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Tag: Soleimani

Exclusive: CIA’s Michael D’Andrea, Murderer of Soleimani, Said to be Held...

The downed plane was the mobile CIA command for Michael D' Andrea, head of operations against Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, America's most advanced spy platform and mobile command center with all equipment and documents now in enemy hands.

Iran now claims British Intel helped Trump kill Soleimani party in...

Jim W. Dean - We have to worry that Trump might want to order a retaliation attack on Iran for its retaliation on the US airbase in Iraq.

Zionists in US intelligence apparatus promote crazy Iranian conspiracy

The idea that Iran would consider killing somebody like this airhead blonde, as some kind of tit for tat for the murder of General Soleimani...is ludicrous.

No Retaliation Assassination for Soleimani, Iran

Iran's spokesman said baseless allegations such as the one published in the Politico are "part of the Trump administration's counter-intelligence campaign against Iran."

Was Qassem Soleimani Killed to avenge Saudi Oil Installations Attack?

The brazen attack on the Abqaiq petroleum facility and the Khurais oil field in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia on September 14 was the third major attack in the Persian Gulf against the assets of Washington and its regional clients.

Key senator mounts pressure on Trump to declassify report on Soleimani...

Jim W. Dean - With Trump swimming in political alligators with his numbers sinking, the last thing he is going to do is give the Democrats new ammo to use on him.

Blockbuster: Trump was told, He lied: US Intel confirms, Russian bounty...

The US military had its fingerprints all over supporting and in some cases actively participating in aiding and abetting terror attacks on Syria.

Americans are in Iraq on a mission of destruction (video)

"More and more Americans have accepted that these wars were a terrible mistake. Americans want out."

Breaking: NY Times Says Soleimani Killing “Mob Hit” by US for...

Jim W. Dean - That Trump can openly state that "we are staying in Syria to get the oil, I love oil", and we do not even a get whimper from American heritage and military orgs, is a sign that civic leadership is in some kind of a trance

Washington Knew Attack Used to Justify Soleimani Murder was Fake

In a key piece of actual extensive, on-the-ground reporting, the New York Times’s Alissa Rubin has raised serious questions about the official US account of who it was that attacked the K-1 base near Kirkuk, in eastern Iraq, on December 27.

How Murder of General Soleimani Connects to Hong Kong

Hong Kong rioters would like to believe that they are unique and that the West has handpicked them - them alone – for what it identifies as the “noble fight for democracy”, and for “Western values”.

Middle East Monitor: CIA chief behind Soleimani assassination killed in downed...

Russian intelligence sources have claimed that Michael D’Andrea, head of CIA operations in Iran and who orchestrated the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, was...

Why Big Brother Fears Qassem Soleimani, the Che Guevara of our...

"They are pulling out all the stops to stop you from finding out that Soleimani was a great man, a modern-day Che Guevara."

Trump on killing Soleimani: I was covering my ass

“Trump, after the strike, told associates he was under pressure to deal with Gen. Soleimani from GOP senators he views as important supporters in his coming impeachment trial in the Senate…"

Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin Speaks Truth To Empire on Trump’s Soleimani...

Host Dan Yaseen interviews Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code-Pink

2007: Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney Deemed Soleimani “Untouchable” and were so right

Sputnik News/Moscow: The prominent military leader’s assassination on 3 January in Baghdad skyrocketed tensions between the US and Iran. The act was condemned not...

Scholar: U.S. Officials must face execution for ordering Soleimani assassination

“That makes the murder of General Soleimani completely illegal, and clearly a war crime..."

Banned from Facebook for Posting the Official Iranian Slogan Mourning Gen....

By banning this post, Zuckerberg, you have committed treason against the Constitution of the United States of America.

Esper’s Fake Intel on Soleimani, Kevin and Gordon on Press TV...

VT Senior Editors Gordon Duff and Kevin Barrett blow away the alleged "evidence" backingTrump's claim that Iran was planning to attack American Embassies

Soleimani killed, Boeing shot down, ISIS exulted: traitors’ shadows inside Pasdaran

Suspicions of internal conspiracies in Tehran: too many intelligence holes and military errors culminated in the massacre of UIA flight PS752

ISIS Praises Trump’s Murder of Soleimani as “divine intervention”…just like the...

Al-Naba portrayed Soleimani’s death as an act of god in support of its cause, and Muslims in general

Ambassador Peter Ford: Putin in Damascus, shoring up the Alliance after...

Both Syria and Russia were tight lipped about Putin's surprise visit to Damascus on 7 January.

Pompeo: We had no evidence of a Soleimani attack, Trump made...

RT/Moscow: US President Donald Trump earlier claimed that Washington had eliminated the top Iranian military commander to halt Tehran's plans to blow up the...

Vital: The Deeper Story behind the Assassination of Soleimani

This article, published by Strategic Culture, features a translation of Mahdi's speech to the Iraqi parliament in which he states that Trump threatened him with assassination and the US admitted to killing hundreds of demonstrators using Navy SEAL snipers.

Atzmon: Clauswitz, Trump and Soleimani

Decades of sanctions have made Iran into an independent technological superpower.

Mike Pence: Qasem Soleimani assisted the 9/11 hijackers!

Mike Pence: Qasem Soleimani “assisted in the clandestine travel to Afghanistan of 10 of the 12 terrorists who carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.”

‘Undeniable role in defeating ISIS: Russian MOD says Soleimani organized...

Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a US airstrike, played a vital role in fighting terrorists in Syria and Iraq, the Russian...

Gen. Soleimani’s Key Role in Counter-Terrorism Admitted by All Sides: Australian...

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior professor and political analyst based in Australia deplored the US move to assassinate Iran’s Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, as...

Will Soleimani’s Assassination Unite Muslim World and Inspire “The Last Jihad”?

The armies that liberate Palestine will not only be waving the "Black Flag of Khorasan" (the real one, not the disgusting ISIS counterfeit), they will also be brandishing mementos of the martyred Gen. Soleimani.

Trump’s Shameless Murder of Soleimani Will Kill Thousands of US Troops...

Donald Trump's cowardly decision to invite Soleimani to Baghdad for a peace conference and ambush him at the airport—and then threaten to nuke Iranian heritage sites if the Iranians retaliate, as they must—brands every American serving in our armed forces with a smoking scarlet "WC" for "War Criminal."

Exposed by MSM: Soleimani in Iraq at Trump’s Request (not Saudi)...

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor The story below is from the Daily Beast, a Newsweek online publication often tied to Israel, but, in this case,...

Russia: Foreign Minister Condemns Soleimani Killing as War Crime

MOSCOW, January 3. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has stressed that the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani violates...

Iraqi PM Confirms Soleimani on Diplomatic Mission at the Request of...

“For sure no American military staff, no American political center, no American military base, no American vessel will be safe. And they are accessible...

Breaking/Confirmed: Soleimani Killed on Diplomatic Mission to Iraq to Receive Trump-Pompeo...

No magic intercepts were needed, we now learn from Iraq, to arrange for the assassination of Soleimani.  We now learn that the ambush was...

Farewell to General Soleimani (Guest commentaries and live video including Gordon...

Duff begins at minute 42 (for what that is worth)

Pentagon: We were joking about Soleimani killing…mistakenly assumed Trump was sane

Expect to see Tel Aviv, Haifa and Ridayh looking like London after the blitz.

Press TV: Kevin Barrett and J Michael Springmann comment on murder...

Gen. Soleimani will be remembered as the greatest military hero of the 21st century.

35 Vital US and Israeli Targets within Iran’s reach as revenge...

Iran reserves the right to avenge the US’ killing of Major General Qassem Soleimani