Blinken to unveil ‘no surprises’ China strategy pre-Asia push
…from Politico
[ Editor’s Note: The US tightrope walk with its China policy continues. As John Mearsheimer has covered over and over in his interviews, China is the US’ only peer competitor, and hence he thought the war with Russia using Ukraine as cannon fodder to be a huge inappropriate waste of resources that should be saved for China.
This is a tricky concept to get one’s head around. The US and NATO still hugely dominate China’s military power. But that will slowly change, as China has the economic engine now to drive its domestic economy and divert necessary resources to build a credible military to eventually protect itself from the US.
That is why countries with large enough economies rushed into building nukes as quickly as they could to have a credible deterrent. On the seas, the US Navy roams where it wants, and a peer level counter navy would take a generation, or two, to build.
We see China, to a degree, following Russia’s act of focusing on technology for state of the art weapons, quality versus quantity. And the term ‘mini-nukes’ is no longer whispered anymore. VT published the history of them, and their use as reasonable options for using the big ones, until they also began to be used, disguised as truck bombs or ammo dumps going up.
Here we are with an arms race rolling on, which to a degree is a no win situation for countries, because there is no end to having enough, but certainly a win-win for their domestic defense industries.
For example, the Ukraine war has been a Santa Claus come early for Western countries having cleared inventories of conventional weapons, which have to be quickly replaced with new orders, where in the US situation, this is done with endless borrowed money that no one expects to ever be paid.
If anyone sees any possible good outcome from this insanity, please share it in the comments… Jim W. Dean ]
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First published May 3, 2022
Secretary of State Antony Blinken will make a long-awaited speech outlining the administration’s China strategy Thursday in Washington, a person familiar with the plans told POLITICO. But don’t expect anything bold.
…The upcoming speech will kick off a month of intense administration engagement with Asia, including next week’s U.S.-ASEAN Special Summit in Washington, Biden’s trip to South Korea and Japan and the first in-person meeting May 24 of leaders of the Quad, including Japan, India and Australia.
The administration’s challenge is to ensure buy-in for the strategy — which hinges on building and reinforcing alliances and partnerships in Asia and beyond — to counter U.S. perceptions of China’s growing diplomatic, economic and military influence undermining Biden’s conception of a “rules-based international order.”
…“The China Strategy is basically ‘Trump-plus with sophistication’ but with partners and allies,” said a China expert familiar with the strategy’s contents who asked for anonymity in order to speak freely.
… “Our relationship with China will be competitive when it should be, collaborative when it can be, and adversarial when it must be,” Blinken said in March 2021.
Biden outlined his overarching vision in his first speech to Congress a year ago. “We’re in competition with China and other countries to win the 21st Century,” he said to a standing ovation.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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Hey Joe. Please define “winning the 21st century.” I guess I should know the answer since we always win. Even if half the rest of the world is reduced to rubble.
The carriers are slow moving giant targets and anti-stealth trip wires & sitting ducks when trouble goes kinetic. Just a big military mosoloem 4 the hapless crew.
Borders and territories, become irrelevant in the face of something that applies to the entire human species and our cosmological understanding. Fighting over business and boundaries are a nuisance to actual human progress.
There are many signs that advances in science and technology are going to merging with ancient knowledge to the point where it is inescapable. This must include China as the I-Ching is more than a old text, and divination is not it’s intended or useful purpose. The same wave forms or identifiable solitons permeate all things studied in science. They are trackable, discernible, and applicable beyond most peoples imagination. The primordial stew is about to be flavored, and no field of science will be left out. Alienating China would be the worst idea in US foreign policy history.
Imagine that conman Reagan had not dismantled the solar panels of Carter and not restarted the B1 bomber program, instead put the richest country on the path of success in R&D and innovation with education and not more military recruitment … just imagine.
The schmuck wasn’t even willing to accept that HIV is real …
Unfortunately, that’s not who we are. Imagine if the public schools in the USA actually taught real history and economics so their graduates wouldn’t be half wits eager to become canon fodder for their Zionist masters. Just imagine that.
The USD is propped up by fear. When the fear turns to panic, will the house of cards come tumbling down? Pre Ukrwar Ruble at 80:1 v. USD. Then it fell to 150:1, now it is 67:1 and the ratio is going down. Yuan at 6.5:1. The Iranians have swarms of missile boats. The Chinese have hypersonic carrier-sinkers. Do they need to waste resources building big ships, or would some 1000 carrier-sinkers on a swarm of junks suffice? Arent those carrier-sinkers in containers on ships all over the world already? Was that Beirut nuke a missile, or was it truck delivered? How big are those fracking nukes? Hand grenade sized? Those holes cant be too big, they drill down and then sideways, bit hard to gat a big bomb down there, I guess. Is this all BStheatre? They are ALL in on the Covid hoax, then we get redirected to a warnonwar. I want a hollyday in the sun.
After poking the bear they are now going after the dragon. China is no longer a backward country as under Mao but a highly sophisticated adversary thanks to Clinton who bequeathed to them advanced missile technology in exchange for helping get elected. Who knows what secrets were passed from team Biden for their help in rigging the last election. Strategically this would be the perfect time to move on Taiwan as according to Russtrat the US has almost depleted its armory giving it to Ukraine. Year of the Tiger.
The US and NATO still hugely dominate China’s military power. ??
Once upon a time, but not any more.
China’s armed forces dominate the West Pacific and all territory within 1000 miles of its land borders, other than the Russian border.
The PLAN is much bigger than the USN and better armed, the PLAAF has more advanced aircraft in the region and the PLA, which humiliated NATO/US in 1951, would do so again.
But though fleets win battles, economies win wars, and China’s economy is much stronger, broader, deeper, and more dynamic than America’s.
Fleets start wars, missiles finish them!!! Especially hypersonic ones are tickets to the bottom….!!!!!
The Soviet Union fell because they spent money they didn’t have to support their military and Warsaw Pacts military. With the US being 30 Trillion in debt and now what it is going to cost to replace what they through away in the Ukraine and now NATO to it looks like it will be the US/NATO falling instead!
I think it is dangerous to assume US navy supremacy. There is a significant element of asymmetrical thinking re China’s with its large investment in all types of missiles launched from land, sea, air and submarine.
Chinese were working already long time on carrier-killer missiles.
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