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Press TV: 15 Saudi ‘hijackers’ were CIA agents working for US

"So these 15 Saudis were not working against the United States government, they were working for the United States government, and they were set up so that Saudi Arabia could be potentially blamed for the September 11 attacks, which were actually perpetrated by Israel and its American assets."

Formation of joint militia between Saudi Arabia and Israel in Red...

Based on secret documents leaked by a senior military official linked to left-wing liberal party "Meretz", in 2014 a memorandum of understanding is concluded on joint military cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Red Sea.

Jewish Money And The Labour Party – Here Are The Numbers

British Jews who make up less than 0.5% or the British population raised a third of the funds for Labour’s campaign and this occurred at the time Jews were institutionally separating from the politics of Labour’s PM candidate, Ed Miliband.

Jewish Murderers and What to do About Them: A Suggestion from...

It is kind of ironic that Sharett and Ben-Gurion shared at least one thing in common with Adolph Hitler–all three advocated the death penalty for Jews

Michael Rosen and the Kosher Sandwich

The Left has one true mission: it exists to save the Jews from the next pogrom.

Zionist Things Logically Fall Apart

If you are familiar with logical arguments and still don’t believe that the argument for Zionism has gotten really bad over the years, then you ought to read some of the latest development.

Is Obama administration trying to reach out to Iran?

The region ... has been destroyed, or massively damaged, by the 9/11 wars launched by the US on behalf of Israel.”

Israel, Terrorists Closely Cooperating in Quneitra

TEHRAN (FNA)- A glance at the developments in Quneitra, Syria's smallest province, shows the depth of cooperation between Israel and the terrorist groups to...

Uri Avnery – Soldier A and his shape-shifting story

Jim W. Dean - But Uri stands by the Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff for prosecuting 19-year-old "Soldier A" who executed a wounded Palestinian, then shook hands with extreme right wing settlers, and told different stories about what happened.

Obama Dumps Saudis Like he did with Israel and Turkey

Strained US-Saudi Relations Threaten Fight Against Daesh In an effort to pressure regional partners to play a more active role in combating Daesh, also known...

Pulitzer winners Junot Díaz, Richard Ford, Alice Walker join over 100...

Global journalists and writers put pressure PENAmerica to stop taking funding from Israel

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter: Russia Weakens US Hegemony in the...

Carter wants global domination on a daily basis and at the expense of everyone else, including decent Americans who are doing their best make ends meet.

Grand Mufti: Israel Openly Controlling Some Terror Groups Attacking Syrian...

Syria's Grand Muft Hassoun says Damascus has been repeatedly offered a deal according to which the militants would cease their hostilities against the government if it made concessions to Israel.

Is the ‘Jewish Symptom’ Hereditary?

Jews frequently delight in associating themselves with Jewish brilliance: with the likes of Albert Einstein or Steven Spielberg. Naturally, Jews are much less enthusiastic about any association with people such as uber-criminal Bernie Madoff or serial paedophile Jeffrey Epstein...

PETITION: Team People Proposes Country Name Change from ISRAEL to...

Sign the petition to change country name of ISRAEL to the democratic free country of MANDELA for all people!

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice League Is Golem Reborn

Superman, as the Jerusalem Post points out, is fundamentally Jewish, which is to say he is a military leader and messiah who attempts to bring about tikkum olam.

Uri Avnery – Israel’s long dirty dance with the Arab regimes

Jim W. Dean - Uri pulls on the Israeli lion's tail regarding domestic and geopolitical topics that militant Zionists would prefer the world remain dumb and happy.

Israel’ new opportunities in the region

According to Zionist Almsadar, news agency in the occupied territories they are talking about the opportunities created for Israel and Saudi proximity.

Some 72% of Israelis feel their government is corrupt

A considerable number of occupied Palestinian territory inhabitants believe their official authorities are corrupt and criticize them. Some 92% believe connections are preferred to criteria.

Jews’ absolute freedom to practice religion in Azerbaijan

In an interview with Yediot Ahronot, Israeli experts in international relations, Aryeh Goth announced: Azerbaijan makes outstanding efforts for religious tolerance.

