AZOV Commander Caught as Mariupol’s Nazi Torture Factories Revealed, POWs Shot for Twitter Videos (Extreme Warning/Graphic Torture)


and another one here:

Translation of Tweet Below:

Even after their Mossad trainers left, Mariupol’s Nazi elites, turn on Russian POW’s foolish enough not to fight to the death against an enemy directly aligned with 8 years of murder in Ukraine and 70 years of torture in Palestine.

More and more shocking facts that show the essence of the criminal Ukrainian regime are being revealed.

The whole world must see this footage so they realize that this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, which is supported by the NATO countries, but the war between good and evil. In this video, Ukrainian soldiers shoot Russian prisoners of war in their legs and afterwards give them a severe beating.

At the beginning of the video, it is possible to see Russian POWs lying on the ground with bullet wounds in their legs. Some of them have got their leg broken. Some may claim that Russian servicemembers were captured already wounded. However, this is untrue. In the end of the video, we can see Ukrainian soldiers shooting all the newly arrived prisoners through their legs. Many of them are dying from shock due to the pain right on camera.

All of this is being filmed by Ukrainian soldiers themselves. They have been treating the captured warriors of self-defense forces of the Donbass the same way throughout the previous eight years.

This is not a separate case of war crimes and terrorist actions of the Ukrainian regime.

In a separate case, Russian-led forces captured the base of the 8th regiment of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine and found a torture chamber created there. Chains, electric torture devices and the Right Sector-kind flag (a well-known Ukrainian Neo-Nazi organization) were found there.


This is the real face of supporters of the current Ukrainian regime. For years, MSM and NATO propaganda have tried to suppress the truth. Nonetheless, facts speak for themselves.

The Russian society is boiling over the terrorist behavior of Kyiv’s forces, but public voices emphasize that the Russian side will never go down to this inhuman posture. The Russians have come to put an end to the terrorist regime in Ukraine and put these war criminals to justice.


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  1. FFS, just let the man loose. The crowd there seems to really want to reward him for all his efforts. I say let him have his reward. But, no, the Russians have a court date for him…that and video cameras. Just be thankful that this POS will not ever threaten another person as long as he lives…however long that ain’t.

    • How absolutely ironic that it is Russians that kept the Ukrainians from tearing him to pieces. What a pill to swallow that is for this POS, he should choke on it.

  2. We should be sending humanitarian aid to any side that is protecting civilians. We should have never sent weapons.
    It reminds me of Abu Ghraib, where for some dark reason , they thought it would be cool to film themselves torturing pow’s. These are lasting reflections that affect the entire world.

    White supremacy was emboldened around the world, not just the US. We led it. De-escalation of our entire US foreign policy should be priority #1, for state dept, and defense dept. We missed another great opportunity to inform trouble makers we will not bail them out.

  3. So Americans are supporting the Uky Nazis now. So the Americans supported the Nazis 80 years ago. Nothing has changed. Ask Alan Dulles. Oops he’s dead. Ask the Vatican. Nope, they aren’t talking either. Just listen to a speech by Diaper Joe and compare it to a speech by Mr. Putin. Guess who the Wurlitzer is running through the spin cycle of the “Maytag” media? They love a good diaper!

  4. In the second clip above in Farsi Dr Tara nicely writes after explaining the clip in her second sentence that: “I thought maybe next to the real news and true news coming out of the western bleeding hearts you’d want to see a little lie and Russian propaganda” followed by a smile …

    Iranian sarcasm. They’ve been watching the western hypocrisy for so long that their sense of sarcasm is very acute these days. I see it often in enlightened people which happens to be the majority of Iranians.

  5. I tried to save the video from Southfront’s site but was not able to save it. These are the things people will not believe until they see it. And even then, some twitter zombies claimed it’s fake.

  6. Did I see these videos on MSM American news? Nope, it was some bundled up idiot from the Weather Channel spouting how many millions were in the “bullseye” of the next rain storm. Even if brain dead US morons saw this, they are in perpetual state of cognitive dissonance and would deny. But, they believe fake video of Osama execution presented by rat Biden and his cronies. What goes around will someday come around. Duh.

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