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Yearly Archives: 2019

UNIFORMED NAZI: Coast Guard Officer Accused of Racist Mass-Murder Plot, Kept ‘Hit List’ of...

A white supremacist Coast Guard lieutenant is accused of stockpiling weapons, compiling a hit list of Democratic senators and left-leaning journalists, and preparing for...

Very Hot Story: Senate Investigation Leads to “PeePee” Prostitute Procurer

Introduction by Senior Editor: What we know: Russian oligarchs, ones listed as gangsters and under money laundering restrictions, funded Trump after the meetings outlined below...

Gravity with Keshe, Tesla and Jeff Smith

Gravity is a simple difference in voltage between two objects of mass that is always attractive.

Indian Media: Pakistan PM Imran Khan warns India of retaliatory action

“It is in our interest that nobody from our soil spreads violence. I want to tell Indian govt that we will take action if...

Сhemical Provocations in Abu ad-Duhur area: REALITY or DUBIOUS ALLEGATIONS?

Against the background of the latest BBC producer's assertion that video footage of last year's chemical weapons attack in the Syrian city of Douma...

The Monica Witt USAF/OSI Spy Defection Case and Marzieh Hashemi

One has to be oblivious to international and national news stories not to be aware of the breaking Monica Witt spy/treason/defection case involving this young Texan lady in the United States Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations (OSI).

Rubella gave me a disability. This is my message to anti-vaxxers

(CNN)"Oh, we're not planning to vaccinate." These are the words a friend says to me in the midst of a conversation about their...

Israel’s Left ‘Wants to Define New Borders After Peace Negotiation’

Members of Israel’s Labour party went to the polls on Monday to elect the party’s Knesset slate. The latest surveys show that the Likud...

US, Saudi Nuclear Sale, Mike Harris on Press TV

A report by US Congressional Democrats says that key members of the Trump administration have been pushing a plan to sell nuclear power plants...

US rushing to give Saudi sensitive nuclear technology: Congressional report

...from Press TV, Tehran - First published ... February 19, 2019 - A congressional report reveals that the United States is rushing to transfer “highly...

Bohemian Rhapsody: A Great Lesson in Harmony

Health Editor's Note: Bohemian Rhapsody IS a great piece of music. I simply cannot resist singing along anytime, no matter where, I hear it...

Labour: anti-Semitic or just resisting occupation?

The war on Corbyn hots up

France: Truth About Terrorism Treated as Psychiatric Disorder, Involuntary “Committment

Editor's note:  The following email was received today.  It outlines the policy of France when the truth is told about the wave of fake...

Russia Believes Trump will be Jailed: Munich Conference Analysis Reveals

The departure of Donald Trump from politics will not improve relations between the US and Europe, Pravde.Ru told the program director of the Russian...

Trump’s Rothschild Bribe: Deutsche Bank Weighed Extending Trump Loans on Default Risk

By Gavin Finch , Steven Arons , and Shahien Nasiripour for Bloomberg Bank is said to have been concerned about default in office  Executives...

Putin: Russia to Take Steps if US Deploys Its Short, Medium Range Missiles in...

Sputnik/Moscow: In an address to the Federal Assembly on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin touched upon a spate of pressing international issues related to...

Putin warns of retaliation if US deployed missiles in Europe

Jim W. Dean - The Deep State has chosen to have an arms race and there will be no serious challenge to that in the US.

Turkey dangerous games causing Idlib catastrophe

By Firas Samuri for VT The meeting of the heads of Russia, Turkey and Iran dedicated to the Syrian settlement was held in the Russian...

Possibilities of online casino in the field

With the innovation of technology, you can now play 3D slot machines for real money.

5 Resources for Disabled Veterans

There are several programs available that can provide assistance, equipment and resources to disabled veterans.

UK Foreign Secretary Warns Germany Over Stop in Arms Sales to Saudis

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has slammed Berlin’s embargo on arms sales to Saudi Arabia for hurting British exports, in a...

