…by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor
New World Order agents are mad, sad, and want to be bad again. They feel that their wicked ideology has been challenged by three countries: Russia, China, and Iran. In response, NWO agents have written a book entitled, Rise of the Revisionists: Russia, China, and Iran.
The book was published by the American Enterprise Institute, a Neoconservative flagship which has been in the business of destabilizing the Middle East for decades. One can say that the book itself is a colossal piece of propaganda designed to reprogram the masses into believing that Russia and Iran in particular are real threats to the West. In a chapter entitled “Russia: The Kremlin’s Many Revisions,” Jewish Neocon Frederick W. Kagan begins by saying that:
“Russia is on a collision course with the West…The sources of hostility are primarily within Russia. They transcend the aims of Vladimir Putin, springing rather from fundamental problems created during the collapse of the Soviet Union….
“These problems form inherent and irreducible contradictions in Russia’s relationship with the West. Western policy toward Russia must recognize them and accept the reality that Russia will remain hostile to and resentful of the West for some time to come, regardless of Western attempts at reconciliation.”[1]
Complete stupidity. If you have been an astute observer of Russia and of what Putin has said both in public and in print over the past seven years or so, then Kagan’s ridiculous assertion ought to make your blood boil. People like Kagan don’t want to listen at all.
Putin has given more talks and delivered more speeches probably more than any living politician. In fact, journalists and writers sometimes drill him for three hours, and he would respond to various questions without a script.
Moreover, Putin did an entire interview with director Oliver Stone in which he clearly or unambiguously fleshed out his position on the United States, the Middle East, the former Soviet Union, issues such as homosexuality, etc. Every honest observer can either watch the entire interview or read the transcript of the interview. This isn’t hard! It’s not calculus or differential equations. Yet Kagan continues to not only misrepresent Russia and Vladimir Putin but to propound one lie after another.
Moreover, people like Kagan do not want to interact with serious scholars like Stephen F. Cohen of Princeton, who meticulously and methodically argued and documented that the entire media establishment totally misrepresents Vladimir Putin and indeed Russia’s current position. In fact, Cohen’s name and scholarly works are never mentioned in Rise of the Revisionists.
Putin has said very plainly that the West—and the United States of America in particular—has lost its moral and political compass when it began to destabilize one country after another in the Middle East. This has been published and circulated even by Zionist outlets like the Telegraph. For example, Putin said when the United States brutally murdered Gaddafi:
“Who did this? Drones, including American ones. They attacked his column. Then – through the special forces, who should not have been there – they brought in the so-called opposition and fighters, and killed him without court or investigation.”[2]
Frederick Kagan and his wife, Kimberly, played a major role in popularizing perpetual wars in the Middle East.[3] Right after the 9/11 attack, Frederick in particular declared: “We have to take the war to these people [the Palestinians].”
Here is a dialogue between Frederick Kagan, Donald Kagan (Frederick’s father, a scholar at Yale), and an interviewer:
Milt Rosenberg: Are you suggesting that we’ve got to go to war or rather we should..
Frederick Kagan: We are at war. We are at war. We have no option. See, I would like to see military operations commencing immediately.
Donald Kagan: The longer we go chasing around the actual perpetrators our job is going to be next to impossible.
Frederick Kagan: I didn’t say that we know exactly who conducted this attack. What I pointed out is that there are a few groups out there that are dedicated to conducting exactly this sort of attack and I said that we should attack those groups regardless of whether we know exactly which one specifically conducted this. But we hardly need any more evidence to know that it would be a very good idea to take Bin Laden out even if he had nothing to do with this.
Milt Rosenberg: He’s done enough already is your point.
Frederick Kagan: Exactly
Milt Rosenberg: Who else is?
Donald Kagan: And one key place is certainly the Palestinian Authority, these guys are at the center of all sorts of terrorist organizations that we’ve seen operate before.
Frederick Kagan: And we also know furthermore where they’re located. We know that they have extensive bases in Palestine and Palestinian area. —- We have to take the war to these people, I think we should hit them immediately.
