Tag: censorship
I Just Made the ADL Short List!
The good news is that VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff and I were the only people on the ADL Short List who work for the same organization. The ADL must think VT is twice as dangerous as the competition.
The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial
This is bigger than Jim Fetzer and Sandy Hook. This is about saving the Bill of Rights...
FFWN: Icke’s “Who Did 9/11 and Why” Banned?!
Freedom in America isn't quite dead as long as False Flag Weekly News is still broadcasting.
Finally: Russia declares Atlantic Council an “Undesirable Organization”…almost “Terrorist”
It has been established that the activities of the Atlantic Council pose a threat to the fundamentals of the constitutional system and the security of the Russian Federation, a statement said.
Youtube algorithm bans friendly Muslim-Jewish interfaith dialogue!
A Muslim and a Jew walked into a YouTube channel, engaged in some friendly interfaith dialogue...and got banned for "hate speech."
Facebook’s Use of Censorship Endangers Women
We should substitute censorship with the free exchange of ideas
Threatened by YouTube Censorship, I Go Into the T-Shirt Business
Alternative journalism is dead. Long live T-shirts!
Alan Sabrosky on this week’s censorship avalanche
Last week the West got buried beneath an avalanche of censorship. Can you guess who was behind it?
Alan “Israel Did 9/11” Sabrosky: Most Censored Man in America
Who’s afraid of Alan Sabrosky? Whoever they are, they have the ability to monitor and censor YouTube live-streams in real time...
“Lawyers for Israel” censorship attempt quashed—victory for free speech
Former BBC journalist Tony Gosling has won his battle with the Zionist censors.
Congress; Forcing “Dual Loyalty” on All American Citizens
Criticizing Israel and the ideology of Zionism is a constitutional right — not Congress, not AIPAC or ADL can ever change that.
Zuckerberg suppresses my viral article “Ilhan Omar’s Tropes Are True”
My Ilhan Omar article (at Unz) had hundreds of FB likes yesterday—then they suddenly disappeared. One Zuck dislike wipes out a million likes. Looks like I got Zucked!
Today’s False Flag Weekly News banned from YouTube!
Censors' kangaroo courts are really hopping! And we're hopping mad.