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Yearly Archives: 2017

Lebanon’s Hariri takes tough line on Hezbollah, cites Arab ties

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who recently walked back his surprise resignation in Saudi Arabia, says he will not accept the Hezbollah resistance movement’s...

Iran Threatens Increased Missile Range, Alleges Daesh ‘US, Israeli Creation’

Speaking during a televised program, a senior commander from the Iranian Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) has claimed that Daesh was created with help...

Haaretz: “Trump Revealed Israeli Commando and Mossad Operation in Syria to Russians”

...by Jonas E. Alexis   Oh, boy. Trouble is already brewing. If Haaretz is right in reporting that “Trump revealed Israeli commando and Mossad operation to...

Mother of 3 Afghans killed by SAS paid $4,800 in ‘compensation’ – report

The family of three young Afghan brothers, allegedly killed in broad daylight by Britain’s elite SAS soldiers, was paid “compensation” by the British government....

Unbridgeable Trust Deficit between Pakistan and the US

  By Sajjad Shaukat for VT At present, unbridgeable trust deficit exists between Pakistan and the US because of the fact that America has been playing...

Nationalism; The Toxic Effect

Here in America as in Europe “Nationalism” is about, all about racism, and racism is not only White v Black but Poles v German or Austrian v Hungarian, or Jews v Arabs, so one does not need to be White or Black to experience racism.

White Helmets Terrorist-Hollywood Ties Proven in Facebook Expose

Famous White Helmets' FB-accounts Exposed: Look Into Their Eyes Again (Photos) Inside Syria Media Center in the coordination with Tim Anderson, an academic expert in...

Return of the Titans

This was found in a burial mound at Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania in 1888. Outside of the horns and being over 7’ tall, it’s completely human. “The blood of the Titans is alive, I thought, strangely and wonderfully alive!”

Top 5 Veterans News: Nov. 26, 2017

We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need.

TRUTH JIHAD: Kevin Barrett interviews Peter Myers on fake news, George Soros, and...

Did newly-elected Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz eject George Soros's foundations from the country? And is Kurz a 9/11 truther who was "red pilled" by watching Loose Change?


Are you in a city that gets a Million Counts of Radiation a Week? First, how on earth are you going to find out? Dude,...

Uri Avnery – Who is a Fake Jew in Israel?

Uri brings us another wonderful internal Israeli politics exposé, and no one knows where all the political skeletons are buried in Israel better than he. But he exhibits his perennial blindside by ignoring how Zionism itself may be to blame for the political exploitation the Israelis have always endured.

US Massacre of Afghan Children Revealed

To the Honorable Secretary General Antonio Guterres United Nations New York, New York 10017 RE: Afghan Students, Many Children, Were Savagely Massacred by U.S. Special Operation Forces...

Capitalism Fails as an Ideal Economic System

One could make a point that capitalism ended in 1929 with the Wall Street Crash. The American proved itself without war.  Capitalism, as we...

Ariel Cohen: Russia is challenging the New World Order in the Middle East

...by Jonas E. Alexis   Ariel Cohen is Senior Fellow at The Atlantic Council and Director, Center for Energy, Natural Resources and Geopolitics at the Institute...

YouTube, Jigsaw and Google, Terrorism, Regime Change and Bad Taste

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor YouTube has been "caught" with at least 50 admitted child exploitation, pedophilia channels and advertisers running for the hills.  The...

‘Immature and weak-minded’: Iran rebukes Saudi crown prince for Hitler comparison

Tehran has responded to controversial comments made by the Saudi Arabian crown prince, in which Prince Mohammad bin Salman compared Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah...

Music of the Spheres and Superconsciousness

Since childhood, I’ve had a profound fascination with how music could give me and others goose bumps and bring tears of joy. This article and the videos within, represents my journey of discovery and my ten year process of writing about the effects of music on consciousness.

Top 5 Veterans News: Nov. 25, 2017

We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need.

The Israel Industry and Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown

...by Jonas E. Alexis Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown looks like a traitor, a coward and a pawn. You can easily get that impression...

