Rotten to the Corps: Trumpy ‘Marine’ Lied at Rally About Saving Baby in Afghanistan


Raw Story: A Marine who spoke at former president Donald Trump’s rally in Georgia last weekend lied about pulling a baby over a wall in Afghanistan, according to a military spokesperson.

Lance Cpl. Hunter Clark, who’s under investigation for taking part in political activities by speaking at the Trump rally, claimed he was the Marine shown in a viral video lifting the child over the wall at the Kabul airport.

“We’re also honored to be joined by one of the Marines who bravely served in Kabul during the withdrawal — and helped evacuate children over … the airport wall. You saw him. He did a great job,” Trump said in introducing Clark, calling him a “handsome guy.”

Clark then told the audience: “I am the guy that pulled the baby over the wall and it’s definitely probably one of the greatest things I’ve ever done in my entire life.”

Trump’s Save America PAC later issued a statement promoting a Fox News story with the headline, “Trump invites Marine who pulled baby over Kabul wall onto stage at rally prompting ‘USA!’ chants.”

CNN reported Friday that Kelton Cochran, a spokesman for the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, said in a statement: “Regarding the viral photo that began circulating around August 20, 2021, the Marine identified in that particular image was not LCpl Clark.”



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  1. Seeing how the media is keeping Trump in the spotlight, it looks like Republicans are going to keep riding the crazy train.
    That is really a sad state of affairs for them; a total lack of any other strategy. Just go with the brainwashed, and hope Trump can dazzle dazzle ’em one more time?

  2. “We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole.” – Mike Pompeo, Christian Zionist

    That pretty much explains the Trumpsters attitude toward actual truth, and why MAGA is really MIGA, Make Israel Greater Again. Pompeo and Trump first killed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran, then murdered General Soleimani, and finally they were to come up with some pretext to attack Iran, thus setting in motion the chain of events that would lead to Armageddon.

    • Chosenite pastor John Hagee recently claimed that the USA has nothing to fear from WWIII, that a nuclear holocaust will be a good thing. It will not lead to the end of the world, but rather to “God’s renewal of the Garden of Eden.” At the very least, nuclear winter will be the “fix” for global warming so I’m all for it.

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