McCabe: ‘I think it’s possible’ Trump is a Russian asset

Watch the entire video.  If McCabe isn't a monster, we are in trouble.  Hell, we all know we're in trouble.   Here is what we know: ...

NATO’s Atlantic Council hijacks Munich conference with revisionist ‘principles’ declaration

by Nebojsa Malic,  with Russia Today, Moscow  - First published ... February 19, 2019 - Taking over the annual Munich security conference, the Atlantic Council has...

How Israel, Iran Will Work With Russia-Led EAEU

Sputnik/Moscow: Israel, one of Washington's key allies in the Middle East, refused to impose anti-Russian sanctions and is seeking to sign a free trade...

Trump and His Criminal Friends: Justice Thomas Wants “Easy” Libel Law to Hammer...

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor An army of lawyers in New York and Washington, backed by PMC's, is after the independent press.  They are there...

Brexit: Rats begin leaving the Labour ship

A group of seven perpetually-whingeing MPs has quit the UK Labour Party to go independent. They are Chuka Umunna, Luciana Berger, Chris Leslie, Angela...

New Blue Print for Treating a Deadly Brain Tumor

NIH-funded, preclinical study suggests a common form of brain cancer may be treated with combination radio- and chemotherapy by National Institutes of Health News Release In a...

VA’s Great American Spit Out

VAs "Better Starts Today" Campaign Challenges Veterans to Ditch Smokeless Tobacco Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs WASHINGTON — Today the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)...

Anti-Semitic? How the rule of the rabbis is fueling a holy war in Israel

https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2019/02/17/how-the-rule-of-the-rabbis-is-fueling-a-holy-war-in-israel/#more-192374 VT Editor's note:  The following article was submitted from Germany and has been considered anti-semitic.  We find nothing hurtful to individuals and will republish...

WaPo: Chinese military quietly grows its presence in Central Asia’s forbidding highlands

For at least three years Chinese troops have been stationed in Tajikistan quietly watching over an old passageway into Afghanistan, according to interviews, analysis...

Iranian Spying? or Neocon 9/11 Coverup?

When the May 2018 New Horizon conference in Mashhad nearly persuaded the Iranian government to throw its full support behind a major 9/11 truth initiative—one that could have led to discovery proceedings forcing suspected 9/11 perpetrators like Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and others to testify under oath— the neoconservative element of the Establishment must have panicked.

Update-Fake Story: New report reveals Saudi minister Jubeir’s links with Mossad

...from Press TV, Tehran Update 2 : Odyssey Online has pulled the story down and cancelled the author's account. Hello Jim, Thank you for reaching out...

Tulsi Gabbard kills New World Order bloodbath in thirty seconds

“We must stand up against powerful politicians from both parties who sit in their ivory towers thinking up new wars to wage, new places for people to die, wasting trillions of our taxpayer dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives and undermining our economy, our security, and destroying our middle class.”

How to Use Your Military Experience When Writing Application Essay

Many challenges are still on your way, and one of them is related to writing a college application essay. Get prepared today!

Humiliating: Donald Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize nominations ‘forged’, committee says

As far as I know, this is the first example of someone nominating someone by stealing another person's identity', says committee secretary

Study: Vitamin D/ Omega-3 Supplements; Do They Prevent Cancer?

Health Editor's Note: VITAL is an acronym for VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL (VITAL) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  We often read how supplements such as...

China Looks to Secure Space Superpower Status With Earth-Orbiting Power Plants

Earlier this year, the country's space program already made space exploration history by achieving humanity's first-ever successful soft landing on the far side of...

UK: Facebook labelled ‘digital gangsters’ by report on fake news

Facebook deliberately broke privacy and competition law and should urgently be subject to statutory regulation, according to a devastating parliamentary report denouncing the company and...

No More: Medical Truth Decay

It is Time to Stand Up Against Anti-vaxxers by Scott Ratzan, MD and Kenneth Rabin, PhD In a world where so many things need to be set...