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Tag: censorship

Kommer historiekunskapen att helt förbjudas?

VT:s Jan Westh rapporterar om läget för global information

Will The Global Powers That Control Completely Ban History?

VT's Jan Westh reports on the state of global information

VT RADIO: 2023 Police State Update with VT’s Dr. Kevin...

The Clampdown gets punched in the face by VT's Senior Editor Dr. Kevin Barrett while Host Johnny Punish delivers a roundhouse kick to the core!

Biden-NWO Censorship Theocracy. Ashli Babbitt’s Mother Arrested Protesting Outside US Capitol...

Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio In the most important western nation that defines itself as civil and democratic, it is forbidden to demonstrate for...

Why I’m Voting Republican for the First Time Ever

Fast-forward to 2022, and suddenly, somehow, the Democrats have become the war party, the censorship party, the “anti-conspiracy theories” (i.e. anti-hard-truths) party.

Judge Orders Fauci, Psaki, FBI Top Official Be Deposed in Big...

The attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri and other plaintiffs allege that Fauci, director of NIAID and President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, and other defendants, colluded and coerced social media companies to “suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content” regarding COVID-19.

Internet Censorship and the Tyranny of Woke Intentions

Mainstream media won’t repost the “hateful tweet,” which makes it hard for readers to understand what got banned and why.

DHS Disinformation Squad: “Do NOT Watch False Flag Weekly News!” (with...

"What is the use of Twitter paying Censor-in-Chief Vijaya Gadde $17 million per year if she isn’t going to boot people like me off the platform?"

Ukraine Censorship: America’s Social Media Commissars

Social media platforms are aggressively censoring all who challenge the dominant narrative on Ukraine, the ruling Democratic Party, wars in the Middle East and the corporate state.

US Politico-Media ‘Incestuous Relationship’ Driving ‘Wartime Propaganda’

Over the last 20 years, US corporate media outlets have populated their 24-hour news cycles with a bevy of commentators from the military-industrial complex, including former Pentagon chiefs, CIA directors, and directors of national intelligence, all while purging their airtime of antiwar voices such as Phil Donahue.

The current international politico-military situation and its development trends

The Russian special military operation was a moment of truth for the Russian world in defending its right to an independent existence in the face of aggressive globalism, embodied in American hegemony, NATO expansion, and LGBT propaganda. It has also become a point of no return for the "collective West."

Google Tells Publishers Economic Censorship is Consequence for Going Against “Go...

Today, Google sent out a notice to PUBLISHERS via email effectively enacting economic censorship against those who go against the "mainstream"

VT Battles for Social Media Space Under an Agenda Driven Censorship...

We list the Social Media Platforms that VT has a relationship with, and encourage our readers who use these platforms to follow and share.

US-Israeli Leaders’ Problem: They Believe Their Own Lies

Western powers place a media ban on every word or image that runs counter to their policies, but use the same platforms to unleash destructive offensives against the Islamic Republic.

Despotism Is the New Normal: Looming Threats to Freedom in 2022

Thus, while on paper, we are technically free to speak, in reality, we are only as free to speak as the government and tech giants such as Facebook, Google or YouTube may allow.

OMG! Omicron!!! (with Cat McGuire)

A STUDY BY Dr Steven Gundry, a renowned American cardiac surgeon, now medical director of the International Heart and Lung Institute at Palm Springs, California, SHOWS THAT PULS TEST SCORES MORE THAN DOUBLE AFTER VACCINATION...

FFWN: Pushing Back Against Draconian Mandates (with Cat McGuire)

Cat McGuire is the greatest PR "nurse" since Nayirah!

YouTube UNCENSORS False Flag Weekly News

YouTube's AI algorithm thought my joke about anti-vax animals revolting at the zoo was "medical misinformation."

Spirited COVID Debate! Free speech in action!

It's almost as if the censors WANT to give the goofy theories credibility (while hiding the true theories) by pissing everybody off with their mindless, treasonous censorship...

