#WhiteLivesMatter Rally Goes Full KKK in California


RT: Police are gearing up for trouble in Huntington Beach, California, ahead of a ‘White Lives Matter’ rally. Ku Klux Klan fliers have been spotted in the area, and Black Lives Matter activists are planning a counter-protest.

“There will be a large contingent of police officers” deployed in Huntington Beach on Sunday, police Lt. Brian Smith told local media. The ramp-up comes in response to a ‘White Lives Matter’ rally, expected to kick off at Huntington Beach Pier in the afternoon.

The protest was seemingly organized on social media, but only caught the attention of the press when Ku Klux Klan fliers were distributed around the area last weekend. The KKK group, calling themselves Loyal White Knights, are one of the largest of the handful of Klan groups still operating in the US, and its members have taken part in various ‘White Lives Matter’ rallies in recent years, as well as the infamous 2017 ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

With Klansmen expected to show up, ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists have organized a counter-protest, led by a BLM chapter head and member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

While California is by and large a liberal state, Huntington Beach is an enclave of right-wing sentiment. Residents there vocally opposed Governor Gavin Newsom’s coronavirus restrictions, and turned out in force last year to publicly defy his curfew order. The city was known in the 1980s and ‘90s as a hotbed of skinhead and neo-Nazi activity.

With the KKK a shadow of its former self, and even its most ardent opponents admitting that its nationwide membership has plummeted to less than 3,000, some commenters online blamed the media for drawing attention to what would otherwise be a minor, fringe gathering.

“Novel idea: ignore the so-called #WhiteLivesMatter rally so as not to bring them attention & additional media coverage,” Hisham Mahmud wrote, while another commenter called the thread a “GREAT ADVERTISEMENT” for the KKK

Similar rallies are planned on Sunday in cities across the US, including New York, Fort Worth, Texas, Chicago, Illinois, and Raleigh, North Carolina.


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  1. Is it likely a slow acting off-gassing agent is all over the permit site and a little further. Ramping up any base behavioral DNA epigenetic latency from the last ateroid or volcanic nuclear winter timeline; get a little fanaticism activity for news clip, and some cobbled footage interspersed.

  2. Omg… Where is the conception of the USA as a nations melting pot? You went crazy, guys.

    • Someone needs to see how many of America’s most extreme racists, and there are many millions, actually have experience around people of color.
      Do watch THEM on Amazon Prime. It describes the America of my childhood too well…uncomfortably well except for the blackface demon part, as we didn’t see them all the time.

    • No, Andy, we were crazy from the beginning. Europeans considered themselves “chosen” by God to come to this continent, displace and murder the indigenous, steal their land and resources, and give it a fancy name, Manifest Destiny. This is exactly what the Ashkenazim are now doing in Palestine.

      That’s why US Christian Zionists have such high regard for the Ashkenazim, Europeans who came to Palestine to displace and murder the indigenous, steal their land and resources, and give it a fancy name, Zionism. Manifest Destiny equals Zionism equals white supremacy, pure and simple. If you don’t believe me just ask any Native American or any Palestinian.

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