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Yearly Archives: 2019

SNC Lavalin and Canadian Yellow Vests of Canada are under Attack

The PHYSICAL ECONOMY is melting down and a fight for the new system is on. By Matthew J.L. Ehret for VT Canada BIO: Matthew J.L. Ehret is...

‘The Monsters Are the Men’: Inside a Thriving Sex Trafficking Trade in Florida

By Patricia Mazzei Editor's note:  On the doorstep of the Roger Stone, Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump empire. JUPITER, Fla. — Something was amiss at a massage...

House Will Interrogate Barr, Sue Trump to Make Mueller Report Public

  (CNN)House Intelligence Committee Democrats are willing to compel Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify before their panel and sue the administration if that's...

Editing of CCR5 Gene Can Affect More Than the Immune System

Health Editor's Note:  You will find mention of Ashkenazi Jews in this article. Here is the actual study of the genome evolution of Jewish...

Social Media As a Bioethics Issue

Health Editor's Note: Social media plays a large part in all of our lives....some okay and some no so okay. You can look up...

Stanley McChrystal, Israel’s Deadly Puppet Master

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Journalist Michael Hastings has been dead for many years.  He is forgotten and that was intended from the beginning.  The...

Iran has new plans to neutralize US sanctions, needs no deal with Washington: Shamkhani

Jim W. Dean - Tehran has put on the table for the first time that the US must come back into the JCPOA to establish its credibility as a negotiating partner before any new talks begin, quite a curve ball.

US will Retain Hundreds of Troops in Syria despite Withdrawal

By Nauman Sadiq, VT Islamabad White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement on Thursday, February 21, “A small peace keeping group...

Middle East/Caucuses Sitrep (video in German)


Syria bombs 20 Jihadi targets in Idlib province

Syrian warplanes deliver strikes on Idlib militants for the first time since September ... from Southfront - First published ... February 24, 2019 - For the...

US Army Transferring 50 Tons of ISIL’s Gold to US

The US Army is taking ISIL's gold treasure that is estimated to weigh around 50 tons from Eastern Syria to America, a source close to Kurdish forces said Sunday.

Pravda: US missile defense: who are the enemies and what will change

Following Russia, which in the autumn of 2018 announced qualitative changes in the country's defense and the creation of new NMD forces (non-strategic...

Russian Media REVEALS 5 US Targets for ‘Zircon’ Missiles in Case of Aggression

During his annual address to the Federal Assembly Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russian submarines will be heavily equipped with 3M22 Zircon (NATO...

New World Order Causes Famine in Venezuela

The ideological strategy is pretty straightforward: starve a sizable number of the population, and then provide food and shelter for them so that they can blame the current crisis on Maduro. The New York Times has essentially and indirectly been advancing the same ideology.

Beautiful Sounding Words

The Most Beautiful-Sounding Words in English by Richard Nordquist for ThoughtCo What do you think is the most beautiful-sounding word in English? Consider these unpredictable choices by well-known...

Trump, Kushner, Bolton Weighing False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran

By Gordon Duff with Nahed al Husaini and multiple diplomatic sources The date has been set, April, May and leaks are everywhere.  The timing is...

Indian Jingoism after Pulwama Attack

  Asif Haroon Raja It is generally believed in Pakistan that like all other terrorist attacks in India or in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK), Pulwama suicide...

Judge: Prosecutors violated law in dealings with Jeffrey Epstein victims

Jim W. Dean - Is it a coincidence that the former prosecutor on the slap on the wrist Epstein case ended up as Secretary o Labor? Suspicious minds would love to know.

Tucker Carlson to historian who criticizes the rich: “Go **** yourself”

Tucker Carlson: “I wanna go say to you, why don’t you go fuck yourself, you tiny brain. And I hope this gets picked up, because you’re a moron. I tried to give you a fair hearing, but you were too fucking annoying.”

Syria: America’s “Bag of Bombs” (translated)


St. John Paul II and His Prophetic Warning to the U.S.

By Deacon Keith A Fournier (Submitted to VT) Catholic Online (https://www.catholic.org) Be Not Afraid! Open up, no; swing wide the gates to Christ. Open up to...

Will the Trade War Lead to Real War with China?

What the U.S. faces with China is not a new Cold War but a contest unlike any it has known before, says Chas W....

Russia in the Global Arena of Fight Without Rules

By Galima Galiullina, Ph. D for VT If the world is offered the "law of the jungle", you need to play according to the "laws...

Germany will not bow to US Nord Stream pressure

Jim W. Dean - The German trade lobby tells Trump Germany is not a territory of the US to be dictated to on trade policy, specifically where they will buy their energy from.

US Stryker Vehicles in Europe Have Deep Cyberwar Weaknesses – Pentagon Report

Such extreme and preventable lapses in security in any system should be viewed as absolute criminal negligence.

FFWN: Jim Dean on 9/11 coverup, anti-Semitism panic, suspected false flags in France, Kashmir,...

This week's FFWN covers a long list of suspected false flags. We also look at the "anti-Semitism" scare, as well as other Israeli propaganda tools.

China Bars Millions From Travel for ‘Social Credit’ Offenses

Millions of Chinese citizens were blocked from traveling last year because of Beijing’s dystopian new “social credit” system, which punishes people for offenses as...

Straight out of Dr Strangelove’: Analysts slam Trump’s plan to trade nuclear secrets with...

VT has proof Saudi Arabia has purchased nukes in the past, purchased nuclear missile delivery systems from China and now wants to build a...

RT: Warsaw won’t bow to ‘lies & racist insults,’ Polish PM says amid...

After an Israeli minister claimed that Poles harbor anti-Semitism from childhood, a Polish PM fired back, saying his country, where thousands risked their lives...

Trump, the Space Force and the AI That May Kill Us All

By Peter Paget for VT Arthur C. Clarke in the 1968 release of "2001, A Space Odyssey" identified that HAL the on board 'super computer,'...

Pulwama: India’s False Flag Operation in Kashmir, Danger of Nuclear War?

                             By Sajjad Shaukat for VT At least 44 Indian soldiers were...

Ukraine: Religious Organizations Increasingly Violate Journalist Rights

Marija Bogdanovic for VT Endowment for Public Awareness https://epa.foundation/ In early January 2019, an event remarkable for the Ukrainian faithful happened – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was...

Iran’s Soleimani warns Pakistan against Saudi attempts to destroy it

Iran’s Major General Qassem Soleimani has cautioned Pakistan against the true intentions behind Saudi Arabia's pumping of billions of dollars into its troubled economy, saying...

Very Cool: Video from US Drone, Hacked and Flown by Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh disclosed on Thursday that several US aircraft that...

FDA Admits Making Mistakes in Opioid Epidemic–60 Minutes

Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler Says Agency Erred in Allowing Drug Companies to Promote Opioids for Chronic Pain Treatment--"60 Minutes" FDA Admits Making “Many Mistakes”...

Game Over, the Fake Missile Alert

Health Editor's Note: I think that by the time you have an alert of a real incoming nuclear ballistic missile coming to a location...

Open Buckets of Uranium Ore in Grand Canyon Museum, Really?

Health Editor's Note: Having been a visitor to the Grand Canyon as recently as August of 2018, can I mention how happy I am...

Crazy in Gov: Why Won’t the Media Discuss Trump’s Mental Instability?

  Donald Trump’s Rose Garden speech last week announcing his emergency declaration over the “crisis” at the southern border was rambling, incoherent, and unhinged: in...

WHO: Measles Outbreak in Madagascar Kills 900

Health Editor's Note:  Measles is killing hundreds despite the fact that vaccinations can stop this. As important as it is to know that the...