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Tag: White House

Snowden labels UFO Craze a Distraction: “It’s Not Alien but Engineered...

On the cover image the former NSA analyst Edward Snowden now Russian citizen The media frenzy over “spy balloons” and unidentified flying objects over North...

US: 2,512 flights Grounded after FAA Computer Glitch. Federal Aviation Network...

Update 5 by FAA Normal air traffic operations are resuming gradually across the U.S. following an overnight outage to the Notice to Air Missions system...

Green Pass forever and More Vaccines with Dangerous mRNA Technology: White...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO All Gospa News articles in Italian linked in this one can be read in English with simultaneous machine...

Fauci Grilled Under Oath in Social Media Censorship Case. Depositions of...

we have uncovered documents and discovery that show clear coordination between the Biden Administration and social media companies on censoring speech”

Judge Orders Fauci, Psaki, FBI Top Official Be Deposed in Big...

The attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri and other plaintiffs allege that Fauci, director of NIAID and President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, and other defendants, colluded and coerced social media companies to “suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content” regarding COVID-19.

Judge Orders Fauci to Cough Up Emails with White House &...

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered Dr. Anthony Fauci and the White House press secretary to hand over their communications with five social media giants.

White House Staff to Get First COVID-19 Vaccines? NO WAY!!!!

Administration initially planned to get first available COVID-19 vaccines

Breaking: Did Trump return to White House to die? Video being...

Jim W. Dean - Gordon has already published the CNN polls showing Trump and his regime down 16 points, kind of a hint that the public is very angry at being screwed over.

COVID-19: No Worries for Washington’s Politicians

Public health experts are aghast at the way the administration is approaching the spread of Covid-19 within the highest echelons of the government and the Republican Party.

#UNRIG Video (7:32) Autism, Glyphostate, Monsanto, True Costs, Intelligence, Congress Corruption...

Robert Steele connects our corrupt Congress to the persistence of autism from glyphostate (and mercury in vaccines) and outlines how a restructing of US intelligence and the election reform act are essential next steps to restore America the Beautiful.

Did Trump Stop EPA From Regulating Hazardous Substances?

A proposal to designate PFOA and PFOS as hazardous substances has been sitting at the White House for more than a year.

White House Staffers Required to Wear Masks Five Weeks After CDC...

Trump painted an improving picture of the coronavirus pandemic Monday even as the threat of the virus hit home inside the White House.

3 Top Health Officials Self-Isolate After Coronavirus Cases Inside White House

The head of the Food and Drug Administration will also self-quarantine; all three are on the coronavirus task force.

A Government of Scoundrels, Spies, Thieves, Ruffians, Rapists, Extortionists, and Bounty...

"There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few."