General Cloutier and the dungeons of Azovstal


FULL DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian State-Controlled Media

American combatants in Mariupol? Persistent rumors that Lieutenant General of the United States Army Roger L. Cloutier, Jr., taken prisoner in Mariupol, are gaining ground. Reports about this went with a link to the well-informed portal of American veterans, VT, and were picked up by many Internet resources. However, the Pentagon still responds to all inquiries from journalists about the capture of an American general in Ukraine with silence, which does not fit into its typical pattern of behavior.

The only conclusion suggests itself: the Pentagon is silent because the truth can turn into an undesirable sensation for the US administration and will inevitably raise questions.
Question one. When did General Cloutier appear in Ukraine, and in particular in Mariupol? If his arrival took place long before the start of the special military operation (SVO), then this directly indicates that the preparation for the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was carried out under the leadership of the US / NATO military and was carried out from the dungeons of Azovstal. True, the military reality turned to NATO in an unexpected direction.

Question two. How many advisers, i.e. NATO officers were on the general’s team? It would be nice if the answer to this question lists the specialization of the “big overseas brothers”: ground operations, air force operations, sabotage, information operations, etc. After that, the claims of advisers to receive a corridor from Mariupol should be rejected. These soldiers participated in the war as representatives of NATO and should be detained and interrogated. They are combatants, and this is a scandal.

The situation should also be considered from the international legal point of view. Of course, not in order to “bring NATO to clean water” and expect that the Secretary-General of the Stoltenberg alliance will blush.

The fact of the unilateral transfer by the alliance of relations with the Russian Federation to the stage of the war, which until now has been carefully concealed by Brussels, should be recorded. And if this fact becomes irrefutable, Russia will have grounds for a response. For example, a devastating missile attack on a reloading hub in the Polish city of Rzeszow, through which Western weapons are massively delivered. Such a blow will put everything in its place. As they say, what they fought for, they ran into. The reaction to the blow of official Warsaw will also be very curious. Will it require the North Atlantic bloc to enter the war in Ukraine, or will the ever-present Polish arrogance shrink to the state of September 17, 1939?

Of course, there are forces in Russia that are evasively referred to as the “peace party”, and, most likely, they will try to cover up this episode, which is inconvenient for NATO. The Pentagon is also interested in the same outcome. From the American side, information went that “General Cloutier died on March 28, 2022.” However, the Russian proverb “Maxim died, and to hell with him” will not work here. The story needs to be continued, so there is hope that the dead man will come to life and testify.



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  1. On dutch site Frontnieuws. Russia shot down two helicopters that were attempting to rescue persons from Mariupol.High placed Azov persons, soldiers for hire from several countries. Could this general be one of them. they were hidden in a secret place by Azov.

    No survivors, a heap of trash and parachutes. Burnt bodies blocked out in the vid.

  2. If Roger L. Cloutier, Jr., has been captured, why hasn’t Russia publish it?
    Neither are there pictures that can verifies he being captured.

  3. Hoping the RF forces can capture the whole command structure hiding in the Asovtal sewers. And every other sewer in Ukraine too.

  4. The dungeons of Mariupol as those of Odessa will have to be deeply investigated. Personally, I have my suspicions about whats really happening there beneath the earth. Its very likely that – as in many other places around the earth, they are used for some very nefarious things outside of any normal military activity.

    I hope, the Russian military will really do their job there and go deep. Women and children, children breeding and more are big business in Ukraine. Israel knows this very well, others in Europe too.

  5. If this story of Cloutier’s presence, participation, and capture in Mariupol proves true, upon his return, if having acted on his own, he needs to be court-martialed, dishonorably discharged, and imprisoned for acting as a foreign agent and mercenary in an active war while a commissioned flag officer in the US military, in complete contravention to his oath to preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution. If acting on orders from the administration, this opens Joe Biden, no less than Trump, to impeachment for the same reasons.

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