Undeniable Proof: French study of over 22m people finds vaccines cut severe Covid risk by 90%

Largest study of its kind also finds vaccines appear to protect against worst effects of Delta variant


Results match real Israeli and US studies as well…ending all questions of vaccine efficacy over “natural immunity”…which has never existed for COVID variants…including the common cold.

Guardian: Vaccination reduces the risk of dying or being hospitalised with Covid-19 by 90%, a French study of 22.6 million people over the age of 50 has found.

Catch this video of French anti-vaxx militia types…hilarious.  Watch the guy with the wadded up flag “pummeling” the guy with the bamboo staff…right out of InfoWars

The research published on Monday also found that vaccines appear to protect against the worst effects of the most prevalent virus strain, the Delta variant.

“This means that those who are vaccinated are nine times less at risk of being hospitalised or dying from Covid-19 than those who have not been vaccinated,” the epidemiologist Mahmoud Zureik, who oversaw the research, told Agence France-Presse.

The study – the largest of its kind so far – was carried out by Epi-Phare a scientific group set up by France’s health system, its national health insurance fund, l’Assurance Maladie (CNAM), and the country’s ANSM medicines agency.

Claire Bromley from Kent, in hospital after she contracted coronavirus while pregnant.
One in six most critically ill NHS patients are unvaccinated pregnant women with Covid
Read more

Researchers compared 11.3 million vaccinated over-50s with the same number of unvaccinated from the same age group between 27 December 2020, when vaccinations began in France, and 20 July this year.

They found “a reduction in the risk of hospitalisation superior to 90%” from the 14th day after the second dose and a similar reduction in the number of deaths from Covid-19. Similar findings have previously been published in Israel, the UK and the US.

The vaccines’ effectiveness in combatting the most serious symptoms of Covid did not diminish during the five-month period of the study, they said. The results were the same no matter whether the patient was given the Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna or Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine.  Read more..


Impact de la vaccination sur le risque de formes graves de Covid-19

La vaccination est efficace à plus de 90% pour réduire les formes graves de Covid-19 chez les personnes de plus de 50 ans en France


Pour Ă©valuer l’efficacitĂ© de la vaccination Ă  prĂ©venir les formes graves de Covid-19, EPI-PHARE a menĂ© parallĂšlement deux Ă©tudes en vie rĂ©elle en utilisant les donnĂ©es du SNDS (SystĂšme National des DonnĂ©es de SantĂ©), l’une chez 15,4 millions de personnes ĂągĂ©es de 50 Ă  74 ans (7,7 millions vaccinĂ©es comparĂ©es Ă  7,7 millions non vaccinĂ©es) l’autre chez 7,2 millions de personnes ĂągĂ©es de 75 ans et plus (3,6 millions vaccinĂ©es comparĂ©es Ă  3,6 millions non vaccinĂ©es). Les deux cohortes ont Ă©tĂ© suivies jusqu’au 20 juillet 2021.

Chez les personnes vaccinées ùgées de 50 à 74 ans, 53,6% (n=4 158 306) avaient reçu le vaccin Pfizer, 7,1% (n=553 676) Moderna et 39,2% (n=3 042 930) AstraZeneca. Chez les personnes ùgées de 75 ans et plus, 85,3% (n=3 109 133) avaient reçu Pfizer, 8,7% (n=315 455) Moderna et 6,1% (n=221 156) AstraZeneca.

Les rĂ©sultats de ces deux Ă©tudes sont trĂšs concordants. Ils mettent en Ă©vidence l’efficacitĂ© importante des trois vaccins Pfizer, Moderna et AstraZeneca, contre les formes graves de Covid-19 (hospitalisation pour Covid-19 et dĂ©cĂšs au cours d’une hospitalisation pour Covid-19), avec une rĂ©duction du risque d’hospitalisation Ă  partir du 14Ăšme jour aprĂšs l’injection de la seconde dose supĂ©rieure Ă  90% dans les deux cohortes et pour chaque vaccin. Cette rĂ©duction est du mĂȘme ordre de grandeur pour le risque de dĂ©cĂšs au cours d’une hospitalisation pour Covid-19.

L’efficacitĂ© de la vaccination sur les formes graves de Covid-19 ne semblait pas diminuer sur la pĂ©riode de suivi disponible qui allait jusqu’à 5 mois. En effet, dans la cohorte de 75 ans et plus, elle Ă©tait de 94% Ă  5 mois de suivi pour le vaccin Pfizer. Elle Ă©tait de 97% dans la cohorte de 50 Ă  74 ans Ă  4 mois de suivi. Pour les vaccins Moderna et AstraZeneca, le suivi Ă©tait trop court pour pouvoir Ă©tudier leur effet Ă  4 ou 5 mois.

Afin d’examiner l’impact du variant Delta, la rĂ©duction du risque d’hospitalisation pour Covid-19 a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©e spĂ©cifiquement au cours de la pĂ©riode du dĂ©but de la circulation du variant Delta en France, soit entre le 20 juin et le 20 juillet 2021. Sur cette pĂ©riode, l’efficacitĂ© Ă©tait de 84% dans la cohorte de 75 ans et plus et de 92% dans la cohorte de 50 Ă  74 ans. Cette approche, basĂ©e sur une courte pĂ©riode, permet de fournir les premiers Ă©lĂ©ments sur l’effet du variant Delta sur la rĂ©duction du risque.

