Iceland has fully vaccinated all of its citizens over 12 years of age…all of them.
The ‘slaughter of the stupid’ that is still crippling the United States is unique. Only the Fascist Republic of Brazil (underreported)exceeds the US in deaths. Other nations are losing their rare unvaccinated ‘kooks.’
As Joe Rogan, the deaths are all lightning strikes or snake bites.
Or maybe they are all “the flu.” Anyone had the flu during the past few years? Anyone? Does it exist? Maybe the flu is really snake bites.
There are no figures on deaths among the fully vaccinated. They are estimated at around .001 of deaths. That’s one in a thousand. Hey…betting is “manly.”
The graphics below are not available to just anyone. You have to go get them, no one will tell you…no one but us. Read and figure it out yourself. If we tell you everything then we are only enabling fools the way Rogan or Carlson would do.
The figures below are average daily deaths from COVID for the week ending September 4, 2021:
read it and weep
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If the Right Wing bias of non vaccination is a fact and the vaccines do prove to be beneficial we should see a leftward movement in the next elections.
These are strange times indeed, “Since 9/11”.
Anything to point the finger away from the fiends who developed the COVID-19 bioweapon in the first place. My thought is that the same chosenites who brought us 9/11 and all the wars of this century are behind this plandemic as well. Might this be a new and improved version of the Samson Option? That was not just to be used as a last resort, but is Zionism’s ultimate goal.
And now you’re called “unvaccinated” if you’re seriously injured or die within 14 days of an injection, or if you haven’t had the most recent “booster.” Such deceit is truly diabolical!
[!” WOW SWEET ASSUMPTION : >>COVID Deaths Directly Related to Anti-vaxx and Right Wing Extremism<< but this is NOT true, no, this is absolutely NONSENSE !!!FLASE-FLAG-BALLON of the delta-AllSeeingEye-Illuminati-MASONS and their BLUE MSM. Until today, on the entire world, there is NO ISOLATED COURT PROVEN EVIDENCES THAT….CoVID19 and ALL SCIENCE-FCITIONAL 3D CGI MODELLS and DATA COMPOSITION of THE JISRASELIAN-BABYLONIAN ZIONIST and there I.G. FARBEN FAMILY-Corporation, which is Modena&Partners, is existing, as so called "PANDMIE" which puts systematically down all Nations for their planned crash &clash of civilisation and force the People in their private commercial old BROWN fascists DIKTATORSHIP-dirty BUSINESS with BLUE OVERCOATS…What is causing all the death-cases, is the ENERGY-WEAPON combined with the WEATHER-WEAPON. “Owning the weather by 2025”: EMF ELF EHF DEW KEW HAARP NEXRAD 5G smartMeter by Meter, the chemtrails and "contagion" food and JABS and manipulated Nestlè Water and babymeat in WÖRGERS. Where are all Court proven EVIDENCES and AUTOPSIE-DOCUMENTATIONS of each DEATH by the Pathology, Forensic, Darkfield-Microscopies, which proves doubt free, that a " unknown not visible "something" is causing ALL death, which is $F-named: covid=divoc=hebrew: SEPARATION, 1933: the “Jewish Star”, today: VAXXED-PASS.! Any different? Only this, that the BAD MARK:JEWISH STAR was not a CHIP-digitalisation. “]
Ok, well than there is that.
Look, People can’t wrap their heads around science developed in the eighthteen hundreds, Pasture’s germ theory versus or including Bernard and Bechamps’ terrain hypothesis and of course old Hindu Artharvaveda text. We will kill ourselves arguing about who’s side matters before you get any party to dive into that. You will be buried in ‘tin foil’
Amen. I cannot be the only one who finds VT’s ‘anti vaxxer’ narrative worrying; it reads increasingly like MSM.
Let’s use Israel’s statistics. They are going through a major surge of infection 992 new cases per/million last Monday, USA – 446 new cases per/million. They hit all time daily high Aug 24. 12,113 new cases. Old high in January was 11,934. Importantly 25 deaths recorded Sunday while in January there was 101 deaths on the high day. There were 476 deaths last month and 1,471 in January. In people vaccinated in January the Pfizer jab is 16% effective, those vexed in April it is 79% effective
Severe cases occur in only 1/10 vaccinated/unvaccinated. So it is 90% effective at reducing severe cases.
In the last few weeks they are vaccinating those 30 and older with a booster.
These statistics show the vaccine to be effective despite the incredible surge, it shows the effectiveness is not sustained in the Pfizer BioNtech shot. If this SARS virus does what others have done it will keep coming back we can decrease it’s severity and the pain of the pandemic by taking the damn shot. Knowing it was created in a lab does not make it an easy choice because people have a tendency to screw up when tweaking Mother Nature, but they developed the vaccine while the developed the virus So either keep dodging bullets or put on the full metal jacket. And hopefully do humanity a favor.
I think I read where the Moderna uses about 3 or 4 times as much messengerRna than Pfizer. They are saying that is the reason Moderna is more effective.
The Mrna does not enter the cell nucleus, so the the DNA is not affected.
After the Mrna has worn itself out producing spike proteins, it is digested by the phagic organelles and exists no more.
Force and Fraud have been the two methods used by the Rulers to control the Ruled. Now, apparently, life itself is an illness and the disease is man, who needs to be coerced and colonised by Science and Pharmacology for Social interaction and Health Security. Any alternative to the State image of ‘Reality’ is forbidden, and the self-assertion needed to safeguard personal autonomy is deemed deviant behaviour requiring ‘treatment’.
You are right.
I think every time we conceptually “verbalize” the interpretation of “their” self-desired influence and outcomes, we move the train a little further down the track.
Bottom line is all things considered, things could always be a whole lot worse.
So, no need to stress over it. There’s not a thing we could do about it, even if we knew how.
I think I just heard another whistle-stop. All aboard!
this is an outright lie.
I have personally seen people who contracted COVID-19 after being vaccinated.
Hmmmmm…. “There are no figures on deaths among the fully vaccinated. They are estimated at around .001 of deaths.”
If there are no figures on the vaccinated, just a fantastically low “estimate” (with no explanation on how that “estimate” was reached) how is it possible to know the figures of the unvaccinated?
You admit there are no figures on the vaccinated/unvaccinated deaths….. YET you headline your article “COVID Deaths Directly Related to Anti-vaxx and Right Wing Extremism(the FIGURES this week)”
That reminds of a medical “news” report I read just recently regarding effects of the vaccine on certain control groups, and how the vaccines (Pfizer vs Moderna) compared in antibody formation.
Now the slick trick the “reporters” used was this; each time the unknown, the unproven, or the yet to be determined effects of “the vaccines” were referenced, the indeterminate issues were framed as “issues” of “the virus,” and not as issues of “the vaccines!”
I can’t quote it verbatim, but it was blatantly obvious that they were pulling a slick switcheroo.
The reason it was so obvious is because the study (the vaccine trials) on the control groups was looking to compare “antibody” formation and longevity between Pfizer and Moderna.
The virus was not in play!
But the virus took the heat for the vaccines!!!
That really got my attention.
Is this sarcasm or are you serious? It is the mark of a shitbum journalist when the reader can’t tell the difference
Your name would imply you took the medicine sugar.
I assume you saw this:
“The graphics below are not available to just anyone. You have to go get them, no one will tell you…no one but us. Read and figure it out yourself. If we tell you everything then we are only enabling fools the way Rogan or Carlson would do.”
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