Home Government The Nation: Democrats Are Calling on Biden to Renew Diplomacy With Iran

The Nation: Democrats Are Calling on Biden to Renew Diplomacy With Iran


By Aída Chávez

More than 50 Democratic National Committee members and party leaders, including Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and California Representative Barbara Lee, are calling on President Joe Biden to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal and lift the aggressive Trump-era sanctions on the country. The letter, which was organized by the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and sent to Biden on Monday, is the first political letter DNC members and other state officials have sent to the administration about the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

“We urge you not to cave to pressure from proponents of Trump’s failed approach to Iran,” the officials wrote. “We have seen the net effect of that policy: A larger Iranian nuclear program and a greater risk of war with Iran.”

During the 2020 presidential race, Biden harshly condemned former President Donald Trump’s Iran policy, specifically his “reckless” decision to abandon the deal, the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor Barack Obama. After pulling the United States out of the deal, the Trump administration reimposed brutal economic sanctions that had a devastating impact on ordinary Iranians, including depriving them of medicine and other basic humanitarian aid, as part of its so-called “maximum pressure” campaign. Trump doubled down on these sanctions even as the country’s Covid-19 death toll continued to climb.

“It is essential for the United States to return to the Iran nuclear deal, which necessitates the lifting of Trump’s bad-faith sanctions,” said Ellison, former DNC Deputy Chair. “The Democratic Party should fight to end rampant militarization and promote multilateralism that enabled the United States to resolve the nuclear issue with Iran without a single shot being fired.”

Months into Biden’s presidency, he has done little to reverse the sanctions and revive the deal. Early, indirect negotiations are underway, but the president is already facing resistance from both Republican and Democratic hawks in Congress, as Politico reported last week. Biden promised as a presidential candidate to rejoin the nuclear, detailing his stance in a CNN op-ed that said he would give Tehran a “credible path back to diplomacy.” But he also insisted the United States would only rejoin the agreement under the condition that Iran “returns to strict compliance”—a line his administration has stuck to, despite the fact that it was Washington that violated the agreement first.  read more…



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  1. Israel could avoid all of this if they just didn’t have to have total control of the Temple mount.
    If they just had control of that one small place, they “could” be satisfied. But even that probably wouldn’t satisfy them. After all, they think they are destined to rule the whole world.

  2. The same neocons who brought you 9/11 are still infesting the Department of State. Remember what they said back in 1998, “The path to [US supremacy] will be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event–like a new Pearl Harbor.” Israel nuked us on that day and got away with it.

    Just because Trump and Pompeo didn’t get around to attacking Iran like his crazy Christian Zionists wanted him to, doesn’t mean that Israel will just sit idly by and let Biden renew the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. A redo of 9/11, this time blamed on Iran, coming right up, folks.

    • Newt, I give enormous credit to Iran for always being the adult in the room when dealing with Zionists of all stripes. Christian Zionists, in particular, have had Iran and Russia in their crosshairs since forever. They figure into their crazy end-times eschatology. As Trump’s true-believer base, they were instrumental in the killing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, and the murder of General Soleimani. Iran didn’t respond in kind, which would have certainly led to WWIII, the transformational apocalyptic conflict that Christian Zionists look forward to.

    • Iran responded but the hasbara headquarters is paid to clean the footprints.
      Israel is trying to drag Iran into their home game and unfortunately it’s the Palestinians who suffer. But they have resilience for a long game and longer than Iran’s history you won’t find.

  3. Wow.. Are we supposed to believe this? Now what’s being said by Democrats, is it to save face, to stop Iran becoming more aggressive towards US or to save the Zionist state now that the tensions are getting high? I honestly don’t think that they are concerned about saving face. Otherwise why they have the jet fighters and B52s parked next door to Iran. I think they want to save the nasty Zionists from running for their lives (back to US / Europe). Iran must not let the occupiers in Israel get away with even an inch of land that is not theirs by law! As Lord Jesus said to Judas when he was about to betray Him – “Judas, go quickly and do what you have to do.”

  4. The goal of the US with Iran is regime change. Every strategy they take on is toward that goal. The purpose of the negotiations under Obama was towards pushing Iran back one step at a time, without removing the real sanctions, just moving them around. First, getting Iran to back down on nuclear energy development, then missile, and regional influence. Once Iran has backed down Iran from positions of power, then its regime change time.

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