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Yearly Archives: 2019

America’s Moby Dick

Friends & Colleagues Terrorism, in fact and fancy, is now woven into the fabric of American society. It is as integral to our way of...

2011: The Munchousen Syndrome

By Dr. Ingrid R. Zundel (Columnist and Editor Emeritus, VT)  - May 15, 2011 Years before I met and married Ernst Zundel and, thus, became a Holocaust Denier...

Islamic Republic Not Months Away from Collapse

by Ali Hashemi, Iran  ...with Iran Front Page News Alireza Hashemi is an Iranian political journalist working for Iran's English and Persian-Language media who regularly...

Anti-Vaxxers: Dupes or Terrorists?

Health Editor's Note: No one has a natural immunity against "childhood" diseases which there are vaccines to prevent. Meningitis, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis...

BBC “Trying to Limit Damage” After Fake News of Syrian Chemical Attack

BBC Syria producer Riam Dalati tweeted on Wednesday that the video of people treated after an alleged chemical weapons attack in the Syrian city...

Hospital Costs Raise Price of Healthcare

Hospital Prices Outgrew Physician Prices in 2007-2014 But American Hospital Association points to more recent figures showing markedly slower growth  by Jack O'brien HealthLeaders Media Price growth...

Afghan Peace: Reaching into the Womb

By Samson Sharif, VT Islamabad Agreements like the Treaty of Lausanne (between Turkey and Greece) sponsored by France, or Radcliffe Award finalized by Great Britain...

We Thought it Was Just Idiots: Russian Trolls Accused of Deadly Measles Outbreak...

Editor's note:  Russia claims they didn't do it and that idiots on fakebook are responsible for the 72 recent measles deaths in Europe.  But...

 India’s Economic Warfare against Pakistan

                                       By Sajjad Shaukat for VT As part of the continued propaganda campaign, Indian media leaves no stone unturned in targeting Pakistan. India’s economic warfare...

Four Tips to Buying Your Child’s First Laptop

Use these tips to make the optimal purchase so that your investment keeps on giving, year after year.

Nicolás Maduro grabs New World Order agents by the balls

New World Order agents are constantly living in fear precisely because truth is their enemy. They cannot construct a coherent political thought without falling into contradictions. They want to steal, kill, and destroy.

Manafort Deal Dead, Trump Now Vulnerable (updated)

Editor's note: Our sources say that Manafort, all along, has been communicating with Trump through former campaign/inaugural cutouts, discussing lying to Mueller and promises...

Netanyahu calls for war with Iran

Jim W. Dean - Bibi came right out and declared he was there to get a war going with Iran, thinking that would beef up his political standing back home

Trump Smackdown: House Votes to End U.S. Aid for Saudi’s (Israeli) Yemen War

Editor's note:  Pure good v. bad politics with the GOP siding with Israel and Saudi Arabia in their genocide against the people of Yemen...

BBC Producer Says Footage of Alleged Gas Attack Victims in Syria’s Douma Staged

LONDON (Sputnik) - Riam Dalati, the Syria producer at the BBC, said that the footage of people being treated after an alleged chemical weapons...

The enemy of America – The New Socialist Democrats

I remind America once again, the oath of office legislators take when sworn in. This last batch of phonies must have had their fingers...

Deliberate Misinformation = Washington Measles Outbreak

Health Editor's Note: Readers, here are some clear facts: The MMR vaccine does not nor did it ever contain thimerosal as a preservative used...

America: The High Cost of Survival

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor The media is filled with stories of police murdering the black, the poor, veterans, hispanics, of police corruption, of entire...

Guardian: Ilhan Omar is right about the influence of the Israel lobby

It’s important to remember how the controversy around Ilhan Omar, who Trump said should resign over tweets critical of a pro-Israel lobbying group, began....

Will the Public Find Out if Trump Directed Campaign Contact with Stone on Wikileaks?

by Joyce Vance   On January 24th, a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. convened by Special Counsel Robert Mueller returned an indictment of Roger Stone...