When it was widely documented that the Iraq war was a complete disaster, when it was calculated that the war would cost America at least six trillion dollars,[4] Kagan was writing fantasies like this:
“Victory is still an option in Iraq. America, a country of 300 million people with a GDP of $12 trillion and more than 1 million soldiers and Marines, has the resources to stabilize Iraq, a state the size of California with a population of 25 million and a GDP under $100 billion. America must use its resources skillfully and decisively to help build a successful democratically elected, sovereign government in Iraq.”
Frederick Kagan is still thirsty for blood, but any type of blood. He is looking for the blood of the Goyim. He is still perpetuating the crazy idea that Assad has launched “despicable war crimes against his own people”![5]
It was inevitable, therefore, that Kagan would find himself squaring off with Russia, for we all know that Russia doesn’t allow people like Kagan to invent wicked things and dump them on the Assad government. As Sergei Lavrov declared,
“We have the irrefutable data that this [chemical attack] was staged. And special services of a country, which is now seeking to be in the first ranks of the Russophobic campaign, were involved in this staged event.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Vladimir Putin
Moreover, people like Kagan will never address the fact that Russia in particular was in financial ruin before Vladimir Putin came on the scene. As the late Alexander Solzhenitsyn put it,
“Putin inherited a ransacked and bewildered country, with a poor and demoralized people. And he started to do what was possible—a slow and gradual restoration. These efforts were not noticed, nor appreciated, immediately.”[6]
Solzhenitsyn moved on to say: “In any case, one is hard-pressed to find examples in history when steps by one country to restore its strength were met favorably by other governments.”[7] Perhaps Kagan and his brethren need to start thinking about that.
Some writers like Timothy Snyder have desperately and incoherently claimed that Ivan Ilyin was “Putin’s philosopher,”[8] but Snyder and others people could never understand that Putin’s most important “guru,” as Politico itself put it, is none other than Alexander Solzhenitsyn.[9]
Solzhenitsyn, said the Boston Globe, “embraced Putin’s Russia.”[10] Snyder in particular does not want to see Putin through Solzhenitsyn’s eyes because that would ruin his ideological weltanschauung, which perpetuates one lie after another about Vladimir Putin and Russia. Snyder shot himself in the toes by arguing that Russia invaded Crimea in 2014.[11]
In short, Vladimir Putin, despite his shortcomings, was and is still doing the best he can to restore Russia from the political and financial ruin which New World Order agents have inflicted on her. As our dear friend and colleague Phil Butler has recently put it,
“In the early 2000s, Vladimir Putin was running a country almost destroyed by corruption, foreign interventions, and pirates bent on privatizing anything of value for western investors. The advance of the globalist doctrine had reached the borders of the country; wars were brewed in former Soviet republics where regime changes and color revolutions were not working.
“The notorious Russian mob, the Israeli mob, anybody inside the country that could be bought by western pirates was taking a bite from the Russian legacy. Putin stepped in and sorted it out. Putin did not sell Russia out. This was a capital crime.”
New World Order agents will never come to grip with that fundamental issue. They have recently created an essentially covert operation known as Renew Democracy Initiative, which they say seeks to restore “democracy” and “freedom” in much of the world.[12]
But the same people again will never talk about bringing “democracy” and “freedom” in places like Saudi Arabia because Saudi Arabia itself is a puppet of the Israeli regime and the Zionist States of America. Saudi Arabia decapitates people in broad daylight, even for the slightest offenses. But not a single Neocon has said a damn thing about this. Saudi Arabia needs more “democracy” and “freedom” than Iran or Syria, but the Neocons and the Zionist establishment aren’t interested.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has just landed in Saudi Arabia, and his first move was this:
“We are urging nations around the world to sanction any individuals and entities associated with Iran’s missile program, and it has also been a big part of discussions with Europeans.”[13]
Brian Hook, a senior policy advisor on Pompeo’s team, added: “Iran’s missiles prolong war and suffering in the Middle East, they threaten our security and economic interests and they especially threaten Saudi Arabia and Israel.”[14]
These people have been living in fantasy world for far too long.
This article was first published on April 29, 2018.
- [1] Frederick W. Kagan, “Russia: The Kremlin’s Many Revisionists,” Gary J. Schmitt, Dan Blumenthal, eds., Rise of the Revisionists: Russia, China, and Iran (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 2018), 12.
- [2] Andrew Osborn, “Vladimir Putin lashes out at America for killing Gaddafi and backing protests,” Telegraph, December 15, 20111.
