Zelensky Claims to be hiding in Soviet Era Nuclear Command Bunker


DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian government funded media

FULL DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian State-Controlled Media

SVPressa.ru: The Ukrayinska Pravda newspaper told its readers that Zelenskiy had set up his military headquarters in a well-defended bunker in Kiev. From the material it becomes clear that the secret object was inherited by the Zhovto-Blakit authorities from the “damned commies”, that is, it was built back in Soviet times.

“This bunker,” writes the author of the UP, “is designed to survive even in conditions of total nuclear war.” According to local experts, it is from here that Zelensky conducts propaganda videos and gives interviews to the Western press.

They say that Volodymyr Oleksandrovich fears that the Russians will calculate his location by radio signal and bomb him.

Brad, of course.

Yes, “Ze” sometimes appears in the building of the president’s office on Bankovaya 11, but most of the time Zelensky hides behind many meters of concrete walls in the protected premises of the so-called “power” bunker.

The publication also cites the words of ex-premier Mykola Azarov about this facility, built specifically for the political leadership of Soviet Ukraine.

Nikolai Yanovich said: “If we are talking about a bunker on the territory of the presidential administration, then this is an absolutely protected, prepared back in Soviet times, bunker for the work of the top political and military leadership of the state in the conditions of an atomic attack. A direct hit from a nuclear bomb won’t do any harm to the people in the bunker.”

It is curious that Zelensky himself has already addressed the topic of a “nuclear strike” against him personally. Apparently, due to his narcissism, he cannot help promoting himself and sends a “strong” signal to the people of the community that without him the “square” will not be able to cope with the “attack of the aggressor”.

What is curious: the local Jesuits, led by Arestovich , are spinning the case of the “savior of the nation”, whom the Muscovites want to kill at any cost, to the fullest. Yellow-black social networks, for example, post a video in which a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, returning to Kiev from the battle zone in the Donbass, attacked ex-president Poroshenko , shouting “Where are my sworn brothers?”

By the way, talk that the Kremlin could hit Kiev with an atomic bomb in order to destroy Ze and Co. is also being conducted in the United States, however, at the level of the mainstream press. So, TV presenter Sean Hannity of Fox News ominously promised that “Russia will be wiped off the face of the Earth if it uses WMD against Ukraine.”

Separately, we note that this statement by Hannity, in the opinion of a number of overseas politicians, should not surprise anyone. The fact is that this man belongs to those crazy Yankees who advocate “democratization by force in every region of the world to protect US interests.” Moreover, the talk showman admits the destruction of all life on Earth: “We cannot cower in fear, based on the fact that there is mutually assured destruction.”

What is interesting: the same Hannity is convinced that now another time has come when it is not necessary to enter the land of the enemy. It’s much easier to bombard a country that Washington doesn’t like…

However, let’s leave emotions aside and return to Zelensky’s “communist” bunker. Is it really so safe? Now, against the background of the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, interest in bomb shelters that can withstand a nuclear explosion has intensified. The English-language Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post reported on an interesting experiment. It turns out that China has built a new research facility to simulate a nuclear attack on bunkers, including those built at extreme depths.

For a long time, facilities built underground several hundred meters below the surface were considered absolutely safe in the event of a nuclear attack. No, this is not a direct hit. Taking into account the fact that satellite navigation will be disabled in the first minutes of a global conflict, the charge will most likely be delivered using a software gyro-inertial target designation system. This means that it will not hit the bullseye, but somewhere in a couple of hundred meters from the target.

The Chinese decided to complicate the task. They assumed an accurate strike and built a tunnel at a depth of 2 km to protect against it. The specialists, of course, did not use a real atomic bomb, but a 200 kiloton simulator.

As SCMP explains, increasing the depth of destruction, say, 10 times, requires increasing the power of the charge by 1000 times. We are talking about cubic dependence, that is, about the third degree, speaking in mathematical terms. This means that such tasks are not solved head-on. But if we achieve accurate penetration of the nuclear fuse of the bunker closer to the object, the problem can be solved without serious damage to the environment. For obvious reasons, characteristics are not given, but the bunker at extreme depth was destroyed without external damage.

By the way, in December 2021, the United States began production of its latest type of nuclear bunker fuse, an updated version of the B61-12 LEP nuclear gravity bomb. It has four explosive yield options: 0.3 kilotons, 1.5 kilotons, 10 kilotons, and 50 kilotons and is delivered to the attack area on F-15 and F-16 aircraft. This weapon can “bite” very deep into the ground and explodes only after reaching the desired mark.

Russia has similar weapons. If we talk about the security of the Zelensky bunker, then today its real value is actually zeroed. In Ukraine and near Kiev, loess rocks predominate, which are easily penetrated by concrete-piercing bombs, which simplifies the task of destruction.

But these are trifles compared to the penetrating capabilities of the hypersonic Kinzhal, which has a speed of 14,000 km / h (4 km / s) at the moment it hits the ground.

Who does not know: the underground warehouse of missiles and aviation ammunition of Ukrainian troops in Delyatyn in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, destroyed on March 18, was also considered a bunker capable of withstanding a nuclear explosion (by the standards of 30 years ago). It was located at a depth of 60 meters, which, according to the assessment of that time, was considered guaranteed protection.

In this regard, the conclusion suggests itself: in order to destroy Zelensky’s secret bunker, it is not necessary to strike Kiev with a 200-kiloton atomic bomb, by the way, ten times more powerful than the “Fat Man” dropped on Nagasaki by the Americans in August 1945. Enough of the raid of non-nuclear “Daggers”. In other words, if Moscow had really set the task of liquidating the former clown, it would have been solved without nuclear weapons.

Source: SVPressa.ru


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  1. Here’s my bet: If that slippery maggot Zelensky is anywhere NEAR Kyiv, and not in a warm safe bed in nearby Poland, I will drop my pants and bare my large, white, pimpled ass in front of the crowd gathered at the site of the Myer Emporium in Brisbane’ festive decorations on Christmas eve

  2. Zelensky should have accepted the Russian terms on Day One. But, that would have meant a CIA bullet to the back of his head. He and his US handlers cannot win this chess game against the Master Putin. Vlad was born to and trained for this moment.

  3. Nazi militias, their agents and controllers (USA) are the ones who will kill Zelensky immediately if he tries to negotiate a peace with Russia. Of course the assasination blamed on Russia so its easy enough to do.

    The Russians want him alive and the acting president of Ukraine,
    since him surrendering the Ukrainian army makes the surrender legitimate and something that could actually happen.

    No one else has the power to surrender to Russia, lay down arms and “demilitarize”.
    His replacement would be ten times worse in eyes of Russia.

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