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Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – Kurdistan, Iran conference

Jim W. Dean - We salute ADVT for another year of growth and success, and its unwavering commitment not only for those who have died, but for those who are going to in his fight.

Washington’s Terrorist Friends: Prominent Americans continue to support a Murderous Cult

...by Philip Giraldi - - First published ... August 07, 2021 MEK is a curious hybrid creature that pretends to be an alternative government option for Iran even...

Jewish Chronicle: Israeli Mossad killed Mohsen Fakhrizadeh

...by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor The Jewish Chronicle has recently provided enough evidence which incontrovertibly show that the Iranian scientist, Mohsen Fakhrisadeh, was assassinated...

Mike Pompeo: A Satanist and a Lying Liar

The situation in Iran must be understood not only in light of what the CIA and British intelligence did in Tehran with Operation Ajax in 1953.

Iran hawk Bolton admits receiving ‘tens of thousands of dollars’ from...

Former US national security advisor John Bolton has admitted to receiving tens of thousands of dollars from the anti-Iran terrorist cult of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) at a time when the group was still a banned terrorist outfit and not removed from the Washington’s black list.

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – Day of Remembrance

Jim W. Dean - We are long past time in allowing Western State terror perpetrators, including Israel, to get by as easily as they have. The main hurdle has been our outdated United Nations structure.

Association for defending of victims of terrorism

Jim W. Dean - VT has supported the ADVT in its honoring Iran's terror victims since we first learned that they had suffered five times the KIAs than the US did on 9-11.

A Khazarian thug who ought to be hanged (Part V)

Daniel Pipes: “The MEK poses no danger to Americans or Europeans, and has not for decades. It does pose a danger to the malign, bellicose theocratic regime in Tehran.”

US supported MEK terrorists kidnapped Iranians as slave workers

Jim W. Dean - With the world turning upside down with the Covid scourge and impending global recession descending upon us, it will be even tougher to save the MEK kidnapped slaves in Albania.

NEO – Lies and censorship, a second pandemic

by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor, ...with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow, of the Russian Academy of Science (Est: 1816) - First published ... May 21,...