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Tag: civilian casualties (Donbas)

Kramatorsk train station attack: The key to finding the perpetrator lies...

The missile's reverse azimuth points to territory that was under the excusive control of the Ukrainian government, which means that there is little doubt that the missile that struck the Kramatorsk train station was fired by a launcher under the operational control of the 19th Missile Brigade, Ukraine’s only Tochka-U-equipped unit.

War of Attrition, on both military and civilians

This will get worse before it gets better. The 'mopping up' comment in Mariupol below, is of course hogwash.

The daily and bestial terror, Mass Murder of Russians Living in...

No one is safe, nowhere in the world, if he or she has the guts to stand against the real power by doing truthful investigative work, writing it down and publishing it.

Phone Intercepts: Ukies Admit Bucha Slaughter While US/German Intel Feeds Media...

Ukraine's Territorial Defense force looted their own village for a false flag against Russia. Phone intercepts.

Ukrainian Tochka-U Hit Kramatorsk In Another Bloody Provocation. Dozens Of Civilians...

The attack on the Kramatorsk railway station was carried out by a missile division of the Ukrainian armed forces from the area of the settlement of Dobropillya 45 kilometers southwest of the city, with the aim of disrupting the mass departure of residents from the city to keep them as “human shields” to defend the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Busted Buchka: Ukraine Crisis Actor Waves at Camera While Playing ‘Road...

The truth is that Russian troops left Bucha as part of a regrouping a few days before the “victims of the occupation” were discovered. The Armed Forces of Ukraine did not immediately realize this and for almost three more days they covered the city with artillery, under which civilians could well have fallen.