” that birthed him. The Christian position that a Jewish man is the son of Go0d is all the hypocrisy you need to know you have been conned. Christinas don’t get it is right, and if we cannot explain it to them, we may all go up in smoke by their self fulfilling prophecies. If your priest or minister is not staunchly anti-war, take your bitchness out on them immediately.
And talk is cheap, they must stop sending money to the higher ups, stop beating the war drums, and actively use their time to prevent war. That is what they are paid for, keep life sacred. Force them to do their job. And forget the dogma, because today is today. Not yesterday.
It doesn’t seem to do any good to point out to the “con-vinced” what any scholar says. Schumer is Ny and NY is ruled jointly by Christians and Jews. The Bible is a jointly owned propaganda machine for Christians and Jews. Neither of them wrote it. They took some books they stole from Egypt and changed them to their liking.
It is a real estate acquisition book, as evidenced by the activities of Christians and Jews for the last age.
That is what it is used for. Their main expenses are real estate and property maintenance. Do not bother asking them what that has to do with spirituality. They only know , mine mine mine and they take take take.
America and Palestine are glaring examples. Don’t bother asking them to take responsibility, because then they blame each other. It is a partnership exemplified by Blood and Ownership.
And please with the Abraham thing. If a scholar is not familiar with the 36 decans and 20 days, then they have no earthly or unearthly clue what they are talking about. That knowledge has been and is known. The Chinese have it, the Japanese have it, the Maya have it, Egypt had it till guess who showed up, the Hindu have it, and it is all so easy to prove. But the con-vinced prefer the comfortable lie, to the uncomfortable truth, and certainly the priests prefer their lavish provisions and the heaps of unwarranted praise they receive. So comfy.
It is as if Trump and Hubbard got together and wrote a manual for population control designed to maximize real estate profits. Onward Christian Soldiers, marching on toward the county clerks office.
Whine all you want, but christian domination committed genocide on beautiful people in North America for centuries before Israel was founded by Brits. Christians cannot escape their brutal past and ignorant present.
What they CAN do, is get their Christian leaders, ministers, priests whatever you want to call them, to actively join and empower a stern anti-war position among their followers. I got 50 bucks says they will not do that, and even further, they will beat the war drum with their book and cross. It is on the American Christians to take responsibility and act like grown ups in doing so. Now that you know war is a racket, you must accept that Christians are the soldiers. Onward Christian Soldiers marching by the call from Cambridge Analytica and late night Catholics, John Oliver, David Lettermen, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, etc etc…. Alec Baldwin, Larry Willmore, Bill Maher, am I missing a few etc etc
See I have always known and experienced you to be a bloodthirsty propagandist Johnny America, you are a coward who does not use their real name, and you are a racist from the word go. you have subtle innuendos and braggadocious emotional outbursts that reveal your inner racism. You were blatant at first then adjusted to a lighter more publicly acceptable persona, but are easily triggered into a rage of idiocy. If you had gone and met the beautiful people and learned history, you would have gained from it, but you have instead chosen to adopt dogma and racism as your guide. And even today you would blame your victims for the resolve and animosity they display against you as a colonist and a blatant racist. Supreme in your own mind only.
Tell me what claim you have on this land ?
And I did watch the link, and it is filthy garbage produced by idiots who sell their wares to racists. Family Guy is (unbeknownst to you ) is not a source of pride in the art world but a source of exposure and absurdity.
Your world is a sad place where you have no access to a mirror and instead misplace your aggression for your own lack onto anyone who fits the bill as target of inferiority, and the reality is, that sadness can only come from the unloved. You once claimed you lived next to a reservation, I contend you never found it.
It only takes a minute to adjust your settings to use your real name.
America can’t stop marching for Israel, or recognize the rights of the Palestinians anymore than it can recognize the wrongs perpetrated on the native Americans. Doing so would mean compensating (and we don’t have enough) the American Indians, and the complete collapse of Israel. Both would turn to dust, and blow away.
That is a valid and distinguished point, that cannot be refuted. However we do have enough to compensate Native Americans, they don’t want money, they want us to understand that we have an illness called colonization and it is a mental condition. They only ask for ur healing. And we certainly have that capacity, but the will to heal or even recognize we have a problem is prevented by dogma.
Regardless of who wrote the Torah, or whether one believes in it or not, the covenant was with Abraham and his seed, which does not include the atheist, ashkeNazi Khazars that founded the modern apartheid state of Israhell. It’s true, most of the European “jews” who set up the modern state of Israhell were atheist and much of Israel’s Jew-ish population today are atheists, but that doesn’t stop them from claiming that God gave them the land. It’s a bullsh!t excuse to justify the subjugation of the land and it’s people.
The Jewish almanac tells us that it’s incorrect to refer to an ancient Israelite or Hebrew as a Jew. Just as it’s incorrect to refer to a contemporary Jew as a Hebrew or Israelite. Today’s jews are not Hebrews, or Israelites. They are not Abraham’s seed and the covenant never applied to them.
Not to mention, the covenant made with Abraham’s seed was conditional and depended on strict adherence to the law. When the original inheritors of the covenant transgressed the law in every way imaginable, the covenant was broken and the original inheritors were expelled from the land. So, even if one believes the Torah, Abraham’s seed broke the covenant by transgressing their laws in every way imaginable and were booted from the land by their God. So, even if today’s Jews were the seed of Abraham (which they are not) their return would be yet another slap in the face to their God. Therefore, any claim of ancestral inheritance to the land made by today’s Jews has no basis in reality.
I hope christians can convince their higher-ups, because they have been steadfastly pro war since way before the US was founded and up to today. Senators also vote for war constantly and they are nearly all christians.
So, christianity needs to fess up about who votes for war and who doesn’t. The priests who decide to go rogue and actually become activists against war, are ostracized and disowned by their religion.
So, the representatives of the prince of peace have no eace in their hearts when it comes to real estate.
“America is a xtian nation.”
If anything, America is a Babylonian paradise for Talmud thumping imposters and their corrupted ilk, hiding behind the delusional self-proclamation of being a Christian nation. Nobody who honestly attempts to follow the teachings of Christ are warmongering, intolerant Jew worshippers, because Christ’s teachings clearly preach peace, tolerance and that the forefathers of Judaism are sons of their father, the devil. I would bet that less than 5% of those who profess to be “Christian” are actually attempting to follow his teachings. That is why I refuse to identify with the degenerate mob of warmongering imposters who hide behind the label of Christianity. They drag His name through the mud and it’s no accident. They are following the teachings of corrupted men dressed like penguins, instead of following the teachings of Christ.
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