Censored by Patreon, I’m Moving to Substack

"In the interest of the public’s general safety, your page will not be reinstated and will be permanently removed."

War on History! Obits for Sen. Mike Gravel Hide His Support...

There have always been a few honest politicians. Sen. Mike Gravel was one of them.

E. Michael Jones on FFWN: Every Day in Post-9/11 America Is...

Biden seizes Press TV, brays about closure of Hong Kong tabloid: A sad day for media freedom, maybe, but a great day for rank hypocrisy.

PressTV domain seized by US government: Kevin Barrett & Scott Bennett...

https://youtu.be/J2TGb_6hdRc Why did the US government just take down all of the major international outlets that bring on commentators who challenge the official version of...

Biden should admit Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against Iran was complete...

US President Joe Biden should admit that former President Donald Trump's “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran was a complete fiasco...

FFWN: In Which We Blaspheme Against the Sacred Vax, the Holy...

Obviously YouTube cannot allow such things to be spoken of freely and openly in the digital equivalent of the public square.

FFWN: In Which I Apologize to E. Michael Jones

Are Holocaustianity and the Cult of Covid replacing traditional religion? And is this an appropriate subject for gallows humor?

False Flag Weekly News Censored by Youtube…for Attacking Censorship!

All this draconian censorship ... suggests very strongly that the elites pushing the COVID party line have something to hide.

Grandfather arrested, grandchildren expelled for “possession and use of Dr. Seuss”

Jonathan Greenbutt of the Anti-Defecation League (ADL) hailed the FBI's turn toward "maximum enforcement" of the new anti-Seuss laws.

FFWN: Empire Collapsing, 1st Amendment on Life Support (with E. Michael...

As I prayed for the soul of Nasim Aghdam and railed against YouTube nuking my channel, "E. Mike" just nodded sagely and reminded me that the ongoing orgy of censorship is a sign that the oligarchs are getting desperate.

Domestic Terror Alert! Conspiracy Theorist Insurrection Threatens Free World! (with E....

We would all learn a lot just by watching E. Michael Jones watching They Live.

Fiery COVID Debate! Prof. Tony Hall vs. Kevin Barrett

We agree that COVID is a scam. We disagree about some of the details.

The Chutzpah! YouTube Just Froze My Channel Using Spurious Charge of...

YouTube just nuked our live broadcast, issued a strike, and froze my channel for a week.

Facebook Bans “Jew Runs Facebook” as Hate Speech

“Calling a Jewish person a ‘Jew’ is an age-old anti-Semitic trope,” Zuckerb*rg explained...

More COVID Censorship! M.D. Suspended from NextDoor.com

Dr. Kuhananthan immigrated to the US from Sri Lanka in part because of America's reputation for freedom of expression. Now, he says, "All of a sudden I am feeling like I am living in Russia or North Korea."

FFWN: Got Coronafascism Yet?

Is Wal-Mart justified in posting blackshirts at the door to enforce CoronaMask compliance, or should they have used brownshirts instead?

DeSean Jackson’s “Draconian Punishment for Misquoting Hitler”: Traded Back to Washington...

"Civil liberties advocates noted that Nazis seem to be policing American speech with ever-greater fanaticism."

FFWN: Orwellian Tyranny Coming at “Warp Speed”

Patrick Zylberman, a professor of History of Health in Paris, predicted years ago that “sanitary terror” would be used as an instrument of governance.

Open Letter to Jeff Bezos on Censorship

Robert Steele challenges Jeff Bezos on the fundamentals of publishing, censorship, and the American Way.

Most Banned Article in History: ‘Why Are We Being Lied To?”

Mistrust in everything is engineered into our very being as a method of control, absolute control.

YouTube Bans VT while the Epstein’s Run This

Wired: Nadia Marcinkova, by that name, first appeared in court documents, in Florida, about a decade ago. She was 22 then and had been...