False Flag Weekly News covers the week’s 30-odd noteworthy stories. Since each week’s news tends to be more depressing than the previous one’s, we try to end the show on a weirdly humorous note, hoping it will help the audience stay sane enough to survive seven more days and come back for more.
This week’s leave-’em-laughing story was National Review’s “In Germany, You Must Be Fully Vaxxed before Your Death by Assisted Suicide.” That headline immediately struck me as a minor masterpiece of absurdist gallows humor. (And yes, it’s an actual National Reviewnews story, not a Babylon Bee parody.)
So why did the German authorities decide to make COVID mRNA shots mandatory prerequisites for assisted suicide? They cannot have been worrying about suicidal patients infecting their Nazi doctors, I mean compassionate caregivers, with COVID-19, since everyone agrees that the COVID vaccines were never meant to stop transmission. Likewise the authorities cannot have been worried about the suicides experiencing severe COVID, possibly even hospitalization or death, in the afterlife, since they don’t believe in an afterlife—and even if they did, COVID wouldn’t be part of it. (Hell is too hot for the COVID virus to replicate efficiently, and heaven is far too nice a place to host bioweaponized plagues.)
So what in the world were these people thinking? Did they invent the only-vaxxed-people-can-be-suicided rule for the warped amusement of National Review readers and False Flag Weekly News viewers?
I have, on rare occasions, entertained the solipsistic notion that the universe in general, and certain hilariously insane actions of my fellow humans in particular, must exist purely for the entertainment value of those of us with a really weird sense of humor. But that theory doesn’t past the theological, philosophical, or empirical smell tests. So there has to be some real, serious reason for the German Reich’s suicide vaccination requirement.
After pondering the matter, it suddenly came to me: They’re control freaks! You have to be fully vaccinated to legally commit suicide in Germany not for any practical reason, but because both COVID-19 vaccination and assisted suicide are symbolic expressions of pretending to be in control when in reality you obviously aren’t.
The COVID pandemic and accompanying propaganda terrorized much of the population by intensifying an omnipresent baseline human emotion, fear-of-death.* The thought that one might more-or-less randomly contact an invisible virus and then sicken and die is disturbing, especially to people who believe they are entitled to retire comfortably at age 65 and spend a decade or two pillaging their IRA accounts and enjoying themselves before fading into oblivion. So in an effort to pretend they could do something to stop the pandemic, many people embraced the talismans proffered by their high priests, including social isolation, face coverings, and finally mRNA shots.
It soon became clear that, just as the scientists had always admitted, COVID vaccines (like masks) don’t stop transmission. And it is gradually becoming equally clear that the vaccines’ cost-benefit profiles, in terms of their overall effects on health and mortality, are likewise dubious.
In a sane world, people would stop vaccinating—or at least save the vaccines for the population groups that arguably might benefit. But the world, as FFWN viewers know, is far from sane. So what began as an allegedly rational medical intervention has become an article of faith. The requirement to vaxx-up before your suicide is a purely religious requirement, not a scientific or medical one.
And assisted suicide itself, like the vaccine, is a sacred rite of the control-freak religion. Most traditional cultures have frowned on suicide, seeing it as an arrogant imposition of human will signifying lack of faith in Divine providence. But today’s control freak religion, a.k.a. secular materialist scientistic progressivist humanism, is nothing if not an apotheosis of human arrogance whose central tenet is “God isn’t in control, we are.” Even death, that ultimate experience of not-being-in-control, has to be brought under control. So you fill out the paperwork, make sure you have been vaccinated, and let the Nazi doctors, I mean, the compassionate caregivers, administer your last rites.
Even COVID heretics, who tend to be much saner than the true believers, are prey to the illusions of their control-freak culture. For just as the true believers fear they might keel over suddenly if they don’t get the jab, the heretics suspect that the only people who have ever “died suddenly” are those who do get the jab.
Now I am not saying the “died suddenly” folks are entirely wrong. Given the 30%+ increase in overall working-age mortality since the COVID vaccine rollout, and the seeming increase in athletes dropping dead on the playing field, it is entirely possible that the notion of “sudden death overtime” will take on an entirely new meaning.