- [3] Philip Giraldi, “The Forever Wars of Frederick & Kimberly Kagan,” American Conservative, December 6, 2012.
- [4] Ernesto Londono, “Study: Iraq, Afghan war costs to top $4 trillion,” Washington Post, March 28, 2013; Bob Dreyfuss, The $6 Trillion Wars,” The Nation, March 29, 2013; “Iraq War Cost U.S. More Than $2 Trillion, Could Grow to $6 Trillion, Says Watson Institute Study,” Huffington Post, May 14, 2013; Mark Thompson, “The $5 Trillion War on Terror,” Time, June 29, 2011; “Iraq war cost: $6 trillion. What else could have been done?,” LA Times, March 18, 2013.
- [5] Frederick W. Kagan, “Let’s get real: It’s time to move on from the Putin-dominated UN,” Fox News, March 16, 2018.
- [6] “’I Am Not Afraid of Death,’” Spiegel, July 23, 2007.
- [7] Ibid.
- [8] Timothy Snyder, “Ivan Ilyin, Putin’s Philosopher of Russian Fascism,” NY Review of Books, March 16, 2018.
- [9] Peter Eltsov, “What Putin’s Favorite Guru Tells Us About His Next Target,” Politico, February 10, 2015.
- [10] Peter Finn, “Toward end, Solzhenitsyn embraced Putin’s Russia,” Boston Globe, August 5, 2008; see also Luke Harding, “WikiLeaks cables: Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin,” Guardian, December 2, 2010.
- [11] Timothy Snyder, “The Wars of Vladimir Putin,” NY Review of Books, June 9, 2016.
- [12] “Neocons & Russiagaters unite! New think tank will protect democracy from Russia, sell books,” Russia Today, April 27, 2018.
- [13] “Pompeo lands in Saudi Arabia, immediately calls for new sanctions against Iran,” Russia Today, April 28, 2018.
- [14] Ibid.

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the book, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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You speak in a way as if Russia isn’t the close friend of the Shitraeli terrorists… Russia might be anti-America, but it is not anti-Zionism… Current America collapses and another America rises… Both Russia and America are playing shows, it’s a theater… NWO is Zionism rather than America, what is the difference between a Zionist Russia from a Zionist America? So is true about China… “communism” the beloved lapdog of the so called Joos, can’t be the enemy of the jews!…
You can’t wipe off a dirty window with a dirty cloth…
These Neocons should be hauled off to Gitmo and tried by a military tribunal as traitors if they haven’t already been. They’re the real terrorists.
@ RillyTC
……..“Russia IS the NWO. Putin IS the NWO. I’m no “investigative journalist” but the evidence…etc”
Really…do you not think we have all considered that idea…..
and ur comment about bolsheviks…………..obviously we are all really stupid….. and u have the answer….
and ofcourse we are all “downright incompetent”….
………when u can contribute with established facts and not cloud innuendo
and could actually write an article that paints a picture of a moving situation…
and a reasonable considered opinion….I think you should conduct yourself like most VT readers
in that the art of reading an article is to gather more information and filter the most likely scenarios.
Perhaps the world is playing a three sided football game…where whoever holds the ball is attacked
by the other two sides.
…..and of-course…in case u want to remind me….two of the teams are jewish.
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, Top Advisor to Klaus Schwab:
“Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but OUR intelligent design… Science may enable life to break out into the inorganic realm.”
“Humans are now hackable animals”.
Data is King.
‘They’ now have the data.
“The Show Must Go On.
A Proud Tradition.”
Wag The Dog.
Top-down Storytelling.
Deception, always with the deception.
Russia IS the NWO. Putin IS the NWO. I’m no “investigative journalist” but the evidence that Russia, Israel and the US are now owned and operated by the exact same intelligence networks is undeniable. In fact it’s safe to say in terms of all global governments and the power structures they operate under, there’s no savior left. So the question myself & VT readers need to ask is why Jonas, are you pushing this angle? You do realize the Bolsheviks never left Russia yes? Dissidents in Russia are still dragged out of their houses and beaten, or far worse. So you’re proposing that the Jewish Bolsheviks of Russia are rebelling against the NWO which was founded by…… well Jewish Bolsheviks….. The likelihood of what you’re proposing is not just absurd, it’s downright incompetent…
I agree with all your points apart from one – we are still not sure about Putin, to what degree he has centralised power and control in Russia, to what degree power remains with the mafia oligarchs, who Putin represents, the exact nature of the relationship between Putin and the oligarchs etc. These are questions Gordon and I ask almost daily and have done for years now.
