by Valeria Kilkov, with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow, …and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a research institution for the study of the countries and cultures of Asia and North Africa.
[ Editor’s Note: Putin is a killer, and Biden, Obama and Trump were not? Really? Mr. Obama’s adminstration collected the plum of getting Assad to turn over all of his chemical weapons, where silly me would credit Mr. Assad with half the honor.
Later, the Obama administration claimed Assad to be using chemical weapons, with marginal effect, but which if true would have devastating credibility consequences for Assad’s government, which has never given evidence that it would be so stupid as to hand its head on a silver platter to those trying to destroy it.
VT has not found a shred of credible evidence that Assad ever used such weapons other than when the jihadis fired chlorine gas cannisters at the SAA where it sometimes fired back. Those decisions were made by local units.
You will notice that the endless claims of Syria gassing its own people came from totally discredited sources like the White Helmets. VT debunked one of the claims by having a Turkish film crew go to the scene to interview locals who described the story entirely bogus.
Then we had US pilots flying over the Iraq, Syria border reporting of the endless line of ISIS tankers taking oil through Syria to the back door of Turkey in a mass that high school level astronomy telescopes could see the massed tankers from the moon. The pilots were never allowed to bomb these columns, but the Russians sure did when they came in.
The American government hid (very poorly) its support for terrorist proxies in Syria and Iraq. It now, as cover, admits to training 10,000 ‘resistance fighters’, but thinks we are all too stupid not to know about the former PM and FM of Qatar admitting on the Charlie Rose show that the ‘US coalition’ spent $160 billion trying to carve up Syria. I have never seen the US government refute this.
And then Mr. Biden, you were fully aboard the Yemen disaster, where reports are coming out now that the Al Qaeda presence there was exaggerated to give cause for US forces to operate inside the country.
You are the leader of a country that has a solid provable history of using proxy terror forces. Of all the nice things you are intending to do, I am wondering why you don’t want to ban the use of proxy terrorism, or push to have all private military contrators under constant government control to prevent abuses.
The last thing we need from you now is to be a Democratic version of Donald Trump on foreign affairs, where you have your pet boogie men to defend us from. We are tired of this scam.
The world is much more sophisticated now about fake threats and fake wars. Old intel guys in their 70’s could debate you on this, and it would not be pretty if you pretended this was not the case. Please don’t copy Trump on the Mr. Tough guy foreign policy shtick. It will lower your stature for no gain …Jim W. Dean ]
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First published … March 22, 2021
In a recent interview that the sitting US president gave to the ABC channel, Joe Biden confirmed that he considers Russia’s president Vladimir Putin a “soulless killer”, adding a series of threats against Russia to those remarks.
Such a statement, that was based purely on Russophobic misinformation, would do no honor to any politician. However, when such remarks are made by a person that occupies the position of the head of the United States, they start looking particularly queer, since Russian leaders, unlike their American counterparts, are not generally known for unleashing bloody senseless conflicts like the Vietnam war or the wars in the Middle East, that resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties.
Such improper and aggressive behavior can hardly be attributed to the mental challenges that Biden might or might not be suffering from.
However, there are a lot of speculations going around in the mainstream media about his mental capabilities, that were first started by the Australian TV show host Cory Bernardi that discussed those issues in his show on Sky News as early as last February.
For sure, one cannot rule out that the entire White House and the Biden family got infected with a “biting frenzy” that first affected Joe’s German Shepherd that had a “biting incident” with a member of White House security. However, if the sitting US president did in fact got affected by this “disease”, it still doesn’t excuse his remarks.
What is clear is that this aggressive posturing was met with widespread outrage in different parts of the world.
Biden’s statement is a triumph of political insanity and senile dementia of the US ruling class said the leader of the ruling United Russia party Andrei Turchak. In turn, Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalled its ambassador to the US for “consultations”, which occurred for the first time in the entirety of the modern Russian-American relations.
Most of the countries reacted critically to Biden’s statement, as it’s been pointed out by major newspapers and online publications. Readers in their comments to the stories published on those platforms point out that the demonization of Russia and the attempts to publicly insult Russia’s president are plain crazy.
What is curious, even Japanese readers do not hide their surprise and indignation these days. In particular, one can come across comments on Yahoo News Japan, where they argue about Biden’s frail mental state and make remarks that his entourage shouldn’t be allowing POTUS anywhere near the nuclear button.
Indeed, Joe Biden looks weak and his health condition would repeatedly draw the attention of various media outlets. Due to his age, and Biden has recently turned 78, there’s a lot of doubts voiced publicly about his ability to fully perform his duties in the highest position of power. During the presidential race, he would frequently get into awkward situations.
The media discussed his senile gait, his numerous gaffes. When Biden was giving a speech at the beginning of March dedicated to women serving in the US military, he would show symptoms of dementia yet again by forgetting the name of the secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin.
During the presidential campaign, he said that he was trying to get elected to the Senate, and last December he named US vice president Kamala Harris the president of the United States. In November, Biden confused his granddaughter Natalie with his deceased son Beau, he also called his political rival George, confusing Trump him with his predecessor – George W. Bush.
The National Pulse and a number of other American outlets have already pointed out that the better part of important telephone conversations with other world leaders are conducted by Kamala Harris. In this regard, questions about Biden’s physical and mental ability to perform his duties are openly voiced even in the United States.
It’s noteworthy that ever since the days of Franklin Roosevelt both American parties prefer to put forward weak political figures to occupy the Oval Office and Joe Biden that replaced Donald Trump in the capacity of the US president is the pinnacle of this political trend.
