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WikiLeaks cables reveal NATO intended to cross all Russian red lines
WikiLeaks, an organization the United States has been trying to shut down for well over a decade, including through the horrendous treatment of its founder Julian Assange, published secret cables showing this narrative couldn’t possibly be further from reality.
The Monster Assange: Wikileaks, the Zionist Hydra that Won’t Die
The Hydra is a mythical multi-headed beast that regenerates a head (two heads at a time in certain instances) whenever one is severed. Israel’s Wikileaks intelligence operation is the physical embodiment of this slimy, slithery, fictional creature.
Tarpley: Wikileaks, a ‘Cognitive Infiltration’ Operation, 1000 Percent Fake (blockbuster video)
Awareness is growing around the world that the Wikileaks-Julian Assange theater of the absurd is radically inauthentic – a psyop.
How Russia used Trump, QAnon and Wikileaks to destroy America
"Trump is traumatized, out of his mind."
Wikileaks Tracked to Haifa, Trump’s Real Campaign Headquarters and more, much more (2016 and...
Those who think Wikileaks is moving against Hillary aren't paying attention, of course, many never pay attention - they fail to note who Wikileaks targets and who it serves.
Trump offered Wikileaks Julian Assange a Pardon to Lie for Him
Introduction: We have confirmations on this and a long and very colorful history with Dana Rohrabacher and his "good work" with the Northern Alliance...
Wikileaks: OPCW official cited in deleting truth about White Helmets staging Syria gas attack
RT/Moscow: The leadership of the chemical weapons watchdog took efforts to remove the paper trail of a dissenting report from Douma, Syria which pointed...
Wikileaks Fakery Parade: Assange to Die in Prison Then Join Epstein in Israel
Over the years, only a few things have been consistent in this world, Julian Assange's love of Israeli brutality and his denialism that 9/11...
Wikileaks Destroyed: Moon Landing Fakery Video Released by Assange with Fake Video
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Let me tell you about who Wikileaks really is. They are the White Helmets, they are MI6, they are the...
Black Cube’s War on America: State of the Nation, Israel’s Other QAnon and...
VT received the article below from a regular reader who, on rare occasions submits decent material. Too often, however, this same person is duped,...
Will the Public Find Out if Trump Directed Campaign Contact with Stone on Wikileaks?
by Joyce Vance
On January 24th, a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. convened by Special Counsel Robert Mueller returned an indictment of Roger Stone...
Mueller: Trump Campaign Official ‘Directed’ to Ask Roger Stone About WikiLeaks Dirt on Hillary...
Editor's note: The stories we have involved Stone and local law enforcement in South Florida, rigged sheriff elections and a very protected pedophile ring...
CENSORED/BLOCKED/HACKED: Wikileaks Fakery and Julian Assange, Crown Prince of the Deep State
When Trump backed out of nuclear treaty with Iran it was the Deep State in action.
Intel Drop, Wikileaks, Mueller and Russia
Without Russia laundering some of their hacks through Assange's Wikileaks, hundreds of GOP officials that would have been felons for knowingly receiving stolen information and guilty of computer crimes and conspiracy.
RT “Accidentally” Busts Assange and Wikileaks as CIA Front
Gordon Duff - Back in 2009, VT recognized Wikileaks as "fake." It wasn't just Assange and his incessant support of Israel or the coddling he received from US authorities after conspiring to steal and publish classified US materials.
How the CIA spies on your everyday life, according to WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks’ latest release from the Vault 7 series of CIA leaks, sheds more light on how ordinary people can be easily tracked and targeted...
Intel Drop: Israel Unleashes WikiLeaks on Russia, Trump Removal Plotted
Gordon Duff - Meetings today at the Metropolitan Club in Washington DC and elsewhere "out of sight" are proceeding to work out a strategy to declare Donald Trump "disabled" and unable to continue in office.
Moscow Urges US to Respond to WikiLeaks CIA Hacking Accusations
Jim W. Dean - The CIA has come out early saying they will push for full prosecution of the material the Wikileaks has put out is confirmed to be true. That was quite cagey language, and maybe a slip up on the CIA's part.
PressTV: US will use full force of law’on WikiLeaks
US Vice President Pence has said the Trump administration will "use the full force of the law" to go after those involved in WikiLeaks'...
