Guardian: Biden over Trump by 17, leads in every category (only the Mossad can save Trump…again)

Has Biden offered the Mossad a better deal? Who will they choose to be America's president?

  • Opinium/Guardian poll finds Biden ahead by 57-40 margin
  • Biden leads on healthcare, the economy and race relations

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s lead over Donald Trump has surged to a record 17 points as the US election enters its final sprint, an Opinium Research and Guardian opinion poll shows.

Some 57% of likely voters intend to vote for Biden, while just 40% say they will vote for the incumbent president, the survey shows.

The 17-point gap is even bigger than than 57%-41% margin found by CNN earlier this month. It is just short of the lead in the popular vote that Ronald Reagan enjoyed in his second landslide victory in 1984.

With election day just three weeks away and millions of votes already cast, some Republicans fear a rout in the races for the presidency, Senate and House of Representatives. Ed Rollins, who advises a pro-Trump super political action committee, told the New York Times: “The president’s political environment is terrible. It’s an uphill battle.”

Asked by the Times if Trump can still turn things around, Rollins replied: “It’s cooked.”

Opinium’s findings for the Guardian suggest that a hectic month that saw the death of the supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump’s disastrous debate performance and a White House outbreak of coronavirus that infected the president himself swung the pendulum decisively in Democrats’ favour.

 Joe Biden in Ohio: Trump ‘turned his back on you’ – video

Biden has gained five percentage points among undecided voters since September. Democrats also injected momentum into existing supporters, with voters for Biden now more likely to turn out, up from 75% in September to 82% this month.

The former vice-president now leads on healthcare, race relations, jobs and even the economy (45% to 43%), usually seen as Trump’s signature issue. His reputation as a successful businessman took a hit from a New York Times investigation into his tax affairs.




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  1. Maybe I’m missing something, but that 17% isn’t showing up at any Biden event. Yet, for Trump, just the opposite it true. What to believe? MSM or my own lying eyes?

    • What you might not be considering are the long lines yesterday at polling stations in Georgia and Texas. Guess what, they were wearing masks, unlike the too stupid to live Trumpsters at his rallies. That tells me that they most likely were standing in line for hours, enduring massive voter suppression, to vote for Biden, not Trump.

  2. Did your handlers in Tel Aviv feed you that line too, Ray? Those thousands of people, some braving hours-long waits in Georgia and Texas must be Trumpsters in your mind. Oh, wait, they were all wearing masks so they weren’t the too stupid to live who are the main targets of the COVID-19 bioweapon.

  3. The more it looks bad for Trump in the November election, the better chance of him staging an “October surprise” that will totally reshuffle the deck. Despite his false bravado, this is a desperate man who almost certainly will face prosecution for numerous felonies once he leaves office. He will not go quietly into that dark night like any ordinary person would have to. There are numerous special powers vested to him by the USA Patriot Act if he declares a “national emergency” which he’s almost certain to avail himself of. The USA is in for a rough ride, folks. May Heaven help us all.

    • It’s a Republican economic chokehold that started with JGTRRA Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 introduced by one of the most corrupt republicans in the US House, William Marshall Thomas. His trail of white collar crimes is so long and so suppressed by the likes of Dick Cheney that you’d think that Dick himself wrote the bill.

      Question is why 224 Rep and 7 Dem voted for the bill in the house and all 48 Rep senators and 2 Dem senators supported it, when in 1999, a few years before the highest payroll tax in US history was paid by Bill Clinton. That’s an economic 9/11 that was concocted to help the Neocons.

    • You answered your own question, Kewt. 9/11, which was done by Israel in conjunction with traitorous US neocons and blamed on the Arabs, changed everything. The USA Patriot Act had been drawn up months before that horrible event as was the planned invasion of Afghanistan. The so-called “war on terror” passed Congress unanimously but for one vote from Barbara Lee, bless her heart. It was off to the races from then on. It led to all of the f-ing wars of this century and all of the financial shenanigans as well.

  4. Last time the excuse of the Latino voter was that we can’t put a woman at the helm. This time it’s a “disgusting person” excuse.
    You always play the macho but it’s always the woman who runs your show. Lol.

  5. Mid America has to be stupid to vote for a trust fund baby swinger from NY.

    “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

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