I’m not sure if you did read the article seriously. Where did I propose that “the Jewish Bolsheviks of Russia are rebelling against the NWO which was founded by…… well Jewish Bolsheviks…”? Do you mean to tell us that the current Russian government is essentially following the Bolshevik ideology? If that is what you are proposing, then I’d like to see the evidence for it. You build a straw man and then you deconstruct it with statements like this: “The likelihood of what you’re proposing is not just absurd, it’s downright incompetent…” Why don’t you cite what I said and then debunk it? Why did you have to take the easy route? Sure, Russia, like all other countries on this planet, does have some issues that need to be resolved, and I have criticized Russia in the past. But to say that Russia is the New World Order is preposterous, too much to detail here.
Not preposterous at all to suspect Russia is not what it purports to be and may well be playing the role of a form of controlled opposition, or that Putin has a relationship with the mafia oligarchs that is something else other than what is shown publicly. These are questions that are on the minds of senior figures in various governments, questions that have been giving many people serious thought for several years.
“So the question myself & VT readers need to ask is why Jonas, are you pushing this angle?”
To ask the question is to answer it, I’m afraid.
The most famous remark of Mr. Purtin is: Anyone who doesn’t miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Anyone who want it back, has no brains. The Deep State oder Bolshevik or cultural-marxist or whatever term you use, isn’t much better than our self-appointed philantophs and billionaires. In politics is no abrahamitic black and white defined by exclusion of good and evil. In politics rule geo-political interests. For some people certain interests are fine, for others miserable. Putin never used Stalin’s methods. He stated 2 or 3 examples, but enforced all those jewish oligarchs to pay taxes, as in the US, too. The US have much more oligarchs than Russia. In the public French-German TV channel ARTE is a fine documenation, reporting that in Russian ministeries already us american citizens gave the orders during the 90s. The Clintons underestimated the Russian intelligence. So Putin came into power. The so called Ukraine war is, hand on heart, a war of the US to occupy Russia in the long-term, to gain power on Russian natural ressources and the biggest landscape on the planet. To control it, Russia must be splitted in several states. divide et impera. The only real doubt about Putin was the useless handling of the Covid-Fakedemia.
Rilley TC you got any evidence of “dissidents are being dragged out their houses and beaten” or are you just parroting the mockingbird media’s party line about Putin? I’m sure there are quite a few Russians who will contradict your narrative here.
As far as I’m concerned Putin by his words and deeds is the only one who seems to be standing up to NATO and the NWO.Prima Facia evidence is the current war in Ukraine. You remind me of those preachers who preach all men are evil. As we used to say on 4 & 8 Chan. Show me the docs or GTFO.
These people who go around spouting that everybody else is ” controlled opposition” are most likely the ones projecting it. PROJECTION: The attribution of one’s own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?
The forming of a plan : scheming?
Define ‘Psychological PROJECTION’.
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?
TC spot on. The “influence” is everywhere. I am seeing Iranian pleas for Western eyes to call their Leaders out for human rights violations and than VT editors claiming Iran is being prosecuted by Zionists and are righteous to denounce the West. This corruption exists in Every country. We do not have to throw our boarders open to everyone and anyone. The most powerful countries hold most of the blame for human injustice. Political parties genuinely interested in the common good are not right or wrong. They just do not exist as advertised. Light and Love are really the only answers. Putin is claiming the light and appears to be acting on it more than any other leader in the world to date. And he may be a Bolshevik. Oy Vey or what ever they say.
Russia desperately wanted rapprochement w/ USA after USSR crumbled. Bush I, Clinton simply expanded NATO; something Bush I’s SecyState James Baker promised in a signed agreement we wouldn’t do.
& Since Putin’s very life was in the balance after the Eastern Bloc went kaput, it’s easy to admire Putin lots more than our own Pres., who’s been threatened only w/ lawsuits; well those & when Sinatra’s agent tried to strangle him.
Crazy joos.
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