Times of Israel: Jews to Flee US if Trump Wins, Fearing New Holocaust from GOP-Nazi Coalition (good read)


Immigration lawyers in Canada and the EU see citizenship applications rising exponentially; while this may be common in election years, the proportion of Jewish applicants is not


A sign marks the Canadian border. (Lorie Shaull/Flickr/ via JTA)

A sign marks the Canadian border. (Lorie Shaull/Flickr/ via JTA)

JTA — By 11:42 a.m. on the morning after US President Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacists during the presidential debate, Heather Segal had received four inquiries from Americans interested in moving to Canada. Two of them were Jewish.

Segal, an immigration lawyer in Toronto, knows there’s always a spike in inquiries during US election years. But in her 25 years of experience, it’s never been as big as it is now.


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  1. Interesting point from HopeInGod below!

    His/her link says they need 51% in Israel, to fulfill… yada yada.

    I didn’t, but many of you probably already knew that as part of your… extreme paranoia.

    But it just enforces MY point more.

    “People of Color” would be SO much more… entitled to, justified in, paranoia like that.

    White people already have majority populations in 4/6 continents!
    Not 51%, but 67% of… Earth!

    The “Evil White Plot” fulfilled, for centuries!

    Using Imre’s wording below:
    “The EVIL of White Supremacy is driving the attitude of the world against Whites”.

    • Imre is saying the world is justified in an “anti-Jewish attitude” with Israel at 47% of their needed 51% in a tiny country.

      So multiply that to 67% of the WORLD for justifiable “Anti-White attitude”.

    • Obviously, the whole thing’s stupid, but here’s the numbers.

      Again, Israel is already at 47% of the needed 51%.

      6.841 million out of 14.7 million.

      So they need 656K more.

      14.7 × .51 = 7.497 – 6.841.

    • Also, an irony would be that…

      [Insert other demographic here] could also fulfill that FOR them by, uhh… lowering their population outside Israel.

    • … Which begs the question how that requirement was not already fulfilled?

      It must’ve been!

      Like after 1948-ish…?

      You guys are so into this crap; none of you have looked it up before!?

      Might ruin your theories.

      Like realizing the fact Federal Reserve Banks are effectively nonprofit / nationalized.

  2. The ‘EVIL of Zionism’, is driving, triggering the attitude, sentiment of the World, against the Jews.

    • Not now! You’re onto them!

      1) Palestinian pop. in Palestine: 50+%.

      2) N̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ American pop. in America: 2%.

      If all Jews in US moved to Palestine, Palestinians would be: 42%.

      3) World Jewish population: 14.5M.

      It would take 17 PLANET EARTH’S of Jews moving to Palestine to get Palestinians to 2%.

      SEVENTEEN PLANETS. Imagine it…

      Just to equal a disproportion you don’t care about in your own country.

  3. It is often said, the strength of the US is it’s diversity and that is true. While it is politically expedient to denounce violent unlawful protest, that is actually how things get done when dealing with fascism or religious authoritarianism. Peaceful protest seldom brings about great change, and actually helps the opposition to place firewalls suited to thwart the cause.
    If someone tries to be a bully and kill people for stupid reasons, their assets will be burned and they can cry about their buildings all they want. It is a false equivalence. Lives are worth more than property, and anyone who says otherwise, is completely Un-American. Sub Human actually.

    • I totally agree, David. We seem to be headed for some kind of Christian-Zionist theocracy that presumes to tell everyone what to think and how to live their lives. These Pharisees are in no way Christian and most likely worship the “father of lies” rather than the living G-d of justice, compassion, and truth. They surround Trump and he’s beholden to them in order to win re-election and stay out of prison.

    • The more any wealthy type non-protestors leave the US, the safer I feel staying. The destiny of the US, is not Handmaids Tale. After the inappropriate policing is dealt with, religions will be next. They seek control of our bodies, laws, and press. Not having it.

    • DISAGREE! (Generally.) I think the… DeepState wanted nothing more than for 60’s “Civil” Rights Movement to use violence.

      On flipside, you could make the case that the nonviolent WHITE* Freedom Riders just shifted the onus for violence onto the State, via RFK sending US Marhalls: The Turning Point.

      * Emphasis on White because obviously Black people were already being beaten & killed, firebombed…for centuries. Yawn.

    • 💯% AGREE on Mammon Worship Destroying USA.

      “#LawAndOrder” enforces that Mammon worship.

      It says FEAR can be the SOLE basis to legally shoot & kill…

      But not loot & steal. Property is too valuable.

      And not police; you’re simply not allowed to be afraid of them. It’s illegal. Punishable by death, immediately.

      Police can kill anyone & simply say “I THOUGHT he was reaching for something”. Case closed.
      “He was tensing up” (resisisting) as I choked him!
      (Literal quote from a case overshadowed when Elijah McClain case broke.)

      You’re not allowed to squirm as they choke you to death.

    • … The most “radical” reform from politicians being to outlaw choke holds…
      that were already outlawed when Pantaleo choked Garner to death ON VIDEO, THEN LAUGHED INTO THE CAMERA.


      Ironically, the poorer Trumptards* who automatically side with police when brutalizing Minorities simultaneously believe those same police (and military) will be “Coming For Our Guns*”. (AND that they can beat them with their guns.)

      * Something they always fantasized Obama had said, but which Trump ACTUALLY SAID, after the Stoneman Douglas Massacre.

    • I wouldn’t be surprised if… deep down, inside the head of a “#LawAndOrder” Trumptard…

      They believe in the ProudBoys more than police… and even our Dear Military.

      Deep down, they fear that Mammon might send the jackboots for THEM, after the Minorities.

      But the ProudBoys would never “come for” them.

  4. How ironic, considering how in the last half-century Jews in the USA have enjoyed having both persecuted minority status and white privilege.

    Strange how all the comments and behavior in this article remind me so much of that described in a little book written a few years ago by a single-reed jazz musician.

  5. I feel the Ukraine will draw the next Exodus of Jews. Why not? Here in Maryland, having Jews just means more bacon and steamed crabs for the rest of us. Although I suspect many a crab cake has been sneaked in when no one was watching.

  6. Maybe these Jews are aware of something that none of us are, just like before 9/11. Keep your eyes on Larry Silverstein. If he vacates the country for an extended vacation, something’s up. May Heaven help us all.

  7. John

    We are seeing your neighbors, however, marking around with swastika’s and demanding the Jews ‘be dealt with.’ Nobody is making that up. If you sleep with Nazis, expect to wake up with a sore backside.

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