One cannot describe such actions as illogical, as it is easier to manipulate such politicians, and when things don’t go the way they were planned those politicians would typically get all the blame for the decisions that were made by someone else.
However, we shouldn’t overlook the fact that the duties of a weak president are still performed by a group of hidden functionaries. Therefore, the “collective Biden” makes the decisions that were approved by leading Democratic party figures, sponsors and lobbyists. Those are the people that are calling the shoots and they know perfectly well what they are up to.
Therefore, behind Biden’s antics in the now scandalous interview one can distinguish a clear desire of the ruling political elite to drive the public discussion away from the failed domestic policies by promoting hysteria about Russia or China, or to build a narrative about such “existential enemies” to the US as Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, etc. The escalation of this hysteria, as the “collective Biden” certainly hopes, will justify a new war of words, a new arms race, and even a new military conflict.
It’s clear that the United States will not dare to take any direct military action against Russia, knowing full well that there’s no use planning a war when Moscow has the advantage of superior weapons and the well-trained army.
However, Washington is thoroughly invested in provoking some of its new “satellites” to pursue an armed escalation with Russia. That is why the “collective Biden” is not just shaking the air with loud statements, but also tacitly aggravates tensions on Russia’s borders by allowing NATO to stage provocations with its reconnaissance and bomber aircraft in the Baltic, Black and Barents Seas, by deploying additional military units and American offensive weapons to Romania, Poland, Norway, and the Baltic States.
What is curious is that the population of all these countries hasn’t been informed yet that, in response to such provocations, Russia would prepare to defend itself with the full might of its entire arsenal.
It is a well-known fact that war has always been one of the solutions to internal crises that different aggressive countries faced throughout history. That is why Western countries would start their wars. However, neither the Soviet Union nor the Russian Federation have resorted to this tactics, on the contrary, they would face the necessity to defend themselves from external aggression.
That is why it is highly probable that under Biden, the United States will be dragged into a new military conflict, or into aggravating the situation in the traditional hot spots of the Middle East or Asia. Under certain conditions, the US may fulfill Israel’s demands to launch air-strikes against Iran, without sending any ground troops in.
Getting a large number of boots on the ground in the Middle East will result in an ever increasing number of casualties, which the US cannot afford, thus it will not succeed in a direct assault against Tehran.
Therefore, it is quite possible that in one of his future public speeches Biden will proclaim that Washington needs a small “victorious campaign” in an area that is geographically closer to the United States – for example, in Latin America, or in Southeast Asia.
And that’s why Biden, as he has fallen victim to an age-related loss of direction, will be lashing out not just against Russia, but against China, and a number of other countries supporting the two, an his remarks are to become ever more and more furious.
Valery Kulikov, political expert, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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“Putin is a killer !” Biden
Putin’s reply : “the one who says it is the one who is…”
Good reply !
Biden’s script is that of a Hollywood political thriller. US dissidents, antifa, vigilantes, critics, war opposites, and all justice hungry should all legally change their names to George Bush, literally in hundreds of thousands. Then they would start to feel the fruits of their defiance, and would not be prone as much to wars, military, arabophobia or slavophobia. A very peaceful protest indeed, against a failing democracy, no guns no loudspeakers no Capitol storming nor D.C. marching. Perhaps if we could get Cohen or Moore to do it, make it into a movie or so.
Finally the truth will win! Thanks Jim too…
Why we can’t be friends? It is obvious, that the world is multi – polar.
You know, now the whole world is laughing at America and its president. Thousands of memes, video jokes, Biden is the most talked about scarecrow in the American garden. It couldn’t get any worse. Biden is the collective image of our Brezhny and Yeltsin. Guys, when I saw this old man falling on the plane’s ladder, to be honest, it was not funny to me. Fools laugh at old people. In the USSR, we were brought up to respect our elders. It’s in our blood. I feel sorry for him humanly. Maybe he was useless crap in politics, made mistakes, did not create anything good. When I look at him, it evokes a feeling of pity. Pity is the worst feeling for men. I want to say: maybe as a politician Biden was always shit, but as an old man – don’t laugh. Old people, if we’re lucky, we’ll all be. I would like to wish him good health and – Americans – let him go to retire in peace. Don’t make fun of the old man …. I sincerely ask you.
Andy, so much would I like to say that we could be friends. Sadly, we in the USA are beholden to the same Likudniks that Trump was. They might ,as Biden has done, declare a clean break from the past regime. They might… but they would be wrong. We will continue to be beholden to AIPAC and the neocons. This will not end well…
Andrew, I can see your soul in your comment; it is as close to good as a man can get.
Most Americans are decent people just like most Russians are.
But no people since the Germans in Nazi times have been subjected to more psychosocial manipulation than the American people. One could go so far as to say Americans have suffered propagandist abuse to the point of being in a subclinical state of insanity.
It’s not their fault, they have no manners, or ability to discern the dismal state of their nation. They are the “true victims;” hypnotized into allegiance to their oppressor.
You are a good man to speak your heart. I do agree that we should not make light of a frail old man, as we will all be there, sooner or later, if we live that long. Having said that, after seeing what their decisions have wrought, as in the picture of the Yemeni girl above, my sympathy for him and other like him is tempered by compassion for their victims. Decisions that have destroyed their country and caused a horrific genocide of starvation. How many would have similar compassion if this were Hitler at the same age and condition?
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