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Yearly Archives: 2017

NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard

Michail Gorbachev discussing German unification with Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Helmut Kohl in Russia, July 15, 1990. Photo: Bundesbildstelle / Presseund Informationsamt der Bundesregierung. Svetlana Savranskaya...

The Black Cashmere Sweater and the Political Incorrectness it Caused

At times I have so much to say I don’t know what to say. Today was one of those times. Aggravating my annoyance was...

The Debate – Trump Al-Quds Decision

Jim W. Dean - Fortunately I was on familiar ground with the Trump-Jerusalem topic as I go way back on it to my interview 15 years ago with the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Michel Sabbah, a beautiful man, here in Atlanta.

Update on Prostate Cancer Screening

Health Editor's Note: There is new evidence to add to the controversy over whether having the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test will improve...

European Union position on Jerusalem al-Quds stays the same: Tusk

Jim W. Dean - The EU, as it did with the JCPOA, has quickly stepped forward, stating in blunt terms that it will never acknowledge the legitimacy of Trump's Jerusalem move, which is an insult really to the rest of the UN countries.

Why Feminism and the New World Order Fail

  ..by Jonas E. Alexis   Big Bang Theory actress Mayim Bialik confirms what we have been saying for the past two years or so: if ladies...
Gold Backed Dollar

USA: No Need to Shrink

There is no need for the American economy to shrink in comparison to China. Please stand up! This morning I saw a very discouraging...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 15, 2017

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Most Americans say Trump should resign over sex allegations: Poll

  A majority of American voters believe US President Donald Trump should resign due to the allegations of sexual harassment against him, according to several...

Trump has No Say on Who Rules Syria after Assad’s Victories – Ex-US Ambassador

Jim W. Dean - Despite the continuing string of foreign policy and military disasters, the Deep State elites continue to snort their fake democracy crack, and litter the roadside behind them with death and destruction.

John Paul Jones: American hero or Scottish scoundrel?

"The greatest miscreant under the canopy of heaven; the more dangerous indeed because he is a villain of abilities"

US Congress takes no action on Iran sanctions as deadline passes

Jim W. Dean - Pretty much the whole world, other than Israel, stands together on saving the JCPOA as opposed to Trump's proposal. Then he pretends he has the magic wand to make Jerusalem the capitol of the Jewish people.

TRUTH JIHAD: Ex-CIA Robert David Steele: Zionism strikes out

Here is the first publication of Robert David Steele's brand-new article "Zionism in America: Seven Strikes & Counting," discussed in the second half of this show. (When Zionism goes down in flames, will persecuted activists like Brendon O'Connell, discussed in the first hour, get the recognition they deserve?)

How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women

...by Jonas E. Alexis and Henry Makow   Henry Makow has a Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982 and is the...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 14, 2017

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Iraq Oil Ministry: Qatar Petroleum interested in investing in Iraq’s energy sector

This is amazing and wonderful because Qatar is moving forward successfully with Iraq and Iran. From Reuters: * Iraq’s Oil Ministry said on Wednesday Qatar Petroleum...

Gossip: 9/11/01 Investigation Continued. . . 

Working on getting to the bottom of the "master plan." https://twitter.com/a_diener/status/940441658415386624 https://twitter.com/a_diener/status/941093432939835392 You can use your own Intelligence abilities to identify who these individuals are and prosecute...

Breaking: US seeks unconditional dialog with North Korea

... from Press TV, Tehran Update: State Department walking back Tillerson's "no preconditions for talks" comments below. Inquiring minds would like to know who is in...

OIC recognizes East Jerusalem al-Quds as Palestine’s capital

  The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has invited all nations to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as the capital of Palestine, blasting the United States for...

Trump administration’s turnaround in Syria

On the campaign trail, in his speeches as well as on TV debates with other presidential contenders, Donald Trump repeatedly mentioned that he has...

3 Ways The Tax Reform Bill Would Hit Seniors Hard In Health Costs

    The Senate’s passage of the Republican-sponsored tax reform bill, which could result in a $1.5 trillion tax cut, is seen by some as a...

Should Donald Trump be fired?

...by Jonas E. Alexis   Donald Trump continues to deconstruct himself at an astronomical rate. He has recently called for the firing of a Washington Post...

DOD/CIA man out of my office yesterday: The Khan Shaykoun terrorist incident file

There were terrorists in the area, no matter what Erdogan has been attempting to conceal. Just for fun, here is my scratch pad from around...

Things are changing in Russia for the Positive

Kremlin does not share Erdogan’s stance on Israel Russia’s position on Jerusalem and the Middle Eastern settlement is well known, Peskov added MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/....

Syrian War Report – December 13, 2017: Trump Declares Victory Over ISIS

...from SouthFront On December 12, ISIS conducted a surprise attack on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on the western bank of the Euphrates in the...
Ballot-Stuffing Ted Rall

Free and Fair Elections in America?

I guess no one wants fair elections in America? Who wants to end fair elections, even it you are a Republican? Here is Greg...

Opinion: Secularism must stay in Syria to avoid dictatorships, globally

Syria is an important symbol for America. As Tillerson, Putin and "others" seem too eager to oust Bashar al-Assad, it seems those in power are too eager to deny the Syrian people the right to choose their leadership.

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 13, 2017

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Vladimir Putin: Trump’s Jerusalem statement “defies common sense”

...by Jonas E. Alexis   Vladimir Putin has recently pronounced his verdict on Trump’s recent statement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Once again, King Bibi must...

Analysis of Reasons for American Involvement in Vietnam War

Author's note: Human life losses during the Vietnam War were astronomical and under reported. According to Major General Jan Sejna,1205 living Americans were never...

America Says “Screw You” to Trump, Alabama Elects a Democrat to the Senate

Editor's note:  America just did to Trump and Moore what they do to little girls. Democratic candidate Doug Jones will be the new US senator...

Russian warplanes & troops arrive home after Syrian mission accomplished (VIDEO)

The Russian forces operating in Syria, including the Beriev A-50 AWACS plane and military police detachment, are arriving back home after successfully completing their...

Thank you Trump: Big Losses for Severely Disabled Veterans

* Individual Unemployability Cuts On The Way: Team Trump Quietly Rolls Out Obama Admin Initiated Cuts, Disabled Veterans Lose Big by Ben Krause  disabledveterans.org VA Secretary David...

To the Muslim Puppet Leaders of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran etc:

Now that unstable Trump has designated Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, unfortunately there will be more violence and chaos. This unnecessary action is a slap in the face to all Muslims

Uri Avnery – King and Emperor

Jim W. Dean - Uri has the best new quote on the Supremacist Jews in Israel: Netanyahu would like to be, like Queen Victoria, "king and emperor" – King of Israel and Emperor of the Jews. Well, he ain't.

We Muslims are shocked, SHOCKED by USA’s sex-harassment epidemic

An American Muslim mulls over the sexual harassment witch hunts.

European Union Gives Benjamin Netanyahu the Finger

...by Jonas E. Alexis   The European Union seems to demonstrate that Netanyahu sometimes can be ignored—preferably with the finger. Netanyahu thought that victory was at...

US absence at Paris summit a ‘disgrace’: Kerry

Former US secretary of state John Kerry blasted the absence of the American government at a major climate change summit in Paris Tuesday as...

Individuals involved in shift east

I got a quote last night using subliminal speech from an individual who may have been clearly aware that 9/11/01 was going to happen...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 12, 2017

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