Appointing an Irish Muslim to the Supreme Court is controversial?!

Will the radical religious views of Trump's likely Supreme Court pick pose an obstacle to Congressional approval?

Dissociated Press

Editor’s note: VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff will join me live on Truth Jihad Radio 8 to 9 pm Eastern this evening to defend Trump’s right to appoint an Irish Muslim truth jihadi to the Supreme Court.  Gordon will also offer other controversial interpretations of current events—listen live on Revolution.Radio or catch the archive later.


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  1. Of course that Cuckservative McCain replied to was… moderate compared to the hysterical, racist TeaParty.

    See my vid below, pending moderation!

  2. Yeah we get it Barrett, same surname, wow.

    But this ain’t “The Onion”.

    … Or is it? 😁

    Cuckservative Voter: “HE’S A MUSLIM!”

    McCain: “No, he’s a good man”.

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