War? Trump Threatens to delay election of imaginary voter fraud (as predicted by VT)

Who else did Melania date?

The dates of federal elections are set by Congress, and the Constitution makes no provisions for a delay to the Jan. 20, 2021 presidential inauguration.

[ Editor’s Note: Could this move be the stupid Donald Trump we have always thought him to be (crafty yes, but stupid), because he cannot control his recklessness? This is the top story all over the world today.

Trump has done what no President has ever done. His feint, thinking he was showing how smart is he, was to declare a ‘delay’. But a delay of the election on November 3rd is ..’duh’…canceling it.

If he can cancel the scheduled Nov 3rd one, then he can cancel the January 20th one. Gosh, this sounds kind of like the attitude we have been getting from the Trump White House all along and his Opus Dei gang, with Robert Barr the head of that effort.

This is a White House coup against Congress, which actually runs the election, and the Constitution.

How does this make his cabinet look? The framing for this is quite clear, the obstruction of an election to buy time to reverse what is going to happen.

Trump was never cleared in his impeachment. It never went to trial in the Senate, which refused to have a trial. Lincoln ran for office during the Civil War, as did Roosevelt. So what could justify Trump’s wanting a delay when were are not even at war? Would it be the fact that Trump is behind 10 points in the polls, and that is a danger to the country?

Are all of his cabinet members going to not resign, and effectively join the coup?

How about General Milley at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Esper at the Pentagon? Are they going to go along with ‘delaying’ the election? Would the command structure still follow their orders?

What do we do when a president who has no power to cancel an election insists that he does? Should he be taken into custody, and those around him? Would that put Pence in charge, while Trump was sent to the ‘time out box’?

VT has long editorialized that, despite our long history of imperfect governments, we have never had gangsters at the helm.

Will Hannity hang in there with him? Will Fox News? Will they risk their reputation when they also have a long way to fall? Let me know what you think in the comments Jim W. Dean ]

NBC: President Trump on Thursday suggested delaying November’s presidential election, an unprecedented move as polls show him trailing his likely opponent Joe Biden.

From VT:

“We can’t prove that Coronavirus was unleashed in the US in order to facilitate a takeover of the United States. However, we accept it as a possibility and even a likelihood.

We do know that Donald Trump has issued a presidential order cancelling the election based on a national emergency, COVID 19 and Chinese interference in the election tied to “treason” by Joe Biden and key American political figures whose names are already on arrest warrants.

Trump has already built an unconstitutional police force based on the model of the Pinkertons or the American Legionaires who tried to arrest Franklin Roosevelt as part of the ‘Business Plot’ in 1933 until stopped by Marine General Smedley Butler.

With Trump now hopelessly behind in the polls, experts around the country are getting wind of what VT’s inside sources in Washington have confirmed, that Trump has no intention of leaving the White House.”

Notwithstanding his suggestion, the dates of federal elections are set by Congress, and the Constitution makes no provisions for a delay to the Jan. 20 inauguration.

Intel Drop, July 24, 2020: Trump secretly cancels election (updated)

Any such move would require a change of federal law, meaning it would need to go through Democrats in the House of Representatives in addition to the Republican-controlled Senate.

“With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???” the president tweeted, making his latest unsubstantiated allegation that increased mail-in voting will result in fraud.

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud through mail-in voting, even in states with all-mail votes.

The tweet comes amid widespread polling suggesting the president trails Democrat Joe Biden by double digits with less than 100 days until the vote. The latest Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll had Biden leading Trump by 11 points, and more recent NBC News / Marist polls have put Biden ahead in key battleground states like Arizona and North Carolina.



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  1. One might add that attempting to delay an election is a criminal act when done by a paid government official sworn to protect and defend the constitution.

  2. It also says you can’t fight a war without congressional approval, but that went out the window several presidents ago. Delay the election or no delay: You can bet it will serve the banker gangsters either way.

  3. Well, if I have it right,..?? If the election is disputed, and not resolved before Jan 20, then Speaker of the House becomes acting President.
    The line of succession would be enforced, and no “keepers” rights for an incumbent would apply.
    The term is four years, and that cannot be changed by the executive branch, so thank you founders. I am quite sure, the number of (very eager) volunteers to escort him out of the WH is high. Keep in mind we are not talking about a brave person, just a loud mouth punk.

  4. Jim, people tend to forget that even if they get a ballot in the mail, that does not mean they must return it by mail. I wouldn’t! It is not that hard to use the Drop-off boxes that every county and city provide for Absentee ballots, and I recommend their use, rather than depending on the Post Office.

  5. Obviously Trump is practicing some surreal modern Thaumaturgy that has incited more radical reaction against criminal .gov than ever before . No more snoring in the peanut gallery as the lemmings swarm toward their reward cards to claim the vaccine with cheese special plus unlimited t-mobile porn time and universal income that covers the monthly fee for the black box that gives them all they want and takes all they have while fictional White Hats pee on the Bonfire of All Vanities for our constant delight and the empty hope for Hoppalong Cassidy Biden superglued to a blind charging imitation of Democracy that certainly will impale on the horns of a dilemma we call Life .

  6. All Trump has to do is declare a “national emergency” on whatever pretext. That would enable him to declare martial law and suspend the November elections. He absolutely has the power to do this…

    “The moment the president declares a “national emergency”—a decision that is entirely within his discretion—more than 100 special provisions become available to him. While many of these tee up reasonable responses to genuine emergencies, some appear dangerously suited to a leader bent on amassing or retaining power.”


    If we do indeed have a presidential election in November, the best reason to vote for Biden, however flawed his is as a candidate, is that he will undoubtedly abide by the results of the election… unlike Trump.

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