Friendly Fire Kills NYPD Detective

Editor's Note:  The suspect was waving a "fake" hand gun and Detective Simonsen was not wearing a protective vest.....Carol Forty-two Shots Fired By Police In...

Trump Orders Shut Down of FBI’s War Crimes Unit

by Beth Van Schaack A special unit within the Federal Bureau of Investigation that handles war crimes may be shut down imminently, according to officials...

Treason: Sen. Richard Burr Accused in Russia Collusion Coverup for Trump

by Ryan Goodman On the same day that Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) officially joined the Trump campaign as a senior national security advisor, the U.S....

USAF’s First Woman Flight Commander Sacked After Just 2 Weeks

Earlier, military gender equality advocates everywhere and the USAF's press service had highly praised Zoe Kotnik, a 30-year-old Air Force captain who earned the...

Record-Breaking Number of Americans Late on Car Loans

A record 7 million American drivers are experiencing serious difficulties with car payments, even though the national unemployment rate has sunk and the economy...

Israeli Tank Fire Hits Hospital in Syria,

The province where a demolished hospital was shelled by Israeli tank fire, is located in southern Syria, close to the Golan Heights, which have...

Military Treatment Facilities Earn Surgical Quality Award

Four Military Treatment Facilities Earn Prestigious Surgical Quality Awards By Military Health System Communication Office Four military treatment facilities have been honored by the American College...

Books in Review: Understanding Trump & Trump White House

INTERVIEW: Robert David Steele Understanding Donald Trump and the White House – A Few Books Tehran Times, 13 February 2019 By Javad Heirannia Reprinted in full with permission. Q....

Will US new anti Iran Jihad crash and burn in Warsaw?

Jim W. Dean - The Warsaw Conference begins with a crippled start as most or the EU countries are boycotting it, including even many of the usual Russia haters, angry at the US backing out of the JCPOA

Syrian Conflict and Beginning of the New Cold War?

By Nauman Sadiq, VT Islamabad In July 2003, Dr. David Kelly, a British weapons inspector who had disclosed to the media that Tony Blair’s government’s...

10 Simple Hacks to Help You Sleep Better and Look Better this Spring

Sleeping is a natural process. It provides the body with a chance to do its repair work. Both the mind and the body relax,...

5 Ways to Keep Your Small Business Secure

Small companies and retail stores are often common targets because they don’t represent a challenge to skilled thieves.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Health Editor's Note:  Laughter is the best medicine.  Laughter reduces stress, boosts your immunity, combats depression, increases resiliency, can relieve pain, and best of...

Your Body May Make One Quintillion Antibodies

Health Editor's Note:  Antibodies are the foot soldiers who fight against infection. The main function of the immune system is to produce antibodies.  Antigens...

Fighting the Opioid Crisis

Fighting the Opioid Crisis: NIH HEAL Initiative Takes On Addiction and Pain Management Plan is Engaging Multiple Institutes Across NIH by NIH Director Francis Collins, M.D.,...

On Iran, Pompeo and Bolton are pushing Trump down a proven path of failure...

...by Trita Parsi The National Interest February 12, 2019 https://nationalinterest.org/feature/americas-effort-isolate-iran-will-backfire-44342 As the celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of the Iranian revolution comes to an end in Tehran, Secretary...

Pentagon duped into buying $65mn worth of fake cream

Jim W. Dean - The $2 trillion missing in the last big audit also has not generated the court-marshal word being used in any of these stories.

Nigeria Elections on Saturday Crucial for Persecuted Christians

News Release: from Save the Persecuted Christians Save the Persecuted Christians Has Been Urging a U.S. Special Envoy to Nigeria; Sitting Nigerian President Says Violence by...

Procurement Expo For Veterans

SAVE THE DATE: USAF General to Review Government Contracting for Veterans USAF Brigadier-General (Ret.) Harris Jay Klein will coach veteran-owned businessmen and women how to...