Sarah Sanders May Face Prison for Lies About Comey Firing

Sanders said her claim that countless members of the FBI opposed former director James Comey was ‘not founded on anything’


After Trump fired James Comey, the White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders repeatedly claimed in live press briefings that the rank and file of the FBI had lost confidence in the FBI director, and that “we’ve heard from countless members of the FBI” who did not support him.

Those statements had no basis in fact, Sanders later admitted in interviews with special counsel Robert Mueller’s office.

The redacted version of the special counsel’s report released on Thursday included multiple examples of Trump’s current and former press secretaries making false claims to journalists, particularly in the days after Comey’s firing.

Sanders, the current White House press secretary, told the special counsel’s office that a statement she had made to journalists about the Comey’s lack of support within the FBI “was not founded on anything”.

Sanders’ claim on 10 May 2017, the day after Comey was fired, that “countless members of the FBI” opposed Comey was “a slip of the tongue”, Sanders told the special counsel’s office in an interview last year.

Sanders repeated that “slip of the tongue” during a press briefing the following day, when skeptical White House reporters questioned her on her claim that Comey did not have support within the FBI’s rank and file.

read more at UK Guardian


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  1. Since when is lying a crime in politics? Prosecute Sara then we must prosecute Bush and everyone else who went on national TV to sell the lie of the Iraqi WMDs. And let’s not stop there. The 911 lies are legion and extend down to the MSM news anchors. Even the BBC gal who had foreknowledge of building 7’s collapse, and who gave her that information anyway, or did she see it in a dream. So yes arrest Sarah, but round up everyone else too. Mueller too for his lies concerning 911. Get the picture? We’re living a life built on lies. And we wonder why so many children are autistic?. Has anyone asked or wondered if maybe the more intelligent children are just having a hard time making sense of the bullshite they’re being fed creating unbearable anxiety. The universe began with a pea sized chunk of matter weighing thousands of times more than the entire earth suddenly exploded (into what?) with a big bang, and there you have it. No God, no nothing. Everything is meaningless. I say get back to basics.

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