Brain Tumor: Trump’s ‘Health Concerns’ Could Prohibit 2024 Run…as it led to psychotic crash after November Loss


VT: Russian briefers in Damascus tell our staff that Trump has an inoperable but slow growing brain tumor that has for the last few years increasingly impacted his mental faculties.

The Neolithic “Steatopygous Goddess from Pano Chorio”, c. 5800–4800 BC, terracotta, Crete

The risk of rigging an election to put someone in such a volatile state in an office that controls so many nuclear weapons would have seemed greater if it weren’t for the fact Trump is completely surrounded by Russian moles…and has been for many years.

Long ago, we identified certain ethnic traits such as Trump’s steatopygia, a condition he shares with some members of the Kardashian family…Saudi royals such as MBS and Sephardic Jews…

Each of Trump’s massive buttock’s is estimated to weight up to 100 pounds.  Based on records from his “physical” stating his weight is less than 230, with a head weighing 20 pounds, the entire weight of his genitalia and body core combined must be less than that of a typical hamster.

Then we have to add 5 ounces of tumor…

a genetic anomaly that allows some to survive desert environments by storing masses of water and fat on their buttocks as with Trump and his sons.  This deformation has been “googled” out of hundreds of photos of Trump and is why he wears massive suits and giant pants.

Raw Story: Former President Donald Trump revealed recently that he may not run for another term in 2024 due to health reasons.

During an interview with Real Clear Politics, the former president was asked what could prevent him from running in 2024.

Not German, certainly not Scottish…Sephardic Jew…Steatopygia

“Well, one reason could be your health. You get a call from your doctor and that’s the end of that,” Trump explained. “That stuff happens; you hope it doesn’t. I just had a medical, just had great result. You never know, there are many things can happen; politics is a crazy world. It is a big commitment of you, your children, your wife and your family.”

But Trump predicted that “people will be very happy with my decision.”

He also suggested that his new slogan will be “Make America Great Again, Again.”

Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former White House adviser, said over the weekend that Trump needs to “come clean” about his health.

“I think going into 2024, I’m really more concerned about the fact that Donald Trump hasn’t come forward and talked about his health,” she told MSNBC on Sunday. “I don’t know if he will even be healthy enough to run in 2024. I think he needs to come clean to the American people about where he is on that before deciding to get into a very stressful and strenuous race for the White House.”


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  1. If the DoJ does its job and the NY DA, he should have multiple felony charges at that point, the main one being the head of an insurrection. An example needs to be set against anyone thinking of this ‘option’ in the future.

  2. In the minds of US evangelicals, Trump is President FOREVER, so there’s no need for him to actually run again. He’s their ticket to the Rapture regardless of how many votes he actually got in the last election. The MyPillow dude thinks he will be reinstated any day now. He’s even planning a big party to celebrate it.

  3. My bet is Trump will be out of running for the 2024 election, either directly or indirectly, financial matters and health issues. USA need no freak old man with fingers on the nuclear button!

  4. Steatophygia? Dang…that’s a new word for me…and when I looked it up on Wikipedia? I followed the rabbit hole links to a whole bunch of pictures of naked ladies under various articles describing the “ideal” female form. Thanks, Gordon! You just made my day. 🙂

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