Fiery COVID Debate! Prof. Tony Hall vs. Kevin Barrett


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In today’s False Flag Weekly News (at the 48:50 mark) I raised a question often posed by audience members: Is COVID a complete hoax? Or is it a scam based on a real, dangerous virus? I argued the latter. The best evidence that COVID deaths are in six figures, I opined, is the data on “excess deaths from all causes,” according to which over 250,000 too many Americans have died this year.

Professor Tony Hall disagreed, citing reports that only 6% of reported COVID deaths are deaths from COVID alone. I argued that he was misconstruing that report, and that we may reasonably assume that COVID was a leading factor in a great many of the more than 250,000 “excess deaths from all causes.” Tony excitedly disagreed. Pretty soon things got hot enough to melt steel beams.

Despite vociferously disagreeing, we remain on friendly terms. Are we allowed to have this kind of debate? Or will YouTube nuke my channel again on some ridiculous pretext—maybe they will disagree with Tony, or me, or Allan the producer about something, or maybe they will claim I was impersonating Tony Hall and he was impersonating me.

We are living in interesting times, and we should be allowed to engage in spirited debates about what is really going on. Unfortunately the big internet monopolies don’t seem to agree. They need to be seized, nationalized, and run as transparent public utilities in full compliance with the First Amendment.

-Kevin Barrett, VT Editor



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  1. FRESH corona-SARS II is quite virulent and deadly, but after only a very few weeks, it reverts to its very benign identity as one cause for a common cold corona form in those with compromised immune systems. Or….there is no COVID-19 at all and the swine are killing us non-British Empire subjects/criminal communists with 5G radiation. Harvard’s Charles M. Lieber is reported to be the one who transported it to China after a visit to the London Pirbright Institute. He was apprehended and arrested on the way back to the U.S. after he was caught lying about his secret biowarfare activity in China. Check this out:

  2. you’re so right Dr. Barrett. i read an article on SOTT, which the author was upset a college offered a course titled “how to overthrow the govt”. she wanted big govt to step in, defund, and censor. ridiculous. as for the virus. im not sure but the similarities between 911 & coronavirus tactics to impose tryanny, has me suspicious.

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