En conclusion, tous les vaccins contre la Covid-19 sont hautement efficaces et ont un effet majeur sur la rĂ©duction des risques de formes graves de Covid-19 chez les personnes ĂągĂ©es de 50 ans et plus en France en vie rĂ©elle. La poursuite du suivi par EPI-PHARE permettra de mesurer l’évolution de l’efficacitĂ© sur une plus longue pĂ©riode et de mieux caractĂ©riser les effets du variant Delta.

Impact of vaccination on the risk of severe forms of Covid-19

Vaccination is more than 90% effective in reducing severe forms of Covid-19 in people over 50 in France


To assess the effectiveness of vaccination in preventing severe forms of Covid-19, EPI-PHARE carried out two real-life studies in parallel using data from the SNDS (National Health Data System), one in 15, 4 million people aged 50 to 74 (7.7 million vaccinated compared to 7.7 million unvaccinated) the other in 7.2 million people aged 75 and over (3.6 million vaccinated compared to 3 , 6 million unvaccinated). The two cohorts were followed until July 20, 2021.

Among those vaccinated aged 50 to 74 years, 53.6% (n = 4,158,306) had received Pfizer vaccine, 7.1% (n = 553,676) Moderna and 39.2% (n = 3,042,930 ) AstraZeneca. Among those aged 75 years and older, 85.3% (n = 3,109,133) had received Pfizer, 8.7% (n = 315,455) Moderna, and 6.1% (n = 221,156) AstraZeneca.

The results of these two studies are very consistent. They highlight the significant effectiveness of the three vaccines Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, against severe forms of Covid-19 (hospitalization for Covid-19 and death during hospitalization for Covid-19), with a reduction in risk hospitalization from the 14th day after the injection of the second dose greater than 90% in the two cohorts and for each vaccine. This reduction is of the same order of magnitude for the risk of death during hospitalization for Covid-19.

The effectiveness of vaccination on severe forms of Covid-19 did not seem to decrease over the available follow-up period, which went up to 5 months. In fact, in the cohort aged 75 and over, it was 94% at 5 months of follow-up for the Pfizer vaccine. It was 97% in the 50 to 74-year-old cohort at 4 months of follow-up. For the Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines, the follow-up was too short to be able to study their effect at 4 or 5 months.

In order to examine the impact of the Delta variant, the reduction in the risk of hospitalization for Covid-19 was estimated specifically during the period of the start of circulation of the Delta variant in France, i.e. between June 20 and 20. July 2021. Over this period, the efficacy was 84% ​​in the cohort aged 75 and over and 92% in the cohort aged 50 to 74. This approach, based on a short period, makes it possible to provide the first elements on the effect of the Delta variant on risk reduction.

In conclusion, all Covid-19 vaccines are highly effective and have a major effect on reducing the risk of severe forms of Covid-19 in people aged 50 and over in France in real life. Continued monitoring by EPI-PHARE will make it possible to measure the evolution of efficacy over a longer period and to better characterize the effects of the Delta variant.




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  1. Undeniable Proof… For true believers, there’s no such thing, Jim. “The more they invest in a belief, the more value they will place in this belief and, and as a consequence, be more resistant to facts, evidence or reality that contradict this belief.” (Wikipedia)

  2. In spite of all the data lots of people still refuse to take the vaccine. Even those who get infected and are dying still persist against the vaccine like Allen West among others.
    I guess there is no solution for stupid.

  3. The vaccine movement in the US is with the business and government and military mandates, which will taper off and we may end up at a plateau a few percent higher than we are now. Those playing the death lottery in fear of vaccine damage to them will have less reason to get vaxxed. The studies coming out have no effect on them. So…why should Dems whine about Biden not being the magic fairy to get everybody vaxxed. You do what you can do, and try to protect the public from unvaxxed people, but that is mostly in the hands of the state governors. The Trumpers will of course ‘blame Covid’ on Biden, and they don’t care if it is not true. They just want to drive his poll numbers down.

  4. Until I see a number of replies to this study by well qualified scientists/epidemiologists, I’ll hold back on any criticisms. I’ve seen many of the world’s most outstanding molecular biologists,epidemiologists, immunologists, etc say exactly the opposite of these studies before us. When Dr John Ioannidis reads and comments on this paper and experimental design, we’ll have a powerful reply provided. A similar blackballing of the merits of using ivermectin published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine is case in point. The scientific journals are no longer virginal and pure, they are bought and paid for in many cases. Big, Phat Pharma has a vested interest in tainting studies. Obviously, VT is influenced by this type of nefarious activity. Science should be inscrutable, but it isn’t. The rabid support shown in this article needs the counterbalance provided by other scientists’ views and rationale. Until then, don’t get your hopes too high.

    • since when is science propaganda? anti-vaxx is propaganda. science is science. your problem is as usual not knowing the difference

  5. That’s good news.
    Will it make any difference?
    At this stage of the game, I would think everyone who would voluntarily submit to the vaccine is already injected.
    We seem to be headed for either an absolute “mandatory” total population participation rate, or one real ugly showdown.

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