Dozens of Georgians likely Killed by US toxin or Bioweapon disguised as Drug Research – Russian MoD
… from Russia Today, Moscow
[ Editor’s Note: It has taken a while for VT’s reporting about Senator Lugar Laboratory’s illegal bioweapons human testing to get into the mainstream news. Moscow has known about the laboratory for years because it monitors VT, but it chose to keep any response low key.
That seems to have changed now with its statement to consider a military reaction among its options – something rarely said by the Russians; plus the statement comes from a high official.
It also shows the rest of the world that the incidence of 79 people murdered in population testing can be kept quiet due to no international oversight of these labs – something that needs to be fixed, as this kind of covert research is a major security threat to us all.
And by that I mean that independent monitors have to be in all of these labs as permanent staff to verify in real time that the laboratory experiments are in compliance with international law and regulations.
Am I unhappy that VT did not even get a mention here, when Moscow has monitored our Lugar Laboratory reporting for years, primarily due to our Seth Ferris articles from NEO? Well, it’s not totally unexpected; and as Gordon does so love to say, “Welcome to how the world really works” … Jim W. Dean ]
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– First published … October 04, 2018 –
A US-funded biomedical laboratory in Georgia may have conducted bioweapons research under the guise of a drug test, which claimed the lives of at least 73 subjects, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.
The question of what really might have taken place at the secretive US-sponsored research facility hosted by Russia’s southern neighbor was raised by the Russian military on Thursday after they studied files published online by a former Georgian minister.
The documents record the deaths of 73 people over a short period of time, indicating a test of “a highly toxic chemical or biological agents with high lethality rate,” said Igor Kirillov, commander of the Russian military branch responsible for defending troops from radiological, chemical and biological weapons.
“The documents showed many lethal outcomes among the patients. Despite the deaths of 24 people in December 2015 alone, the clinical trials were continued in violation of international standards and the wishes of the patients,” Kirillov claimed. “This led to the deaths of 49 more people.”
The large number of deaths stands in stark contrast to the actual documented use of Sovaldi in Russia, where no deaths have been linked to the drug, the Russian official stressed. Kirillov added that the US has a long record of unethical testing on human subjects in foreign countries.
The Russian official said the new documents “allow us to take a fresh look” at outbreaks of African swine fever in southern Russia in 2007-2018, which “spread from the territory of Georgia into the Russian Federation, European nations and China. The infection strain in the samples collected from animals killed by the disease in those nations was identical to the Georgia-2007 strain.”
The general said the Lugar Center in Georgia is simply part of a large network of Pentagon-controlled laboratories involved in WMD research, which was established in countries neighboring Russia. Part of the research is meant to establish infections that would be particularly resistant to vaccination and treatment, and effectively spread in the environment of the places in which the labs are located, he said.
Russia will take “diplomatic and military action” in response to a perceived threat from US labs, said Vladimir Shamanov, head of Russian parliament’s Defense Committee. He was commenting on accusations by the Defense Ministry. “We cannot simply turn a blind eye to things happening near our southern borders that directly affect our safety,” he told TASS news agency.
VT Bioweapon Information Series – 2012 to present
- Former Georgian ministers urge Trump to Investigate Experiments at Lugar laboratory
- Richard E. Lugar: Body of Evidence suggests new US Biological Warfront Opening
- NEO – Georgians as expendable as white rats (Part 3)
- NEO – Lugar Bioweapons Laboratory – a time bomb in Georgia and Region?
- Is Swine Flu (H1N1) in Georgia a Seasonal Virus or the result of the Lugar Lab Activities?
- NEO – Bio lab in Tbilisi top suspect in weaponizing new diseases
- Jeffrey Silverman: Infected personnel from Lugar Lab secretly taken to “Aramyantz” Hospital
- Finally: MSM Dealing with US bioweapons labs in Europe
- Georgians as expendable as white rats (Part 2)
- NEO – Global Alliance for Health does Georgia
- International Criminal Court now considering weighing investigation into 2008 South Ossetia war
- Secret US Attack, Cited by Putin part of Pentagon Biowarfare Plan (Updated)
- NEO – Georgia in the Ebola zone
- NEO – The Skinny on Ambassadors and American values
- Georgians as expendable as white rats
- US produced Sarin gas used in Syria
- Vanishing bioweapons lab in Republic of Georgia
- John Kerry: Liar Liar – Pants on Fire
- Secret Bio-War Program Discovered
- US Bio-Chem Terror factories and Syria
- CIA Bio-Chem Nightmare exposed (interview by Jeffrey Silverman, with introduction by Gordon Duff)
- Press TV: US builds Israeli Nuke bunkers and Bio-War labs

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully InformedIn fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.
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Nice timing on this been released. Coincides with the mass media feverish pitch that Russia is involved in a worldwide hacking campaign that is splashed across tv news stations this morning. The US, UK and the Netherlands are accusing Russia of mass hacks across various regions of the world. Funny how the accusers are USA (NSA), UK (skripals poisoning) and the Netherlands with the MH17 scandal. I wonder if the Russians used the hacking tools created by the NSA that were leaked into the public domain in 2016? This is nothing more than another ‘Russia did it’s BS story. What is the controllers trying to draw our attention away from now? Could it be this article on RT?
Yes, and it hit 50 million members on Faceberg! The ISIS member pages are never blocked, taken down, or removed…Odd that!
Netherlands. Now Belgium about “russian hackers”. A fresh crop of marihuana was harvested.
The dog barks, caravan goes.
Right! Every time you scratch the surface of some clandestine horror, you find the chosen ones lurking, red handed!
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