Breaking: Lindsey Graham faces criminal probe for Georgia election rigging demand…so does Trump

A Georgia district attorney is investigating whether Graham violated state law in a call with an elections official.

  • solicitation of election fraud

  • making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies,

  • conspiracy,

  • racketeering,

  • violation of oath of office

  • involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Vox: In Georgia, a criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s post-election conduct is expanding to include close Trump ally Sen. Lindsey Graham, according to a Friday report by the Washington Post.

The investigation, which was opened by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis earlier this month, will probe whether Trump — and now Graham — violated state law in the course of Trump’s attempt to overturn the election results in Georgia following the 2020 presidential election.

According to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Graham — a Republican from South Carolina — asked Raffensperger in November whether the secretary of state had the power to throw out all mail-in ballots in certain Georgia counties, a move that could potentially have tipped the state, and its 16 electoral votes, to Trump in the November election.

Raffensperger was reportedly “stunned” by Graham’s question and rejected the idea, which would have been beyond his power as secretary of state. After multiple recounts, President Joe Biden ultimately won Georgia by 11,779 votes, becoming the first Democratic presidential nominee to do so since Bill Clinton in 1992.

A spokesperson for Graham told the Post that Graham has done nothing wrong, and suggested that the investigation might be politically motivated.

“Sen. Graham was asking about how the signature verification process worked,” the spokesperson said. “He never asked the secretary of state to disqualify a ballot cast by anyone. The timing on this is also quite curious. It seems to be a less than transparent effort to marginalize anyone who helps President Trump.”

The Graham-Raffensperger conversation was first revealed by Raffensperger himself in a November interview with the Washington Post, and subsequent reporting by the Post also uncovered a conversation between Trump and Raffensperger in early January this year. read more..


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  1. What a load of manure. They will not do shit to this traitorous POS. Were there any real impetus to go after criminals, he would already have been convicted of being an agent of a foreign gov (at the least) and a supporter of terrorism. The latter provable by the many photos of him with ISIS and HTS leaders. He promised them aid to fight the evil Assad to help these moderate (head choppers) destroy Syria. Any prosecution would endanger the real backstory of US world-wide support for terrorism. One must remember who is behind him and why he stuck his chickenshit neck out for Trump. He has no fear of reprisal, as he is following a script, just like the rest of DC. One must remember that Georgia is a anti-BDS state and one that uses Israeli trained police as well. Go after and convict an Israeli asset? Not even likely.

    • Everything you wrote is accurate, but he probably assisted in bringing the Towers Down with Israel. The Republican from South Carolina ? I have trouble understanding how people vote for war mongers. His twin was McCain. This guy and so many like him torture half the world population, with sanctions, starvation, and never ending wars. The snow storm left millions in the US without power is headline news. Venezuelans go for months without power, food or medicine because of US sabotage. Headlines reads, Venezuelan dictator killing his own people. Main Stream media took down there comments section real fast. They only want one side of the story.

  2. America is better off with Lindsey Graham removed and permanently banned from public office. This moron has no spine!

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