Why I’m Voting Republican for the First Time Ever

The "left" has abandoned peace, freedom, and working folks—they're now warmongers, censors, and corporate shills


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A few years ago, if you’d told me I would ever vote for a Republican not named Ron Paul, I’d have said you were out of your mind. For most of my lifetime the Republicans seemed the more obnoxious wing of the two-party duopoly. They were sanctimonious hypocrites preaching family values while banging interns; smug phonies who’d do and say anything for corporate money; rabid militarists who incited hatred of Communists during the Cold War, then Muslims during the 9/11-triggered War on Islam; mass murder profiteers whose mission in life was to drench the military-industrial complex in blood money and lap up the leftovers. My overall impression was that Republicans were either sociopaths (the smart ones) or simple-minded gullible fools (the rest). Compared to them, Democrats often seemed at least slightly more honest, reasonable, sophisticated, and genuinely concerned with ordinary folks.

But today I’ll be voting for a bunch of Republicans, starting with Senator Ron Johnson,* in the midterm elections. I even knocked on doors for Johnson—the first time I ever did that for any mainstream party candidate.

What happened?

My Democrat friends and family members undoubtedly think I’m nuts. But I think it’s the Democrats who’ve gone crazy.

When I was young, the left stood for peace and freedom. That was actually the name of the left-wing third party I often voted for: the Peace and Freedom Party. The Democrats, who stood to the left of the Republicans, were the natural home of mainstream voters who didn’t like the Vietnam War, didn’t like the Cold War, didn’t like the wars on Nicaragua and El Salvador and Panama and Grenada and Angola and so many other countries, not least of all Iraq and Afghanistan.

And Democrats, more than Republicans tended to oppose any attempts to censor criticism of the rich and powerful. Even in the most controversial cases of free speech vs. censorship—such as Nazis marching through the Jewish town of Skokie, Illinois—liberals, leftists, and Democrats stood up for free speech. Conservatives and Republicans mostly didn’t.

The Democratic Party probably would have ended the Cold War, and with it the American Empire, in the 1960s, if Republicans like James Jesus Angleton and Allan Dulles (and at least one treasonous Democrat, Lyndon Baines Johnson) hadn’t helped Israel murder the Kennedy brothers. Though the pro-peace faction of the Democratic Party never managed to force a real investigation of the JFK and RFK killings, it took down Johnson and contributed to ending the Vietnam debacle. Many Democrats, and few Republicans, have been murdered by the national security state—not just JFK, RFK, and JFK Jr., but also Dorothy Kilgallen, Hale Boggs, Mel Carnahan, and Paul Wellstone. Dennis Kucinich, one of my favorite progressive Democrats, was nearly assassinated, as he recounted during our interview last year, and one or more of his family members may have been targeted to scare him away from his pledge to investigate the 9/11 put options.

Terrible, unspeakable truths about the almost unbelievable corruption infesting the highest echelons of the American Empire have, until recently, been spoken more by leftists and Democrats than by rightists and Republicans. If, back in the 1960s and 1970s, you wanted at least some of the truth about the JFK assassination, you had to read left-wing magazines like Ramparts or your local (leftist) underground newspaper. Left-leaning Democratic columnists like Warren Hinckle in San Francisco were the only people breathing a word of truth about the JFK coup to mainstream audiences.

Fast-forward to 2022, and suddenly, somehow, the Democrats have become the war party, the censorship party, the “anti-conspiracy theories” (i.e. anti-hard-truths) party.

The Democrats, more than the Republicans, launched the current War on Russia Through Ukraine. Obama presided over the overthrow of the legitimate Ukrainian government in 2014 and the installation of a rabidly anti-Russia neo-Nazi regime. Biden, for his part, shredded the Minsk Accords, approved the continuing UkroNazi genocide of Donbass, and cleared the path for Ukraine to be absorbed by NATO—a euphemism for “US military occupation.” Clearly Biden’s policy, supported by essentially the entire Democratic Party, is to use the Ukraine war to bleed, break up, and loot Russia.

Republicans, for their part, are far less unanimous in their anti-Russia warmongering. Some of them, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, are promising that a Republican victory in the midterms will stop the rush to nuclear apocalypse.

Since war and censorship tend to go together, it isn’t surprising that the Democratic warmongers are now rabidly pro-censorship. Stealing a line from Henry Kissinger, the Democrats reacted to Trump’s rise by saying, in essence, “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go fascist because of the irresponsibility of its own people.” From the Democrats’ perspective, the American people had become too irresponsible to be trusted with free speech. A wave of social media censorship, mostly targeting Republicans and conservatives, arose in 2016 and grew larger every year. Then when COVID-19 hit in 2020 the wave crested and broke, washing away the last remnants of pre-2016 internet freedom.