UN World Health Org warns of diphtheria outbreak in Yemen

Jim W. Dean - Just when you don't think things can get any worse in Yemen, they do, as the conditions are so ripe for the down hill slide with Saudi Arabia pursuing its collective punishment war policy

Will Physical Activity Positively Impact Heart Health?

More Evidence Physical Activity Reduces Cardiovascular Risk Marlene Busko    November 23, 2017 OXFORD, UK — A study of close to 500,000 people without cardiovascular disease...

Pravda: Trump’s Secret Online Life as the Mysterious “Q”

Editor's note:  What VT believes is that Trump has taken on someone from the Alt-Left to tweet and post across multiple platforms a combination...

Sexual abuse of children investigated at US run nursery in China

A Chinese kindergarten run by a US-listed group is under investigation after claims of sexual molestation and needle marks on children. Parents say their...

Syrian Kurds ‘Determined to Retaliate Against Turkish Invasion of Afrin’

Amid the military buildup on the Syrian-Turkish border near Kurdish-controlled Afrin, Foza Yusuf, executive council co-chair of the self-proclaimed Democratic Federation of Northern Syria...

UK Teen ‘Who Thought Humans Were Robots’ Detained for Killing Girl Aged Seven

Sputnik spoke to a child psychiatrist about the difficulty of diagnosing mental illness in children and adolescents after an incident in Britain, involving a...

‘Impossible’: Doubts Over Trump’s Plan to Defeat World’s Bloodiest Gang MS-13

  Police in the United States are investigating the murder of a man by members of the notorious MS-13 gang. Sputnik spoke to a gang...

Putin: I’m building an alliance to defend ourselves against the New World Order

....by Jonas E. Alexis   The Daily Beast, a thoroughly Zionist outlet, is probably right when it has recently declared that “Russian President Vladimir Putin is...

Top 5 Veterans News: Nov. 24, 2017

We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need.

RAG RADIO: Glenn Smith and Thorne Dreyer Survey the Political Scene

Rag Radio political analyst Glenn Smith joins host Thorne Dreyer in trying to make some sense out of the cascading events on the U.S....

Statement of the 15th IHR Emergency Committee regarding the international spread of poliovirus

The fifteenth meeting of the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) regarding the international spread of poliovirus was convened by the...

Presidents of Iran, Russia, Turkey hold Syria talks in Sochi

Jim W. Dean - The post ISIS-defeat shadow-boxing continues to crank up with the latest Sochi meeting of the Syrian guarantors' ceasefire, absent the US of course, due to its blatant undermining of all those it had previously been a part of.

Pentagon Setting Biological Bombs Against Europe?

By Oriental Review with VT's Jeffrey Silverman The media in Europe rarely mention the increasing outbreaks of dangerous diseases in Ukraine.  No one has mentioned...

Saudi Arabia uses US mercenaries to torture arrested princes, businessmen: Report

A report reveals Saudi Arabia has been using US mercenaries to torture Saudi princes and billionaires who have recently been arrested in the biggest...

Updated: Two Generals One Coup, Original Story about Turkish Coup

There is something going on, that no one seems to be wanting a Secular Turkey. Does it tie in with Flynn and the Republicans?...

New Role of Qatar and UAE in Afghanistan and its Impact on the Involved...

Nazar Mohammad Mutmaeen for VT Afghan writer and political Analyst based in Kabul The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a close friend of the United States...

Congressman Joe Barton “sexts” Nude Photo of World’s Ugliest Evangelical Christian

Editor's note:  Joe and I are the same age.  Joe, whose record in congress since 1984, has him pimping for oil companies, the insurance...

Prof. Tony Hall wins – U. of Lethbridge backs down, does the right thing

Witch hunt crumbles – academic freedom triumphs – Tony Hall returns to the University of Lethbridge!

2 wrongfully convicted men each get $15mn after decades in prison, police misconduct

  Editor's note:  This year, one of our defense companies worked on an Ohio case involving a charge of vehicular homicide in support of a...