Tag: History
Insider revealed NWO agenda in KGB Interrogation
The Bolshevik Revolution was an essentially Satanic enterprise, one which was totally congruent with the New World Order ideology which is still with us today.
Banking Cartel: The Cause of Humanity’s Woes
Mullins makes a convincing case that every U.S. President since Wilson has been a lackey of the bankers.
Putting a Face on the Khazarian Mafia
Heinrich Heine saw James Rothschild as “a powerful destroyer of patrician privilege, and the founder of a new democracy."
NWO and Khazarian Cult drunk on power and what we can...
By metaphysically rejecting the moral and political order and embracing chaos and destruction, international Zionism has essentially become Satanism.
Interview With A USS LIBERTY Survivor
Ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine what the reaction of the U.S. government would have been if the USS LIBERTY had been attacked by Iraq, Iran, Syria—or any other country, for that matter?
Khazarian Bankster Cult and Imperialism
If the thought of the government spending trillions of dollars on Wall Street’s screw-ups pisses you off, you’re not crazy.
Stand With Israel? Not On Your Life!
...introduction by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor
Dr. Chuck Baldwin is an American politician and has been involved in at least 12 full-length documentary films. He...
Dates That Destroyed America, 1865 – 2016
With the exception of Ronald Reagan, every President since Kennedy has been completely controlled by the establishment elite that ordered Kennedy’s murder.
The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture
"Institutionalized” slavery was practiced in virtually every continent and in every era; it is a human failing, not a Western one.
The banksters are frightened…at night
The bankers' first precaution is to buy all the politicians. The second is to buy the major media outlets in order to promote the illusion politicians make decisions and represent our interests.
Victor Rothschild Was a “Soviet” Agent
“The Rothschild family and politics have been intertwined for generations, ever since Nathan Rothschild, who founded the English branch of the family business, financed Britain’s war against Napoleon two centuries ago…"
It’s Nazi Germany if you are asked to wear a mask!
“Deborah Lipstadt is a holocaust terrorist and it is time to get that phrase into the lexicon as she plays a roll similar to the Jihadi head choppers, to sew fear in the ranks of all non-believers.”
Did the Khazarian Cult Murder General George Patton?
“When asked if his father may have thought the collision was an assassination attempt, Woodring’s son said, ‘Well, you know, he always had his thoughts possibly that it could have been.’"
The Jews Who Fought With Mao
In the summer of 1958, the famine was so horrible that “some people eventually dug up, boiled and ate human bodies."
Is Monsanto killing you under the guise of science?
Monsanto were aware of the risks of their toxic products, but they still wanted to, in the words of the company’s own words, “sell the hell out of ‘em.”
The Civil Rights Movement and the Collapse of the Black Family
The prevailing notion that bad schools are the results of slavery or poverty or even racism is simply historically false. Those who propound these ideas have never heard of Dunbar High School.
Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood on Negroes
“The mass of Negroes, particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear children properly.”
10 politicians who should be hanged
If no living Homo sapiens is above the law, why not sending Bush to the gallows? Why is he still enjoying retirement in Texas?
10 Politicians Who Ought to Be Jailed and Perhaps Hanged (Part...
...by Jonas E. Alexis
The Daily Mail reported back in 2015 that Tony Blair confessed that he screwed up Iraq really bad, that he was...
Elbe Day 75th Anniversary Conference Celebrates the Past and Presents Hope...
This April 24, a major conference took place online to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the iconic Elbe Day embrace of American and Russian...
Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality
Satanism is a world in which practical reason and the political order are deliberately banned and dismissed for ideological purposes.
Cambridge Historian Brendan Simms is catching up with David Irving
“Admiration and respect arose from his experiences in the war. Hitler repeatedly referred to the toughness of the British, as he had experienced it at the front.”
Military Maps of George III: An Armchair General
The last British monarch to reign over the American colonies had a collection of more than 55,000 maps, each with their own story to tell
Hellstorm and Holocaust in Dresden, February 1945
“Dresden's old timber-framed houses were, one by one, succumbing to the fire, and most of the wreckage was landing on top of the cellars that people were using as shelters. Trapped in what were effectively ovens, they slowly roasted to death."
Easter Island: Revised Timeline for Monoliths Rewrites History
Yet another spate of evidence suggests the Rapa Nui people were going strong long after Europeans first arrived in 1722
A Brief Look at Sports Betting Over the Years in the...
The sports betting industry is on the rise once again in the US as more states start to sign its legislation. Currently, there are already 20 states that have legalized sports betting. However, some of these states haven’t launched it yet.
Was Einstein a Wife Beater, Womanizer, Plagiarizer, and Eugenicist?
When Einstein was getting negative reviews for his theory, he quickly jumped to the anti-Semitism trump card, which obviously shocked many of the scientists who were reviewing his work.
The “six-million killed” lie—the hoax of the twentieth century
The six-million lie is “the biggest and most pernicious and persistent lie in all of history.”
The six-million figure: another holocaust lie and the lying liars who...
“Two years later, in 1891, we read about the sorry state of ‘Russia’s population of 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 Jews,’ and of ‘the fact that about six millions persecuted and miserable wretches’ still cling to their religion, against all odds.’”
The American Story: Conversations with Master Historians
NEW BOOK takes a sweeping journey across grand arc of our story through revealing conversations with our greatest historians.
The Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Industry
No serious historian would now maintain that the soap idea can sustain any historical and forensic validity, unless he wants to lose his credibility as a historian.
The Khazarian Mafia and the Media
Harvey Weinstein: “We’re gonna have to get as organized as the mafia.”
How David Irving Destroys the Holocaust Establishment
Christopher Hitchens: “The Holocaust has become a secular religion, with state support in the form of a national museum.”
Lies about World War II and the lying liars who told...
The technocrats will admit that Stalin was a bad guy and that he did kill millions, but they will sweep that aside and focus on the “Holocaust uniqueness.” As one historian and Zionist friend once told me, “Sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil to defeat real evil like the Nazis.” My only response was, “Oh, I see.”
Astronomer and Science Historian Challenges the Holocaust Industry
"The fastest way to get expelled from a British university is by saying you are looking at chemical evidence for how Zyklon was used in World War II, with a discussion of how delousing technology functioned in the German World War II labour camps."
David Duke’s Secret Power Behind Communism (Part III)
David Duke must be credited for saying that “If the world had been aware of the Jewish tribalism behind Communism and the most massive violation of human rights in all of history, certainly the world would have averted crimes such as the horrific Iraq War, motivated by the Zionist agenda, and based entirely on lies.”
Cabalist “Creative Destruction” Behind Syrian War
The Syrian "civil war" is wholly funded and directed by the West. It is part of the Arab Spring whose purpose is to "sow chaos from Morocco to Afghanistan." In turn, this reflects the Cabalist doctrine that "order" (i.e. NWO tyranny) will arise out of destruction.
Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish
The source of the world's problems: The Gentile "leadership" has been chosen for its willingness to sell its soul to Cabalist central bankers by joining Freemasonry, which is Judaism for Gentiles.
David Duke’s Secret Behind Communism: Divide and Conquer
The Communist ideology of divide and conquer which David Duke eloquently describes in The Secret Behind Communism was and still is powerful. The same ideology did manifest itself in the civil rights movement.
Ben Shapiro, the Pussy Riot, and Vladimir Putin
We are certainly living in an irrational world, and it is the kind of world that people like Ben Shapiro are attempting project onto all of us.