Not satisfied with merely becoming the party of war and unfreedom, the Democrats have also decided to one-up the Republicans in shilling for corporate greed and corruption. By far the most extreme example of systemic corruption in the American corporate sector is Big Pharma, whose tentacles are wrapped around the academic and scientific segments of the public health sector—distorting research through systematic bribery, reaping multi-billion-dollar profits on toxic products, killing hundreds of thousands, and working closely with the $100 billion biological warfare industry. (For an introduction, read or watch The Real Anthony Fauci and check out Ron Unz’s e-book on public health scandals.)

Prior to the capture of health and medicine by Big Pharma, the Democrats were the voice of relative sanity on public health issues. Today, the Democrats, with the lone exception of RFK Jr., are the rabidly mindless shills of the Big Pharma billionaires.

Some of my friends, including Allan at No Lies Radio, object that despite the Democrats’ newfound status as warmongering censorship-loving corporate shills, they are at least better on economic issues. Republican Ron Johnson, for example, wants to put Social Security on the table for funding and benefit cuts. Given that skyrocketing inequality is the root cause of much of the destruction of American society, Allan suggests, shouldn’t we view Democrats as the lesser evil?

One of Allan’s favorite economists, Michael Hudson, says “no.” Ron Unz just sent me the following quote from Hudson’s recent interview:

DLJ: Economies are interdependent. I.e., it would still be a question of the Chinese working class and the American working class building bonds across nations.

MH: The Democratic Party has produced such an anti-Asian, hate-filled racism, that I don’t think that can be. The Democratic Party has done everything it could to spur an ethnic war between the black and Asian populations. You see that here in New York by the attacks on the subways, on the street, mainly by blacks against Asians. The Democratic Party, by pushing this ethnic identity, has pushed ethnic hatred. That’s why the Democrats are surprised that the Hispanics and Asians are moving towards the Republicans. The Hispanics and Asians realize that the Democrats have a race-hatred policy, much like the Nazis. I don’t believe that any political progress can be made in the U.S. until the Democratic Party, certainly the current leadership, is swept away. There cannot be any progress in America today led by the Democratic Party, which is today the ideologically Right-wing party that has turned what should be an economic problem into an ethnic and non-economic problem. It’s like the old industrial capitalist was supposed to have said, “if I can get half the working class fighting against the rest of the working class, then we have won.” That’s the Democratic Party. They asked, “how do we do it?” We divide the working class into ethnicities, ethnic identity, gender identity.

DLJ: You can have the working class cancel each other.

MH: Yes.

Hudson is right: The billionaire oligarchs’ most effective weapon against ordinary working Americans is the madness of identity politics. And the ID politics weapon is being wielded by the Democratic wing, far more than the Republican wing, of the oligarchs’ two-party duopoly. By framing the wars on Russia and the Islamic world as crusades to make the world safe for drag queens to groom children and biological men to crush women in female athletics, they’re inviting a whole lot of Americans to cheer for the other side.

So I am voting for Republicans today not because I am thrilled with all of their policies and positions—I definitely am not—but because they have somehow become marginally better than the Democrats…which admittedly isn’t saying much. By participating in a likely Red Wave, I hope to help deliver a stinging rebuke to the Democrats’ warmongering, censorship, shilling for Big Pharma, and promotion of identity-politics-based mass psychosis whose only beneficiaries are the billionaires.

*I don’t agree with Ron Johnson on all the issues, but I admire his courage and integrity. Sen. Johnson is taking on Big Pharma and the allied biowar industry by vowing to investigate COVID scandals including the mega-scandal of COVID origins.


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  1. Well, you got your wish, Kevin. Ron Johnson was reelected. Sadly, it had nothing whatsoever to do with why the Faustian quest for power and “freedom” is satanic, while happiness and goodness require humbly accepting one’s place and surrendering to God. So-called Christian Zionists in Wisconsin, including my bother-in-law, voted for whoever they thought would be most likely to bring on Armageddon so they can be “raptured” up to Heaven while the rest of us burn in a nuclear holocaust.

    • You simply can’t talk to this guy about anything without him quoting some Pastor John Hagee nonsense, like that, “50 million bible-reading Christians joined with 5 million [Ashkenazim] is a marriage made in Heaven.” The implications of this for Palestinians cannot be underestimated. That’s why Trump’s best bud, Netanyahu, welcomes US Christian Zionists to Israel to observe the ongoing displacement and murder of Palestinians. Little does he know that the Armageddon will be the end of the Ashkenazim as well as the rest of us.

  2. The fact that is it is more convenient to discuss biologically, humans as existing in terms of sex as only male or female, disregards the fact that some humans are born biologically ambiguous. Hormones and chemistry of individuals are not the same. Trauma can be another underlying influence. Discipline and faith do not dictate outcomes.
    Politics on the other hand are purely learned and with as complicated as politics are why do we insist there are only two choices? $$$$$ rules and creates the power we ultimately succumb to. Currently we are only left with less bad choices and that is nothing to get excited about.