Why has Zionist regime invited Turkey to Gaza?

Turkey has requested free access to Gaza and claims it plans to get the absolute control of the region and rid it from Israel.

Jerusalem Umrah, another Turkish service to Israel

Turkey and Israel agreed to hold a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in order to strengthen relations between the two sides.

Does Israel Run ISIS, Some in the UK Think So and...

Will Worley at UK Independent (a newspaper that also publishes Patrick Cockburn...long suspected by VT as being Mossad, a friend of Franklin Lamb's for those...

Egypt asks Israel to keep Turkey away from Gaza

According to the Israeli "Haaretz" news website, Egypt urged Israel to explain about its recent improving relations with Turkey, particularly in ensuring Turkey's role in Gaza.

Jewish Identity Vs. Humanism

What kind of people invent a God that chooses them over all other people?

Tensions between Iran and Sunni Arabs, an unmatched opportunity for Israel

Israel Haaretz reports Israel carefully follows conflicts between Iran and Saudi. Israel must get closer to Sunni Arab states to prevent Iranian influence, not just to Saudi.

Disclosure of information about AK Party cooperating with Israel

In his personal page on Facebook, Dori Gold, Middle East Director General of Israel's ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke of close cooperation with the AK Party.

Debating Maxi-the-Zionist on Israel’s domination of USA

All major corridors of power in the United States are completely under the domination of a genocidal foreign entity called Israel.

Increasing criticisms of Netanyahu

Following a third intifada and continued failure of cabinet and Zionist regime's army to repress, confront and stop it; Isaac Hertzog (leader of the Zionist camp) highly criticized Netanyahu for launching a wave of terror.

A Comparison of Jewish Behavior: 2,000 Years Ago and Today

"The riots against the Jews started in early August that year..."

Israel Supporters Screech and Howl Over UN Special Rapporteur Appointment

Perhaps in days to come we’ll be seeing lots of bald Zionists walking about on the streets

Bombshell revelation! Original draft of Trump’s speech to AIPAC

"I didn't come here to pander. The word 'pander' doesn't even begin to describe it..."

Bernie Sanders’ Lackluster Speech on Middle East Issues

Sanders knows what he won’t say, maintaining the fiction of efforts for regional peace when none exist. Washington and Israel systematically undermine them.

GORDON DUFF: Evidence Mounts For U.S. Complicity In Terrorism

When nothing adds up, its time we starting looking at what we know. Our recent terrorist, now dubbed "the crotch bomber" is another dupe.

Brussels Terror Attacks: Israel Again Targets Europe

At least 37 people have been killed and several seriously injured in the coordinated terror attacks at Brussels international airport and a city metro station, which took place today.

Why Nick Cohen is A Jew, Always Been A Jew. And...

Every few years, pro Iraq war and enthusiastic Ziocon Nick Cohen, insists upon declaring that he is becoming a Jew as if he weren't a Jew to begin with. Back in 2009, Cohen used the Jewish Chronicle to announce: “Hatred Is Turning Me Into A Jew”. One would expect that the conversion would be compete by now but yesterday Cohen used the Guardian to repeat his lie. The Guardian headline read: “Why I’m becoming a Jew and why you should, too."

Countering Israel’s ‘Firewall’–A Call for the Formation of a New Political...

I would propose the establishment of the End Aid to Israel Party (EAIP)

Israeli leadership suffers from intellectual rigor

According to the Tel Aviv Times website, Naftali Bennett, accused Netanyahu and Ya'alonof having no creativity in dealing with security threats.

Israel worries that Russian withdrawal from Syria could embolden Hezbollah and...

Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin visited Moscow on Wednesday amid concerns in Israel that Russia’s partial withdrawal from Syria will embolden its adversaries, Hezbollah and...

Israeli foreign minister admits having secret relationship with Arab rulers

Dore Gold, Director-general of Israel's Foreign ministry said Israel is in contact with almost all Arab countries.