Post-Christian Western culture is built on the illusion of control. In the past, it was widely assumed that we are in God’s hands and could easily enjoy or suffer gratuitous reversals of fortune at any moment. But over the past 500 years or so, runaway technology gradually built up an illusion of human control. That historical quest to be in control, and its accompanying religion, has, paradoxically, spun completely out of control. Symptoms of out-of-control Control Freakism include “you-control-which-gender-you-are-by-saying-so,” transhumanism, the unleashing of artificial intelligence, the approaching Singularity…and the German vaccination requirement for assisted suicide.
By seeking total control, humanity is courting its own destruction. Our species is vaccinating itself with all kinds of techno-talismans: desperate attempts to achieve ever-greater levels of control spin off into inevitable loss of control and finally planetary suicide.
*Terror management theory makes much of this omnipresent fear-of-death and its psychological and cultural effects.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN).
He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
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My take on it (dont kill me) already posted on Fabios article on deaths in Qatar
“Vaccines are what is killing people” now a popular narrative and this “takes the heat off” from REAL REASON why the pandemic happened, and continues.
A very deadly bioweaponed virus was used on IRAN right in the middle of intense deadly panic in Wuhan, before a single case recorded in USA. Very successful operation AT THAT TIME
So Wuhan became the PERFECT coverup for the bioweapon attack into the city of Qom in Iran.
Vaccines only designed to battle the Wuhan “kung flu”
Not one bit effective against the bioweapon used on Iran or its mutations – how could it be?
Secret bioweapon attack on Iran can NEVER be admitted or alluded to, nor will vaccines or antidotes for it ever be provideded.
But they can always “blame the victims” and with 12.7 BILLION “jabs”worldwide, every time a “jab receipient” dies, that is a lot of victims in the victim-pool.
The VICTIMS are who DIED, and in “old school” media disinfo practice, it was from NOT recieving a jab.
The victims are then TO BLAME for their deaths, and nobody else.
NOW, the victims the same: those who die.
And BLAME again goes to the victims, for being so stupid to get a vaccine shot
Instigators and guilty genocidal criminals responsible get away scott-free.
“By deception we conquer”
News from the weird. Thanks Kevin!
Unfortunately, Kevin, you are probably 100% correct. And Gordon Duff wasn’t.
These ‘Jerries’ get everywhere.
“Von Hippel is a German surname and may refer to:
Arthur von Hippel (physician) (1841–1916), a German ophthalmologist
Robert von Hippel (1866–1951), a German criminal lawyer, his son
Arthur R. von Hippel (1898–2003), a German-American physicist, grandson of Arthur von Hippel and nephew of Eugen von Hippel
Eric von Hippel (born 1941), an American economist, son of Arthur R. von Hippel
Frank N. von Hippel, an American nuclear physicist, son of Arthur R. von Hippel
Eugen von Hippel (1867–1939), a German ophthalmologist, his son (discoverer of Von Hippel–Lindau disease)
Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel the Elder (1741–1796), a German satirist
Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel the Younger (1775–1843), a Prussian statesman, his nephew
Theodor von Hippel, a German army and intelligence officer during World War II”wiki
Karin von Hippel, Director-General of RUSI.
In this World of illusion/allusion
(Carbon life. Who needs it.)
Faith Hope Charity+ Noahide
“Dangoor family gives largest-ever donation to world’s oldest think tank.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: FEBRUARY 23, 2021 18:43
The donation, totaling some £2million, is being made through the family’s charitable foundation, The Exilarch’s Foundation.
The wealthy Dangoor family is giving the largest ever donation to the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI), the oldest defense and security think tank in the world.”
In an article headed Je ws are the true Muslims by Mr. Naim Dangoor (his grandfather Hakham Ezra Reuben Dangoor was the Chief Rabbi of Baghdad) in issue 78 from The Scribe 2005 he states –
“At the end of the last Ice Age, some 9000 years ago, and the discovery of agriculture and thus the beginning of our present civilisation, God was horrified to notice the extent of violence on the face of the earth (which is still in evidence everywhere) and “repented” that he ever created mankind (Genesis 6:6). God tried various ways to remedy the problem but without success. In the end he decided to prepare for mankind a code of conduct, a Torah, to live by. The next thing we hear is that we became the chosen people. Israel was redeemed from slavery in Egypt and chosen at the moment of birth as a fledgling nation to the exclusion of other mighty powers.”
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