    • some humans are born biologically ambiguous….how many?? one in million?? one in 10 millions?? you can’t throw in a garbage can 10.000 years human consensus about defining what is a women and a man just for one statistical error in nature.

  3. I wont profess to know anything about gender identity other than to believe it has biological as well as socially/psychology driven influences.
    Interestingly I had a homeless patient I was taking care and he mentioned how hard things are getting on the streets of SLC, Ut. He had been assaulted and by ED staffs estimation suffering “incarceritis”. claiming injury to stay in hospital to avoid or delay incarceration. He told me that on of the most difficult things on the street was dealing with transvestites robbing, beating and assaulting the other homeless populations. You can’t throw all LGBT folks into one group and hold them all responsible, hell some of those transvestites may be cloth set heterosexuals?
    At any rate the ideals of republicans and democrats are essential and must be adjusting and worked into good governance. What is absolutely true is that big money interests corrupt both parties equally and the corrupt entities find it easier to divide two parties than 4 or 5. I could envision 2 part elections where we vote for multiple party candidates and the two highest vote earners battle it out in a final election. It is the only solution I can think of to get rid of the easily corrupted two party system that has kept American society from actually advancing out of this War system of governance that is crushing much of the world.

  4. I especially like how Republicans both men and women will get the ladies back in their place: barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. To many people think they control their own bodies and medical decisions. Let’s keep spreading the Freedom…, Urahhhh or whatever them great patriots say.

  5. There is 1 tragedy of this midterm election, which is that the 5 states that murdered their old people in nursing homes by ordering them to take in Covid-19 infected hospital patients, have gotten away with it, and been rewarded in this election for doing so. The 5 states are: CA, MI, NJ, NY, and PA, and even the DOJ said in Aug. 2020 they were investigating, sure they were… 3 of those states had Governor elections. In MI, wicked Whitmer was re-elected. In NY and PA, the Lt Govs of those states ran, and were elected Gov. I do not actually think the good people of those 3 states elected them. I think that fraud ran rampant in the Governor races there, and perhaps the other races too.

  6. 2 more election-stealers to get rid of: 1.Early voting, whether in person or by mail/dropbox – In PA, large numbers of Democrats voted in August and Sept, 2 months before any debates. They voted for John Fetterman before even 1 debate was held. 2.Absentee ballots being mailed without request – huge numbers of people were turned away at the ballot box yesterday, and were told “you already voted” absentee, when they know they did not. This is fraud. I know of homes where multiple military absentee ballots were sent, for voters who had never even lived there. Whoever is doing this stuff, needs to be prosecuted.

    • JS. Not sure about you, but I have lived in Keystone State for 55 of my 72 years. Just as corrupt as most Rust Belt states with or without machines, early voting etc. An American tradition. BTW Fetterman was elected to the Senate which is equally absurd when you check his credentials. The new Democrat Governor is former Attorney General who may actually be “clean”. At least Turkish spy carpet bagger Dr. Oz got booted back to Jersey. What a f_cking fiasco.

  7. I also grew up in Wisconsin, graduating high school in 1966. What focused my mind most was avoiding being drafted into the Vietnam War. Luckily, I was able to attend the University of Wisconsin (instate tuition, $65 per semester) and eventually become a Special Ed. teacher instead of killing Vietnamese. Four of my classmates were not so lucky. Out of a HS class of 59 they were killed in Vietnam. The Republicans in Wisconsin at that point were mostly levelheaded but all for the Vietnam War, as were most Democrats.

    • Fast forward to 2022, the Republicans in Wisconsin, including Ron Johnson, are playing to the biggest Republican voting block in the USA, 50 million so-called Christian Zionists who first off think the Earth was created exactly 6025 years ago and the Sun is its planet. They have a collective hard-on for Armageddon and nothing short of WWIII will get them off. They’re completely controlled by the same evil cabal that brought us 9/11 and all the wars of this century. Victoria “f-uck the EU” Nuland is their point person in Ukraine. The bipartisan push to force us into a catastrophic war with Russia is well underway.

  8. Kevin, you made a good case. But you left out the absolute scourge of US elections, which is the tabulating machines, which have had “malfunctions” all day yesterday, most notably in Arizona where 20% of precincts had issues with them, and also in New Jersey where Dominion programmers were dispatched in the morning. I suggest that these “malfunctions” and glitches are not accidental, but are a feature designed to steal elections. They have wireless Internet, and the votes are manipulated by Admin, which is ultimately in China. The way forward is to get rid of those machines altogether, and get more vote-counters. I do not have confidence in ANY election where they are used, no matter who “wins”.

  9. It is hard to discern among all those US patriots shills who proclaim mainly phobias against Russians, Asians, Arabs, etc. Perhaps a third option is badly needed in Congress/Senate.

  10. Ron Johnson has always offered a few crumbs of sanity to make people take note. Then, he often regresses. But, in the current environment, he might get some traction. He is trailing early tonight.

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