Wikileaks Suppressed, Mossad ran 9/11 Arab “hijacker” Terrorist Operation
Gordon Duff - While Julian Assange insists all investigations into 9/11 and Israel are "a waste of time," we find the "keys to the kingdom," particularly when added to VT's own work, in, of all places, WikiLeaks own files.
Israel Bashes Russia Through Stratfor/WikiLeaks/Infowar
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Long ago, we managed to put groups together whose origins were much the same, CounterPunch, Global Research, Stratfor, Debka, the...
Wikileaks Goes After Turkey Over ISIS Oil Sales
When oil began flowing out of Iraq after the 2003 American invasion, more than half went through Turkey.
Tying it together, Wikileaks, the FBI and the Mob Part V
Gordon Duff - Is there a global criminal conspiracy, one that runs ISIS and al Qaeda, that staged 9/11 or even killed the Kennedy's? Recent evidence is increasingly saying yes.
“Wikileaks is the Mossad, Stupid, Not the Russians, We are playing them like a...
In a John Pilger Special, to be exclusively broadcast by RT on Saturday courtesy of Dartmouth Films, whistleblower Julian Assange categorically denied that the troves of US Democratic Party and Clinton work and staff emails released this year have come from the Russian government.
The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the...
In April 2016, computer technicians at the Democratic National Committee discovered that someone had accessed the organization’s computer servers and conducted a theft that is best described as Watergate 2.0.
Why Wikileaks is in the Trump Camp
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
There is a strange story here, not just Wikileaks and Trump but a strange tangle of history that goes back...
Assessment: Seth Rich “Hit” a Wikileaks/Mossad op to Save Flagging Trump Campaign
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
There is no such thing as "Wikileaks." The organization, such as it was, broke up years ago. Assange manages nothing...
NEO – Panama Papers – the New Wikileaks Scam
Gordon Duff outs the Panama Papers as another Intel psyop to throw some sacrificial lambs to the wolves while targeting some key opponents, and making sure none of the international criminal network is touched. So far it is "mission successful".
NEO: Panama Papers – the New Wikileaks Scam
There is a new game in town, the Panama Papers, a massive dump of corporate records from Mossach Fenseka, a law firm in Panama with offices around the world, that sets up phony corporations for purposes of bribery and money laundering.
WikiLeaks: the Sudanese government collaborates with Saudi Arabia to betray Palestinian cause
A confidential letter from the Saudi embassy in Sudan to the Saudi capital, Riyadh, was leaked out and provoked controversy in Sudanese media
Ukraine Was Not Built To Last
The present disaster in Ukraine incepted in the Washington-sponsored Maidan coup of February 2014. Among other things it was a "revenge intervention" designed to punish Russia for being so bold as to thwart the neocon regime change adventure in Syria.
Mossad spying on US presidents
The Zionist colonization of Palestine could not have been maintained without the $10.4 million a day, $430,000 an hour, $7,229 a minute and $120 a second, that the United States government gives to the temporary entity.
Arrest Warrants: Putin and Trump
On the cover George Soros, one of the first theorists of the New World Order, and his Christian enemies Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin...
Putin: Time to Call The Great Satan a Threat
Was Putin right in saying that the United States is a threat to Russia? Ideologically, yes.
Dirty Money: Meet US agent Driving CIA-led Riots in Iran
There are Iranian women, though a minority, who are not in favor of the mandatory veil – a legitimate grievance, an opinionated dissatisfaction to which humankind is entitled. And then there are people leading a fraudulent anti-hijab movement with a barrel aimed at Tehran.
Diplomatic Cables Prove Top U.S. Officials Knew They Were Crossing Russia’s Red Lines on...
Nearly a year in, the war in Ukraine has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and brought the world to the brink of,...
Israel Still Providing Safe Haven for Terrorist Murderers of American Professor
Decades After a Palestinian American Activist was Assassinated in California, two suspects in his killing are living openly in Israel
How the US Paved the Way to Moscow’s Invasion of Ukraine
Unencumbered by the treaty, the US then built ABM sites in NATO’s expanded zone, in Romania in 2016 and Poland in 2022. The cover story was that these were purely defensive, to intercept any missiles fired from Iran.
One Billion Dead: The Death Jab
Human Race Post-Mortem
American Imperialism Leads World Into Dante’s Vision of Hell
Part 1 of The Universal Empire: A Four-Part Series from VT's Fitzgerald & Gould